Sylvan knocked on the door of Vince"s office in the base where Yve is currently staying.

"Come in!" Yve responded and Sylvan opened the door.

"Young Madam.."

"What did you find out?"

"A small gang is behind this but they were paid to do so.  As for the client, we still don"t know who but Slayne is working on it." Sylvan reported and added the other details gave by the man they captured.

"I see. Now since it has nothing to do with Vince, once you finish investigating who hired them, let me know and leave everything to me. Got it, Sylvan?" Yve looked up and informed Sylvan.

"I will. But if you need our help, don"t forget we are always by your side. By the way, what should we do with the gang?" Sylvan asked.

"I"ll leave it up to you. I don"t have any plans for them." Yve responded.

"Okay." Sylvan was about to leave when he was called back by Yve.

"Sylvan, are we going to stay here tonight? I"m not comfortable of staying here though and we still have meetings in the office."

"Don"t worry. We can still continue with the other commitments. Allow me to make the necessary arrangements then." Sylvan answered and calmly left the office.

Sylvan called the team with the exception of Slayne. They gathered in a meeting room.

"Sylvan, what did the Lady Boss say?" Chrysthe eagerly asked.

"It"s up to us on how we are going to deal with the gang, she said. Now we are going to deal them in accordance to our rule book." Sylvan said.

"Hmm.. . can I handle this? My team is raring for some action." Eybelle volunteered.

"Okay. I"ll let you handle that. Chrysthe, you go back to the residence and make sure it is safe." Sylvan instructed him.

"I will go to the office and make sure the vicinity is fine.  Slayne is still busy with gathering the information so let"s leave him out of this mission for now."

"Roger that!" The rest of the team responded and was about to head out of the room when they were called out by Sylvan once more.

"Before I forget, let me remind you not to inform both Primo and Secondo about this. The Lady Boss wants to handle this herself."

"By herself? Wouldn"t that be dangerous, Sylvan? Why did you agree?" Eybelle questioned Sylvan"s decision.

"I compromised when she made an offer to ask our help if things get too rough. Besides, I don"t think she will be dealing it in a violent way. As soon as the Red Stripes are wiped out, we are going to have a meeting on intensifying the Lady Boss" security as she deals with the mastermind." Sylvan explained.

"I understand. See you tonight, then?"

"No. Let"s have a video conference instead. The Young Madam still has meetings at night so I can"t come back to have another meeting with you guys."


After saying those things, they went on to their separate ways to fulfill their mission. As the members of Team Alpha get busy with their own tasks, Yve continues to do her tasks inside the office. Suddenly, she received a video call. She"s deep into reading the outline of the meeting later for SkyMu and without looking at the caller ID, she just answered the call.

"Yve, where are you?" The voice is deep and really familiar to her but one that she doesn"t want to hear at the moment. Instantly, she turned off the video and used the ordinary phone call.

"Vince?" She tried to divert his attention and made him forget what he had seen in the few seconds of the video call.

"Yes, it"s me. Where are you and why did you turn off the video? I want to see your face." Vince demanded. Vince wasn"t mistaken with what he saw. It was his office in his private base.

"But what would she be doing there? She should be at school." Vince thought as he looked at the time and computed the time difference.

"I guess I can"t hide it from him then." Yve admitted in her mind and turned the video on.

"I"m in your office at the base." She confessed.

Vince was happy with her honesty but bothered by the fact that she is in the base at the moment. Further, none of the Team Alpha informed him about this.

"What are you doing there? Is everything alright?" Vince asked.

"Everything is fine. I just need to ask Slayne"s help." Yve answered shortly.

"Slayne"s help? What kind of help that you need to personally come there and miss school?" Vince continued to ask as he feels that something"s a miss.

"I want to do a background check in some of my cla.s.smates and I didn"t miss cla.s.s today. The professor cancelled the cla.s.s and gave us homework because of emergency." Yve lied.

"Please don"t ask anymore. I don"t want to continue lying. Please stop asking…." Yve begged Vince in her mind.

"How about you? Why did you call?" Yve desperately asked Vince trying to change the topic.

Vince noticed this but decided to let it be. He trusts his Queen and as long as Team Alpha protects her, he"s fine with it.

"I just hope you will inform me once everything is fine." Vince thought to himself.

"I miss you and I would like to talk to you." Vince genuinely answered making Yve feel guilty.

The couple talked to each other for quite some time and kept each other updated. Vince shared a little about Maddie"s kidnapping and that his mother already knew he leads the CONFERENCE.  Yve also shared her activities at school and her future plans for SkyMu.  Both of them are keeping secrets from each other. Yet they were doing it to avoid worrying one another.

"Young Madam?" Slayne asked as he knocked on the door.

"Vince, I need to go now. Slayne is outside."

"Come in."

Those were the words that Vince heard before Yve ended the phone call.

"She"s really hiding something from me. I need to call the team to ask about it once she leaves the base." Vince thought as he heard the hospital door opened and a nurse came with some of the medications for his mother.

"Young Madam, did I disturb you?" Slayne asked as he approached Yve with his tablet and some printed doc.u.ments.

"No. You actually saved me. Are you finished investigating?"

"Yes. I was able to trace the Swiss Account used to send the 20% initial payment." Slayne began as he handed out printed files to Yve.

"Swiss account? He must be pretty rich and quite smart to use a difficult account to access." Yve said as she scans the papers which contained the initial details of the transaction.

"Actually a she, Young Madam." Yve looked at Slayne in disbelief until she flipped the next page containing the profile of a lady a bit older than her.

"I don"t know this woman." Yve looked more confused than ever.

"Of course, Young Madam. The name of the person is a servant of a prominent person. She used her to create a Swiss account." Slayne explained.

"So that in case someone would try to trace the account, this person would come out? Pretty smart! So are these details real or were also created for convenience?"

"The information written there are also correct. I was also able to narrow down the possible people around her who can apply for a Swiss account." Slayne further explained guiding Yve to flip to another page.

She couldn"t believe the names and pictures she saw.

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