Yve and Sylvan bought quite a lot of things but mostly food and ingredients. Before leaving the market, they pick up the take out that Yve ordered earlier. Inside the taxi, Vince looks at his watch before saying.

"We were there way longer than I expected!!" 

"I didn"t expect for you to miss a lot of things. I can"t help but let you experience them." Yve giggles in between her reply.

"If you"re that happy to show me around, let me experience more things in the future, then." Vince places his hand on top of Yve"s head and caresses her hair. 

"Even if it"s not as extravagant as your usual?" 

"Of course! I want to experience more." 

"Sure! I"ll be happy to share my "commoner" experience with you." Yve smiles at him when the driver informs them of their arrival at the hotel.

After their fun night, the couple resumes to the tasks they have to in their companies. Few hours had pa.s.sed from that moment and now is the day for Hyacinth to come to SkyMu and shoot as Yve"s secretary. Hyacinth is to shoot most of the time with Sylvan and some scenes were with Yve. To conceal her ident.i.ty her production team made sure to capture her leg or arm only and edited her voice as well. Once Hyacinth"s episode is to be released, both the media and fans will be so hyped to know who their new president is. 

As the day comes to an end, Hyacinth invited Yve to a dinner which the latter accepts. Yve sends a message to Vince informing that she will not eat dinner with him due to Hyacinth"s invitation. The latter simply agrees with a message saying, 

"Take care and enjoy!" 

Yve and Hyacinth eat at a French restaurant near the building.

"I hope you it"s fine with you to eat here."

"It"s fine. I"m not picky with the ambience." 

They sit in one of the tables and orders food for them.

"Yve, thank you very much for the month break.�� 

"No, I actually broke it with the shoot you just finished."

"It"s just a day unlike before. My break will only me a week and then I have another set of things."

"Don"t worry, Hyacinth. I"ll try my best to give you the rest every time you need them." 

"Don"t be like that. Miss Yve. I only need rest after concert tours or other large projects. For regular promotions, being busier proves your fame in the industry." 

Yve just smiles at Hyacinth with full understanding of what she meant.

The two girls enjoy their meals and talk about random girls stuff.

On social media though, Hu0026E Entertainment announces their project causing uproar from media and fans. This is exactly what Steve wants the project to be. With its unpredictability, different fan bases are making their own speculations with the hash tag the company chose. This causes unity making the tag a trending topic. Hu0026E"s staffs are busy catering phone calls from entertainment journalists and reporters asking for more information on their project. But as they have planned they will not release any other additional information.

Back to Yve and Hyacinth, the latter asks for a picture to be posted in their social media account. Yve smiles and grants her request. To maintain their secrecy, Hyacinth asked people to take two pictures of them – one showing their smiles while the other one is showing Yve"s back as Hyacinth laughs. The second picture looks like a candid shot which shows a more natural and friendly look. It"s enough to let everyone know how Hyacinth is close to their company president and how good the latter has with the artists.

Yve returns to their nest only to find Vince sleeping on their bed while holding some papers. Yve tries her best to remove the papers from Vince"s hands without waking him up. When she removed the papers, Vince turns his body and positions itself into a more comfortable one. 

"You"re already tired. You should have slept more comfortably." Yve smiles and plants a kiss on her husband"s forehead before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

As she still needs to review her academic notes, she walks to the study room.

Yve who"s focusing on her school homework, has no idea on what"s happening on social media. Two hours after Hu0026E announces their project, Hyacinth uploads her picture with Yve"s back on her social media account with the caption of,

"Thank you for your time, our President dearest."

Hyacinth tagged the company"s official social media account and added the hash tag her manager told her. 

Hyacinth"s post is shared by her fans with different captions which excite the people all the more. Journalists and reporters are making short articles and video clips on the two companies "recent activities. It created enough noise owning the top two slots in different social media platforms and search engines. Their announcements are to make the cut for newspapers and morning entertainment news.

Teams Alpha and Bravo are busy checking the progress of the two companies and are on a meeting without their Boss as Chrsythe already informed them that Vince accidentally fell asleep earlier.

"What do you think about this face-off?"

"SkyMu will definitely win especially with the information they have on Hu0026E."

"But let"s not underestimate Steve"s ability on emergencies. He"s a CEO with an empire of his own for a reason."

"Should we create a diversion here? Just to get him busier." Team Bravo"s captain offers.

"What are you planning to do?"

"One of our companies are having a battle for bids for a project. Unexpectedly, that company is a bidder in one of our other companies. So we can make up something to forward the date of bidding to disrupt Steve"s schedule." Team Bravo proposes.

"That"s a good plan but I believe winning the bid will take more priority on Boss" mind." Slayne says.

"We"re ready for the bid at any time. We"re also quite confident that we will have the project." 

"What do you think, Sylvan?"

"No harm done as long as it"s a win-win situation for us." 

The two teams finalize their plot against Steve which is to take place on the same day of the face-off between Hu0026E and SkyMu.

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