Yve flipped the page to see the details of the possible mastermind. She couldn"t believe what she saw. There were only two pictures.

"Steve and Jenny?"

"Do they have any motive against me? I don"t personally know them. Jenny is my cla.s.smate but I don"t really know her. As for Steve…" Yve looked so confused.

"Steve"s relations.h.i.+p with the Boss when they were a student wasn"t the ideal one. Many rumors lingered that Steve would use underhand measures to win against the Boss in all the compet.i.tions and exams yet they proved ineffective."

"And were those rumors confirmed?" Yve looked at Slayne. If the man in front of her was able to make all the connections for this case, that previous activity would definitely be a piece of cake for him.

"No. We weren"t founded at that time yet and the Boss was fairly new in the group."

"How about when he became the boss? Didn"t he ask for this information?"

"No. Sir Edward tried to ask him about it but the Boss said since those were in the past and nothing of importance really happened, there"s no need to investigate."

"If Steve was the mastermind, it would have something to do with his "revenge" against Vince." Yve thought.

"Hmmm…. I see. How about for Jenny? Do you know of any reason for her to do this?"

"Since this is the first incident, I don"t have any concrete basis on this but Miss Jenny is the second highest scorer during the entrance examination the Young Madam partic.i.p.ated. It was said that during the examination in a VIP room where guardians can witness the entire process, Steve had been receiving congratulatory messages on Jenny"s score. Yet….."

"Yet it didn"t happen because I aced the exam. For Jenny, it"s a bit petty don"t you think? How is the relations.h.i.+p between Steve and Jenny?"

"Outside they seem to be the ideal example of a good relations.h.i.+p between siblings, although I"m not yet sure behind the limelight."

"Then investigate that relations.h.i.+p. We might be able to confirm which of the two the mastermind is."

"Yes, Young Madam."

"By the way, have you seen Sylvan?" Yve wondered.

"He left a while ago but he said, he will back just in time to fetch you for your meetings." Slayne answered.

One of their men informed him of the missions his other members have in relation to the current case. However, as he was told to keep it under the wraps from their Boss, he wasn"t sure now as Steve is involved.

"If that man is truly involved, then this is not a fight that the Young Madam can handle. Steve is the mastermind of the kidnapping of the Boss" mother. I should inform Secondo of this." Slayne thought to himself as he left the office.

Meanwhile, Nyelle and Edward are busy enjoying each other"s arms. They have just finished eating their lunch. Suddenly, Slayne"s call came.

"I"m sorry, I need to answer this." Edward excused himself.

"Slayne, is there any problem?" Edward answered the phone call.

"Secondo, something happened to Young Madam this afternoon…." Slayne reported.


Edward shouted causing Nyelle to worry and Edward just turned his head around enough to witness anxiety on Nyelle"s face. With that Edward whispered to Slayne and asked him for details. Slayne reported everything including the current missions of the team and Yve"s request.

"I understand. Primo doesn"t have any order on what to do with Steve for now. Just tighten the security around her." Edward ordered.

"We"re going to have a video conference once the Young Madam arrives safely at home."

"Got it. Let me partic.i.p.ate as well." Edward informed him without any room for argument.

"Secondo, are you going to inform Primo about this?"

"For now, no. I understand that Yve is trying to lessen the pressure and workload of Primo as much as she can. Everything is fine as long as she will not try to carry all on her shoulders."

"That"s what I"m worried about as well. If only she will always rely on us like what she did today." Slayne expressed her thoughts on the matter at hand.

"Although she promised, there might be unexpected situations where she would do things on her own. So make sure to strategize the security details around her." Edward ordered.

Nyelle saw Edward put his phone back inside his pocket so she walked towards him and hugged him from the back. Edward"s shoulders shrugged a bit from the sudden touch yet he placed his hands on top of hers soon after.

"Is there anything wrong?" Nyelle gently asked.

"Someone hired a small gang to attack Yve this afternoon." Edward confessed.

"What?! How is she?!"

Edward gently turned around to face Nyelle while holding her hands.

"She"s fine as there were members guarding her. However, she wanted to deal with the mastermind on her own. I"m just worried as she"s quite unpredictable. There were times that the team finds it hard to guard her." Edward confessed.

"Well, she"s a strong and fighting lady. However, it"s pretty easy to know how she"s going to act in certain moments." Nyelle responded.

"Can you enlighten me? It would really help the team if we know how he is going to act."

"I"ll be happy to help, of course."

Sylvan, on the other hand has arrived in the office and asked his team to survey the entire area and exterminate the people who looked powerful and suspicious. Inside the office, Sylvan went to the security room to check the CCTV footages to get information on the group or at least a hint on who is the mastermind. But as he somehow expected, he found nothing on the CCTV except on the footage where a black car was seen and the attempt earlier.

"It looks like they have been checking Young Madam"s schedule for three days before acting it out." Sylvan thought.

Chrysthe has also arrived at the residence with his team. He informed the security to tighten and increase the times the patrol roams around. He also went to his room inside the house to further check the CCTV footages the past few days.

"I don"t believe I missed any unusual cars following or staying outside." Chrysthe thought to himself as he goes over the footage for the past few days.

There he finally notices a black vehicle getting inside the house across them.

"This house…."

Chrysthe took a picture and sent it to Slayne for further investigation. Slayne instantly replied.

"The house is rented by different people on a daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly basis. I already called the owner and they said that a couple rented the house for a week."

Chrysthe just thought it was definitely a façade and the Red Stripes must be the one who rented the place and not the mastermind. He got furious by the thought that he failed to notice that they were under surveillance.

"Uggh!! I have to make sure this will never happen on my clock again!" Chrysthe closed the door aloud.

Eybelle brought the largest number of men among the members. After all, she has to fight against the Red Stripes in their own territory. It was easy for her to know the exact address of their base as the location of all the gangs in the country are in the data base.

"Miss E, how should we proceed with the extermination?" One of her men asked as the building which is considered as Red Stripes" base is within their sight.

"Let"s be vulgar and let all the small groups know that we can easily remove them as soon as they offend us."

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