Team Bravo infiltrated the current warehouse in front of them. They were instantly welcomed by the guards to which they decided to use tranquilizers. It has been in Vince"s protocol to use it whenever they"re on a mission with unconfirmed information. The team shot their tranquilizer guns and hid the guards in one of the unused rooms and locked it from the outside.

"Team, everything is normal so far but we only have less than 15 minutes to round this up before the security comes. Let"s spread."

"Roger!" With that, the team were scattered with one subordinate following each of them.

Unaware of the latest developments with Maddie"s search and rescue operation, Yve finished school and reviewed the details of the meeting once more.

"Sylvan, I have these feedback regarding their plans. Do you think they will agree on this?" Yve consulted Sylvan as she handed some papers with her suggestions.

Sylvan read through his Lady Boss" plans and she didn"t fail him once more. Her thoughts were the same as how he thought his Boss would handle the situation. She was able to grasp these plans with basic knowledge how much more if she finished her studies. Her brain was truly made for business. Sylvan thought before he gave his response.

"These plans were way better than what they had submitted. I believe the Boss would have handled it this way, too."

Yve was happy with Sylvan"s remark so she gladly answered, "Would they accept it then?"

"That"s where I"m not sure now. They might silently agree that your idea is good or even better but since it came from you, they"ll say otherwise."

"What do you mean?"

"At the moment, many of the higher-ups didn"t agree with the future plan of turning over the company to you. The reason they have been following and staying in the company is because Mr. Gray is handling it. Otherwise, they would have quit before."

"Are you trying to tell me that they"re still thinking I don"t have what it takes?!" Yve wasn"t slow on the pick up that this is the hidden message of Sylvan. With no reply from the man, it was confirmed.

"I guess I need to convince them on my own. Sylvan, how much time do we have before the start of the meeting?" Yve asked.

"We still have an hour, miss."

"Okay. Ask a.s.sistance from the office of the restaurant. I would need to borrow a printer once I finish." Yve said.

"What are you going to do?" Sylvan curiously asked.

"I"m going to prepare a proposal for the projects just in case they will automatically negate my ideas." Yve calmly said.

Sylvan was shocked and hasn"t fully recovered when Yve looked at him and said, "Sylvan, I still need to ask something from you so please finish what I asked you to do now."

"I"m sorry! Right away, Miss."

With that, Sylvan hurriedly ran inside the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Vince and Edward are clutching on their seats as they wait for the updates from Team Bravo.

"Edward, what"s taking them so long?" Vince anxiously asked.

"Bro, the 15 minutes isn"t over yet. Relax. Next to Team Alpha, they"re the best we got. They never failed you, remember?"

"I know. It"s just I don"t want to lose anyone important to me. You know that."

"Of course."

It has been 10 minutes since they have infiltrated the warehouse and Team Bravo is down to the last infrastructure.

"Time?" Their leader said.

"5 minutes, sir."

"Surround the area and look for different routes of entry. Two will remain and be our look-out."

With that order, they walked towards their respective ways in search for an entrance. Two of them climbed through the pipeline and saw the window above. They peek inside and saw the target.

"Target confirmed." They signaled.

The leader received the information and sent this great news to Vince through an encrypted message. Vince opened it and read the message.

"Target Confirmed. Commencing Rescue Operation."

Reading this message, Vince ordered Edward to investigate the company who owns the warehouse. Edward began investigations.

At the same time, Team Bravo opened the doors and windows simultaneously startling the guards inside the warehouse. As they were caught off guard, their actions were a step late. Each member of the team attacked the guards and easily defeated them. They thought that something was wrong.

"Boss, everything seems to go smoothly, in a very unusual way." One of the members said.

"I thought so. Team, continue to stay on guard. I will approach the Madam now. How much time left?"

"Boss, three minutes left."

"That"s what they were waiting for! Team they"re going to ambush us once we got Madam in our hands. I need 2 sub teams to go ahead. The first team is to head out directly to our vehicle and get it inside while the other team will back them up. The remaining team will help me here and give me cover." Their commander instructed and they instantly dispatch.

True to what their captain thought, some guards were already blocking their way.

"All they have are numbers. Their nothing compared to our strength."

"That may be true but it can cause us delay. We need to hurry. We don"t know what"s happening on Boss" end."

They placed their silencer on their guns and shot each man that would block their way. Just like that, they were able to reach their van to drive into the compound once more.

Team Bravo"s captain approached the sleeping Maddie and untie her hands and feet. This action woke Maddie and asked,

"Who are you?"

"Your son sent us, Madam. You"re in good hands now. But we need to hurry they might come any moment from now."

Maddie instantly stood up but got dizzy due to the abrupt movement. Good thing that the captain was able to hold her up.

"Boss, their coming." One of the people in the look-out said.

"Aren"t they early?" The Boss sarcastically said as he pulled Maddie behind one of the wood boxes. On cue, the door opened and simultaneous gunshots were heard by Maddie"s ears.

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