Steve arrives at his desk and opens his computer to access his calendar of meetings and projects. He is very detailed with his details and doesn"t like unexpected surprises like the one he has just received. 

"Do you know why they made it earlier? Do our compet.i.tors have something to do with it?" 

"Based on our investigation, all bidders are worried on the sudden change. We have learned that the reason for the change was the conflict with its other major project."

"And that is?"

"They"re request to have an audience with an oil conglomerate was finally granted but the date the great man agreed will be the same as the day of the original meeting."

"Something"s quite off with this. Have you investigated this person they"re about to meet?"

"Yes and we have confirmed they have nothing to do with our bidding compet.i.tors. We also investigated if they"re somehow related to Mr. Gray but our reports showed none."

"Of course. Vince has no connection with any oil company so it will be impossible. But if it"s not our compet.i.tors or Vince, who is then?" 

"Sir, about the changes…"

"I will head there the soonest. Prepare the materials." Steve hastily ends the phone call and returns to the meeting room startling the people inside once more. 

"I need to leave the country immediately because of an emergency. I"ll be entrusting this project to all of you. My trip will be quite long and you will not be able to seek any order or advice from me. So be decisive and firm. I"m expecting great news when I land from my air trip. In the meantime, my secretary will have the final say on the decision making." Steve instructs all of them before leaving the meeting room once more.

This time, his secretary followed him awaiting his orders.

"I"ll handle my flight. As what you"ve heard, I want you to focus on this project for now. Once this is finished, evaluate its performance and plan the next event instantly. I"ll be expecting you to fly Monday morning, okay?" 

"Yes, Sir."

"Oh and before I forget, inform my sister that I"m on a business trip and will not be coming back for about 2-3 weeks. Just remind her with the usual."

"I will sir." The secretary a.s.sures Steve and does a light bow as Steve turns around in a hurry. 

Meanwhile, Yve has arrived at the mall safely and is having her meeting with designs team as informed by Sylvan through a text message when Vince receives another update from their spy.

"Target is flying away." 

Vince smiles and informs Team Bravo that Steve is on his way and they need to brace themselves in their biddings. Vince admits that if it weren"t for his team, Alpha and Bravo, he will not be able to win against Steve all the time while staying in the country supporting and loving his wife. Balancing Team Bravo"s a.s.sets which are also his, CONFERENCE, Stones Enterprises and Gray Group plus being a husband is never an easy thing but with capable and trustworthy team, things became a little less difficult. 

As the clock is ticking toward Hyacinth"s video release, Hyacinth starts her video stream on her own personal channel while SkyMu"s official account shares it.

"h.e.l.lo, everyone! As announced early in the morning, I will be streaming and watching the video release live, so you will see my reactions and I"ll be reading your comments too so while we"re waiting for the official release, let me share some of the things that keep me busy during my break." 

Hyacinth starts her stream by greeting her fans and sharing her new found hobbies. She is also talking replying to her fans by reading their comments. 

Just like that, Hyacinth has taken the top spot on the trending list and has achieved the all-kill status.

Hu0026E is in chaos after seeing Hyacinth"s achievement; Then Steve"s secretary informs them to release the announcement on whose group will have the surprise fan meeting. It"s one of their top groups with six members. With their announcement, they earned themselves a spot in the list destroying Hyacinth"s all kill. 

Now both Hyacinth and Hu0026E are battling for the top spot as their ranks consistently shuffles around. 

Hyacinth thanks her fans for the support and shares for her stream. Then to help boost her stream, Yve informed the managers of her artists to share the stream using their social media accounts. Some of their artists are watching the stream and shares a picture or short clip while some people are commenting making the comment section more active. 

Some people are also admiring the good relations.h.i.+p between the artists of SkyMu. This positive relations.h.i.+p gives a different hash tag for Hyacinth"s stream. It also help her earn the top spot in all platforms once more leaving Hu0026E in the second place and another topic #SkyMuIsFamily in random spots. 

In their attempt to battle for the top spot again, Hu0026E informs the members of the group to reveal a little bit of the location to let the guessing games begin for their fans. To excite their fans more, the members are told to give a 30 minute interval. This is their second to the last way to secure the top spot away from Hyacinth and making SkyMu"s project a failure.

Yve finally finishes her meeting and is doing rounds to check the actual progress of the project. On their way, Sylvan is informing her of the progress of the project. Yve only smiles and instructs Sylvan to proceed as planned. 

As predicted by Steve and his team of a.n.a.lysts, Hyacinth loses the top spot to Hu0026E with the puzzled location reveal. Their team is rejoicing inside their meeting area, however Steve"s secretary isn"t.

"Something"s not right." He grabs a computer to a.n.a.lyze the recent exchange of promotions.

Contradictory to how doubtful Steve"s secretary is, Yve is confident their plan will work. Vince complimented her plan the night before yesterday when she revealed her plans to make it up for their bait strategy with Hyacinth. Vince informs her that it"s one way strategy for SkyMu which they can only use because the artist is Hyacinth. After this week, Hu0026E will be guessing their next plan. 

"Don"t worry too much, you will be fine." Vince"s words from that time calm her nerves for today"s project. 

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