As the events that happened yesterday is still fresh on the minds of the employees, Yve is treated well with the new front desk officer and arrives at Vince"s office in no time. However, she didn"t find her husband there. She was informed by one of his secretaries that he"s still in a meeting room. 

Left with no other with no other choice, she goes to Vince" bedroom in his office and set up her laptop for the video conference she will have. She informs Sylvan to stay outside to keep watch.

Yve"s meetings proceed smoothly and their adjustments already in place and lack only the last piece for execution. As Yve gets out of the bedroom to look for Vince, she finds out that he isn"t back yet. 

"Young Madam, the Boss is still in a meeting; the same one when we arrived." Sylvan informs her.

"Is there any company emergency or the like?"

"There is nothing like that, Young Madam. It"s almost the end of the quarter and as the Boss need to report the progress to the stock holders as well, he is making sure that everything is going smoothly."

"So, it"s one of the busiest times of the year for him?" 

"Rather than him, I think this is for the employees. His time will be after these meetings in preparation for the Board Meeting."

"I see. Should we just leave instead?"

"Impatient, aren"t we?" Vince"s voice coming from his office door startles Yve.

"No, it"s not like that. I just don"t want to be a distraction. " Vince approaches Yve as the latter tries her best to give an explanation while Sylvan leaves the two of them.

"You will never be a distraction… but you will always be my motivation and inspiration." Vine caresses Yve"s face but Yve catches his hand with hers before placing it around her waist and hugs her husband. This gesture is definitely sweet but Vince knows her well. Asking for an embrace is similar to asking for safety and a.s.surance.

"Is something wrong?"


"Let"s take a seat on the bed and we can talk about it." Vince remains his hand on Yve"s waist as he guides them to the bed where he pulls Yve to sit on his lap. 

"Tell me. What happened today?" 

Yve recalls her conversation with Lester and the offer he gave. She shares her thoughts and doubts on the partners.h.i.+p as Vince listens attentively to her while caressing her hair.

"So what do you think?" Yve finally asks Vince when she finishes her narration.

"Well, I personally respect his old man and by how aggressive and confident he is I believe he will be a good partner for you." 

"I think so too but as for the timing, don"t you think..."

"It"s not that early anymore. It would be good for you to form an alliance aside from the connections I have. It will give you merit in the eyes of Stone"s."

"What do you mean?" 

"Those people might like me now because I have the power and means to help stabilize the corporation. But once everything is smooth sailing, I will become a threat to them as they will think that I will continue to conquer the company and eventually they will ask for freedom."

"So by forming an alliance at this time, on my own, they will think that I"m preparing to taking over the management when Stones is stable and I can manage it well?" 

"Exactly! They only want to use my power and connection for now."

"I see…."

As Yve ponders on Vince"s words, she can"t help but feel uneasiness. This is really a battlefield. Vince looks at his wife and starts to worry if his words were too harsh for her. However, she needs to learn these things early on if she really wants to inherit the position as a CEO. 

"But I don"t care what those geezers think about me. You can use me, my power and my company all you want." Vince tries to ease out Yve"s worries and embraces her. 

"Vince, this is so tiring and stressful. I wonder how you, our fathers and the rest of the CEOs handle all of this." 

"I don"t know about others, but as for me, my father and yours, it would be to give our loved one the best life we can offer. As the company grows, that dream also includes the families of our employees. They work hard for the company to ensure their future as well. How about you, why do you want to become Stones" CEO?" Vince asks her.

For Vince, this conversation comes once in a while and this is a good way for Yve to check her conviction towards the tough road ahead as the CEO. It"s not that Vince doesn"t trust Yve"s skills or intelligence but primarily because this is not her first or second love. His wife wants to become a doctor and has pa.s.sion for music. He understands that his wife"s first intention was to keep her step family"s hands off her parents" company. But if there is a chance that Yve doubts this road, he would enlighten her to pursue what she wants even if it means making things harder for him with Gray Group, Stones Enterprises and CONFERENCE.

"You know the reason why. At first, I just want to get back what"s mine. I also consider this company as my parent"s keepsake."

"Now that it"s in your hands at any time you requests to?"

"I enjoy being SkyMu"s president. I can make music and enjoy the thrills of music video creation, promotions, concerts and other activities. It makes me feel going back to my childhood when my parents were alive with you, my studies and music was my world."

"What do you think about Stones?"

Yve pushes Vince gently just to give s.p.a.ce between them and looks down,

"Now that I think of it, I don"t know." 

Yve looks up to Vince as tears tempting to fall from her eyes and uncertainty is evident on her face. 

"Will you consider me selfish and irresponsible if I just want to be your wife and SkyMu"s president?"

Vince brushes the tears that are yet to fall from her eyes and smiled at her.

"Why would I? You want to be wife and that alone is not selfish and irresponsible. You enjoyed music which is also why I understand if SkyMu has grown into you. As for other companies, let me handle it. Your father had told me about this way back when you wanted to become a doctor. And I have long accepted that responsibility." 

Vince gives Yve a peck on the lips and looks at her once more.

"What will the Board think about me if what you said about them is really true?" 

"I will just find ways for them to follow me. All board of directors and shareholders in any company are the same. Give them the profit that they love, they will be at your mercy." 

Yve doubts herself once more as she looks down with fidgeting fingers. Vince brushes her hair a little before stopping her hands with his making the former look at him.

"It"s fine. If that"s what you really want, I will not stop you. Just remember that I will always support you." 

Yve finally smiles and hugs him tighter than ever before. 

"Vince, I"m sorry."

"Shh now. Always keep in mind that what"s mine will always be yours and if you want to keep your own properties to yourself, you will not hear anything from me." 

Yve smacks his back and chuckles a bit before saying, 

"That"s what I call selfish."

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