"Let"s be vulgar and let all the small groups know that we can easily remove them as soon as they offend us." Eybelle ordered as her car stopped in front of the gate.

"These people are really unlucky. They have escaped the first attack as they were small but now they will be the example of wrath."

"Who told them to harm the Young Madam?"

"They need to improve their investigation next time…"

"What are you talking about?! There will be no next time as they will be annihilated today."

Eybelle"s team talked to each other through the wireless communication as they head to their different posts.

At the entrance, the guards of the base asked Eybelle.

"Who are you?"

"I"m looking for the leader of Red Stripes." Eybelle calmly answered.

Naturally, the subordinates will not give information about their boss without direct announcement of invitation. With that, the guards raised their guns and began shooting at Eybelle. The young girl expected this and knew exactly how to move. She dodged the bullet easily and approached he guards. She slit the correct vein in their necks accurately killing them instantly as she engaged in a close contact.

Hearing the commotion in the front gate, more men from Red Stripes came running to help in the surprise attack. Eybelle"s team didn"t waste another minute and commenced their own attacks dividing the forces of Red Stripes.

Within5 minutes, Eybelle reached the main building and was killing one man after another.

"Miss E, their boss seemed to be away from the base." One of her men informed her.

"No, that"s not the case. Their Boss would often dress in a casual way. We may easily miss him if we aren"t careful." Eybelle warned her team.

"Miss E, how are we going to know if we"re dealing with their boss?"

Eybelle was about to describe the facial features of their boss when a man dressed in running track suit confidently walked in front stopping her from her tracks.

"There"s no need. He"s in front of me. Focus on your tasks and I"ll focus on mine. That"s all." Eybelle ordered.

"Little girl, why are you relentless killing my men like a wild beast." The man asked her. He looked gentle and doesn"t mean any harm at the moment.

"I"m following my order to annihilate your gang."

"Why would you do that? As far as I know we didn"t engage in any fight against other gangs or groups, ever since CONFERENCE came and took over the majority here."

"Sad to say your investigation is a bit shallow. You have angered our boss and want to put an end into your gang."

"Little girl, may I have the honor of knowing which group am I facing at the moment?"

The man asked her with a smile but with a dark aura lingering around. This made Eybelle cautious and just like that the man began his attack.  Eybelle was able to dodge them but not as easy as earlier. She counterattacked and was able to cause some damage but not a critical one. They were at it for quite some time when the man stayed a good distance from her.

"Little girl, you must be from CONFERENCE, right?"


"I heard that there among the high officials of the group, the youngest member is a young girl which is skilled with knives."

"…" Eybelle didn"t confirm nor deny the man"s statement. Instead she launched an attack to the man.

He noticed the killing intent of the young girl and knew that he will really die if she will land a clear hit. And as he thought that he can finally escape, Eybelle threw one of her knives as a diversion before running fast to push the other one into his stomach. He didn"t expect the kind of movement from the girl and to make matters worse, the little girl twisted the knife causing him to cough blood out of his mouth. Just like that the little girl looked at him lying on the ground. He can"t remove the knife because it will cause more blood loss.

"Team, my job is finished. Make sure to annihilate everyone and everything. Meet me at the rendezvous point." Eybelle ordered before leaving the man.

"Little… girl… I"m about to die… Can you ….please answer ...my question (cough) earlier?"

"Your gang accepted a job to harm the Lady Boss which resulted to this h.e.l.l." Eybelle answered and left the dying man.

In a short amount of time, Eybelle and her team was able to eradicate Red Stripes including their base. It will be headlined as an accident fire tomorrow in the leading newspapers in town.

Just like that, Eybelle and Chrysthe finished their missions and returned to the base. Yve was then fetched by Edward and headed back to the office to attend the rest of her commitments.

Yve was impressed by the proposal and did some minor adjustments before approving the proposal. She ordered to have everything prepared by the weekend and begin the shooting within the week following the schedules of their artists. They will launch it after a week and the days before the launch will be used for promotion as well.

After the meeting, Yve went home with Sylvan and Chrysthe. As they arrive, they saw Edward"s car waiting outside the property. They all head inside but didn"t expect Nyelle to also come along.

"Don"t worry about me. Edward told me you wanted to ask his help in relation to work so go ahead. I will cook dinner instead." Nyelle offered.

"You will really do that, Nyelle?"

"Of course! Look how skinny you became just because Vince isn"t with you." Nyelle exclaimed.

"WOW!! I"m so lucky! I missed your food so much, Nyelle. But it would be better if we do things together." Yve exclaimed.

"No no no. You need to do your work. I came here tonight so that you can focus on the things you need to do. Once you"re done you can also got to bed earlier and have some rest." Nyelle said and pushed Yve away from the kitchen. They were instantly followed by Sylvan and Edward.

"Okay, I got it. No need to push me. I will go to the room first to change. Edward and Sylvan you can go to the study room first. As for you, Nyelle, I will leave our stomachs in your care tonight." Yve smiled at all of them before heading to the room. The rest of them shortly dispersed as well.

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