The loud exchange of gunshots scared Maddie and in reflex she covered her ears in the best way she possibly can. The captain noticed this and through their communication, he asked the members for their location. 

"Boss, we are engaging fire here. We can"t approach any closer."

"Same here, Boss."

"The enemy knows our destination, that"s why we can"t move. Let"s go to point C and meet there. I expect the team to gather there in five." The captain ordered and pulled Maddie up and walked away towards one of the doors they used earlier. 

Maddie learned about this and instantly ran towards the exit and met one young man. She acted defensively so the young man explained.

"Don"t worry, Madam. I am with the Team."

"Madam, please go with him." The captain said and Maddie listened to him by accepting the man"s hand and with that they ran as fast as they could away from the gunshots.

Panting hard while running, Maddie wasn"t thinking straight. She didn"t mind who these people were. For her, as long as they"re enemies of his kidnappers, she"s willing to cooperate with them for now.

Finally, they reached Point C and the Captain decided to hide Maddie and gave his team a call.

"Here in Point C. Your locations?"

"One of the team responded, still engaging fire sir. We will stay behind for a while to hold the enemy troops."

"Approaching the area in a minute, sir."

"Copy that." Just like that, a black van stopped in front of them. The door opened and the next thing Maddie realized was being pulled inside. 

"Madam, how are you?" One of the men asked. But Maddie was lost in a daze. Worried by her silence, the captain called their Boss and reported.

"Secondo, Madam is in our hands now but two of my team are still inside."

Edward nodded at Vince signaling the success of the operation before giving the order,

"Bring the Madam to the nearest hospital from the hotel and secure the area. Have your team pull out after 5 more minutes."

"5 more minutes?!" The captain sounded a bit worried. This had also alerted the members inside the van.

"Are you worried for your troops, Captain?" 

"No, Sir! I"m worried about the annihilation of the other side." The captain confidently responded and earned laughter from his troops.

"I guess that would be the silent order?" Edward smirked.

"Roger that, Secondo!" With that, Edward ended the phone call. The captain forwarded the order and said,

"Heard that team?"

"Roger that!" From their ear pieces, they can hear the other side fully blasting the place.

Based on their laughter, Maddie found her courage to speak.

"Where are you taking me?" 

"Madam, you have finally spoken!"

"We"re taking you to your son." The captain casually answered.

"My son? Vincent?"

n.o.body dared to voice out their Boss" name. Instead, they nodded their heads in confirmation.

"How did you know my son?" Maddie couldn"t believe that her son can do all of these things. The subordinates look at their captain and the man only answered,

"It"s better if your son will answer the question for you. We"re not in the position to disclose that information." 

Sensing that she will not be able to get the information she wanted, Maddie turned to look at the buildings the van pa.s.sed by. She can"t help but remember that just hours before, she didn"t expect to ever see the city lights, not even the daylight. 

In the hotel, Vince stood up and grabbed his coat before heading out of the room. Edward just followed his cousin.

"How"s my mother?"

"She wasn"t talking according to the team. Maybe due to the trauma or shock." Edward explained.

Vince didn"t need him to understand how fearful it must be to be captured especially for his mom who was a carefree person.

"Edward, I expected you avenge my mother instantly." Vince said in the coldest way possible.

"Initially, yes. Annihilation was the last order I gave to the team before leaving the premises."

"Good. As for their business empire?"

"Final and complete details will be in your hands tomorrow morning." 

"Good. On the other hand, I don"t want you to release a statement about my mother. Just wait for my command."

"I got it bro. Let me take care of the PR on that matter. But shouldn"t you inform Yve that your mother is fine now?" Ed reminded his cousin.

Vince stopped walking and looked at his watch before saying, "I will tell her first thing in the morning, local time. It"s already late at night there. She should be sleeping now." 

Edward looked at his watch too and realized that it would really be inconvenient to give her a call.

However, both of them failed to realize that Yve is dead worried for her mother-in-law that she can"t sleep. She walks to their study room and opens the files about Stones which Sylvan gave her tonight. She sits down on the chair and starts to read the files. From then on, she plans to work her way out of the night. 

"Helping out in the company is the only thing I can do to help him, anyways. This is also a good exposure and experience for me." Yve thought to herself. 

As Maddie was being a.s.sisted in the hospital, Vince and Edward arrived and was welcomed by the captain.

"Primo, Secondo!" He saluted the two men.

"Captain, job well done!" Vince saluted back and complimented the man. The captain fully knows how important family is to their boss, so without delay he asked one of his men to escort Vince towards the room where his mother was.

In the entrance of the hospital, Edward and the Captain were left to discuss the mission.

"How was the final order?" Ed coldly asked.

"A success, Sir. The entire troops and area were annihilated."

"Good! Be prepared for possible retaliation. After all, this is not our homebase."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Keep the security tight around here. But for now, you guys can take turns in guarding the area. You also need some rest."

"I understood!" After their conversation, Edward followed Vince to the room while the captain gathered some of his men to relay the order from Edward. 

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