Friday morning is filled with Hu0026E"s announcement followed my Hyacinth"s post representing SkyMu. Entrepreneurs all over the city gave their thoughts in some of the articles and shows to talk about the potential face off of the companies. Some a.n.a.lysts said that SkyMu is showing vast improvement but they"re not yet ready to face off a big and well-known entertainment company like Hu0026E. Others said that as both companies are under new management, there are on equal footing. While there are those that are saying this is an extension of the rivalry between their Big Bosses, Vincent and Steve as both companies are just recently acquired. But they all shared the same feeling of excitement to see how these two companies will battle it out tomorrow. 

For Vince though, it wasn"t something he should be really worried about. From his business mind, SkyMu has nothing to lose. If they win, it will prove Yve"s management skills and gives the company a strong hold on the entertainment industry. If they lose, as they were able to leave an impact, people will look forward to their future projects making this project a stepping stone. 

As SkyMu"s president"s husband, he wants only one thing and that"s for Yve and SkyMu to win the face-off. And his teams made sure of it as written on the report on their meeting last night. 

To tease Hyacinth"s fans and to increase the intensity of the face-off, at 12 Noon of that day, SkyMu"s official media channel released a teaser confirming Hyacinth"s mission is accomplished and to be showed the following day. 

The teaser is immediately shared by Hyacinth"s fans with their respective captions making her the top trending topic of the day totally beating Hu0026E"s announcement the previous night. 

Hu0026E is surprised once more by SkyMu"s video. They never thought that within a short time, they will be able to shoot and finish the editing needed enough for them to provide a teaser. They were thinking that Hyacinth"s post last night was the only promotion SkyMu can release. But all they can do is wait as their project is secretive and surprising, they can"t release any other promotion. Or so they thought when they receive an instruction from their CEO, Steve.

"Have every artist we have share our teaser video or poster with their own caption at plotted time interval. I don"t want us to lose the momentum. I want to see results after an hour." 

They all rush to inform the managers of their artists. 

As Hu0026E scrambles to make a good comeback on the trending list, SkyMu"s editing team is scrambling to catch up for the deadline. For them to release the teaser as scheduled, they pulled out an all nighter. Yve is aware of this and to help boost her employees, she instructs the kitchen staff to deliver their food to their area. The team is also given the privilege to order anything they want free of charge. As the team faces a possible frequent all night overtime, Yve books rooms for them at one of Vince"s hotels near SkyMu where they can rest comfortably even for short hours only. 

The SkyMu employees and artists heard how much Yve shows care to the editing team and praise their president once more. These actions by Yve motivate them to do their best. 

As weekend is fast approaching, media and newspaper companies are getting busier trying to get the actual location and names of the artists for Hu0026E"s show while researching for other details on SkyMu"s stream. Lester is no exception. He is tasked by his father to cover SkyMu"s stream and find possible ways to get an exclusive. So Friday after school, Lester asks Yve if they can stop by the café across their school.

"Lester, what do you want to talk about that it needs to be in private?" Yve curiously asks him.

"It"s about tomorrow"s stream…" Lester begins and tries to look for Yve"s reactions.

"Hmm… Now I see. This is business related." 

"Yes and I was hoping I can get an…."

"Another information? Lester, we don"t have anything more. All that"s left is the actual show tomorrow." 

"I was actually hoping for an exclusive interview." Lester decides to drop his request.

"With me?" 

"Nope. With Hyacinth, if that"s okay."

"Lester, Hyacinth is actually on a month long rest and I want to keep it that way not only because it"s part of the contract but primarily because she needs and deserves it." Yve honestly answers the man and indirectly rejects his request.

"I do understand that and I bet that you have enough clips for the behind-the-scenes videos you will release on the following week. But, don"t you think it might get predictable if only recorded footages will be released?" 

"….." Seeing that Yve is listening and weighing his words against her options, Lester continues.

"You can give me the exclusive interviews that I want then I can publish them in our newspaper the day after you release them in your channel. I can a.s.sure you that my questions will get the fans and non-fans curious on your artists" future activities." Lester explains his deal to Yve.

"That"s quite a good deal. But what are you going to do to avoid repet.i.tion of the interview? You said so yourself doing the same thing again and again becomes too predictable and boring." Yve questions Lester.

"I can ask the fans questions to their idols. Your artists can also show talents during the interview that they have never shown on TV or concert."

"In other words, you"re going to share your experience with us and be our exclusive host for this project?"

"You can put it that way but I would like to think of it as the start of our partners.h.i.+p, you who is the current president of SkyMu and me the heir of the trusted newspaper company in this city." His words make Yve smile.

"You"re really different when you"re a student and a journalist. I"m impressed."

"Thank you. Although, I"m impressed with your performance as a student and respectful of what you have done for SkyMu, I still have to see how you will take it the highest pillar." 

"You"re not impressed yet… so why propose this partners.h.i.+p?"

"Because nothing beats the opportunity to witness the changes upclose." Lester calmly replies as he sips his iced Amerikano.

"I see. Will you give me a little time to think about your proposal? Don"t worry, I will be able to give you the answer tonight. I need to go now." Yve smiles and takes her milk tea with her as she walks out of the café leaving Lester smiling inside.

"Sure." The man just answers as he looks out to the lady who just left him. 

Lester"s proposal is something that Yve didn"t expect. But she admits that Lester"s proposal is a win-win situation for her. However, she"s still not sure if the time for their partners.h.i.+p is right.

"Sylvan, have my remaining meetings in SkyMu change to a video conference. Let"s head to Gray Group. I need to seek my husband"s advice." 

"Yes, Mam." 

 With that Sylvan changes their itinerary to Gray Group"s main office while he informs the rest of the secretarial team on the sudden changes. 

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