Publishedat 8th of November 2019 12:06:31 PMPlease help us improve Trinity Audio
Chapter 192

"Haru? Are you still on the line?" Vince asked him worried that his friend isn"t responding .

"Yes, I"m still here . By the way, is Yve already asleep?"

"Nope . But she"s in the bathroom . " Vince answered him .

"Then just tell her I called . There"s no need to call me back tonight . I"ll call again tomorrow . "

"Is it something urgent?" Vince asked to try and get some details from his best friend .

"Nope . Good night, Vince . Bye!" Haru hurriedly ended the phone call .

"Something is really odd . Even Haru is included in whatever Yve is planning . Well maybe it has something to do with my birthday"s menu . I will not pry on it further . " Vince told himself and took note that he will tell Yve about Haru"s call tomorrow morning .

On cue, Yve came out from the bathroom looking refreshed while wearing her pajamas .

"Is everything alright, Vince?" Yve asked .

"Yes . Don"t worry . You should sleep early . " Vince replied .

"Hmm…" Yve said as she approached the bed and lay on her side of the bed .

"Vince, have you heard on the examination results?" Yve asked .
"Not yet . Why?"

"I"m just… . . "

"Don"t worry too much . By this time, they must be sending out the letters . You will receive one soon . " Vince a.s.sured her .

"I hope it contains good news . " Yve voiced out before closing her eyes to sleep .

Vince kissed her forehead and whispered, "It will be . Now, don"t worry and sleep tight . "

"Hmm…" Yve answered .

The couple retired for the night .

The following morning, Vince told Yve of Haru"s phone call and in an instant, Yve texted Haru to ask for the reason .

"Why did you call last night?"

"I forgot to ask for the interior of the reception especially the serving table . " Haru replied instantly .

"I see . I will send it to your email the moment I arrived at the office . "

After a few minutes, Haru replied and asked a question .

"Did Vince ask you for the reason why I called?"

"Nope . But I guess he"s considering it might have something to do with the menu for his birthday party . "

"And you"re not bothered by it?"

"Nope . As long as he still doesn"t have a clue on the surprise wedding, I am fine with it . "

Vince noticed the frequent exchange of text messages at that time . He got curious and asked .

"So why did Haru call last night?"

"He made a minor change in the taste of one of the dishes . He will send me a sample during lunch time . "

"Hmm… only you?" Vince can"t help but get a little jealous . His friend is his fiancé"s idol after all .

"Ahmm… I requested a special dish for your birthday so yup, only me for now . You will have a taste on your birthday . "

Showing dissatisfaction on Yve"s answer, he pulled her closer to his body and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her . His kiss was different than all the other kisses he gave . This one is fierce and full of strong emotions . His movements were fast and disrespectful . He forced his way inside my mouth and dictated the pace .

"What"s wrong with him?"

"I don"t like this kiss . "

"He is like a different person . "

"I don"t know this man . "

Yve wondered as she tried to push him away . When she was unsuccessful, she bit Vince"s lips and pushed him once more .

"Why did you bite me?!" Vince shouted .

"Because you are hurting me! Your kiss… . It"s like you"re a different person . I don"t know what"s gotten into you . I"m leaving!" Yve exclaimed and walked out of the room .

Vince sat on the couch and brushed his hair with his hand .

"What did you just do, Vince?"

"You just forced your kiss on her! Of course, she would get mad!"

He reflected on what he just did .

On the other hand, Yve left the hotel and silence filled her trip to the office as Chrysthe didn"t dare say anything based on the aura that Yve has been emitting . As soon as she arrived at the office, the staff noticed her foul mood . Even Sylvan was left with no other choice but to ask Chrysthe . The latter revealed what he heard .

"Stupid Boss . " Both of them thought .

Despite the foul mood, Sylvan acted as if he didn"t notice anything . So he went inside her office and reported her schedule for the day . Before going out, he handed out Eybelle"s suggested TV station and newspaper . Yve received the doc.u.ments well but before she starts reviewing the details, she opened her computer to email the layout that Haru asked . Yve buried herself with work and the finalization of the invitation for the chosen media in an attempt to forget what Vince just did to her .

At the hotel, Edward was shocked not to see Vince in his office so he went to his personal suite and saw his cousin drinking a scotch at broad daylight . He ran towards his cousin and stole the gla.s.s from Vince"s hand .

"What are you doing Edward?!"

"That should be my line! Why are you drinking scotch when you should be working?!" Edward"s frustration is evident in his tone .

After stealing the gla.s.s and removing the bottle from the table, Edward sat on the couch across Vince to listen to his cousin"s sentiment . Edward knows that it has something to do with Yve . But as to what the specific reason was, he couldn"t help himself but get curious .

"Now, without the scotch, can you tell me what happened?" Edward asked as he tries to pull out some information from Vince .

"I did something bad . " Vince confessed .

"Something bad… . . to Yve?"

"… . . "

"You failed to control yourself?" Edward asked with a tiny smile on his face .

"A different kind of control… . But at the end, I"m a failure . "

"I"m lost . Can you please speak normal language? A statement that I can understand . " Edward desperately pleaded .

"With the wedding just around the corner, we can"t afford the groom to back out!" Edward thought .

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