Hyacinth calmly continues her stream until the countdown for her video from SkyMu"s official channel starts. She finally reveals that she will choose five comments from her stream and another five from SkyMu"s video who will have a dinner date with her that night. This makes the fans more excited than ever. With her revelation, she takes up the top spot once more. 

To counter it, Hu0026E finally confirmed the time and location of the fan meetings. Fans are doing their best to reach the venue faster as there are limited seats only. But this announcement was not enough for Hu0026E to regain the top spot. 

It only got worse when another topic, #NewSkyMuLadyPresident which talks about their thoughts, opinion and excitement on who is indeed the president episode clip is ongoing. The angles were shot to hide her faces in particular. There were a total of three topic t.i.tles on the trending list which talks about Hyacinth"s episode. And this is not what they were expecting. 

Despite his doubts, Steve"s secretary calms the team by saying,

"Don"t worry the show is about to start while their video is about to end." 

SkyMu"s video is on its 45-minute mark and it shows Hyacinth eating in the cafeteria. The kitchen staff hands over a special menu for Hyacinth. Then, a comment from her fellow artist says,

"I really like to eat at the office"s cafeteria now. The food is customized and is according to a dietician." 

Hyacinth notices the comment which is instantly shared and reacted by the fans. Through her stream, she replies.

"Yes, it"s true. Our President told me that food is important to everyone and the primary reason why people work is to put food on the table. She even allows the artists and trainees a cheat day once every 15 days." 

This comment intensifies the topic, #NewSkyMuLadyPresident now ranking at number three on the trending list just a few clicks behind Hu0026E"s project. 

"Sir, what should we do? Don"t worry; we"re slowly replacing them in some of the platforms." 

Yve, on the other has finished her site visit and is now calmly waiting for Vince. Sylvan reports on the progress on the stream.

"I didn"t expect them to be that curious enough to put me on the trending topic." 

"Not only were they curious. Some fans and viewers are happy with the changes you made especially when the artists complimented the food made by the company kitchen." Sylvan explains.

"Ahh... I see. Well, everyone loves a delicious and healthy food. This is the best way to show that you care for a person." Yve smiles and continues to read some of the short reports from her team regarding the stream. 

"Sylvan, I want you to go back to the office and make the emergency calls once Vince is here. During Mom"s therapy, please don"t call me. I"ll leave everything up to your decision." Yve gives Sylvan an instruction.

On cue, Vince arrives alone on his car. As instructed, Sylvan leaves using the car they used earlier as Yve rides on Vince"s. 

"Why is Sylvan leaving?" 

"I told him to give lead the team back at the office." 

"By the way, congratulations on another success for this project! Three topics on the trending list." Vince compliments her as they"re driving away from the mall.

"Thank you but it"s not yet the end of the day. The fans are indeed happy with the project but for me to finally relax, Hyacinth"s safety is to be ensured." 

"You"re a good boss that"s why your artists love you." Vince places his free hand on top of Yve"s. 

In one of the hotels under Steve"s Corporation, Hu0026E"s artists have started their fan meeting and many of them are still waiting outside hoping to get a glance from their idols. The group performs a medley of the top songs making the fans sing with them and cheer after each song. A host is facilitating the event and is now in the games section of the meet. The fans love it and made sure to take pictures and videos of the event. However, as the fans enjoying inside want to focus on the activities, they are not posting anything live causing their topic to drop from the list. 

Meanwhile, Hyacinth"s video has ended and her fans focus on her personal stream. 

"Thank you everyone for watching my stream and my episode. Now, let"s just wait for a while as the staff finalizes the list of the messages on comments from the company"s official channel. As for mine, I have already picked my top 5 comments." I will reveal them together. While we"re waiting do you have any questions?"

Hyacinth encourages her fans more and reacts to their posts as well causing her to tighten her grip on the top spot. 

Jenny is watching Hyacinth"s stream as she"s an avid fan of the latter. She requested for her brother to buy SkyMu but was disappointed when Vince got to it first by marrying Yve whose family owns the corporation. Looking at SkyMu"s progress and sudden return of Yve on the spotlight, she starts to wonder if Yve has any connection with the new president.

She turns her head from left to right in denial before saying,

"That can"t be. She"s only a student. It"s impossible for her to manage and bring this company into greater heights." 

She continues to think of different reasons why it"s impossible for Yve to be the new president of SkyMu when she receives a message from Steve"s secretary.

"Good afternoon, Miss Jenny. Ms. Steve has instructed me to inform you that he"s on his way to one of your companies overseas for an emergency. He will be gone for 2-3 weeks. If you have any questions don"t hesitate to call or text me." 

It"s always that way whenever Steve is away. It"s always written as an emergency and he"s always in a rush that he doesn"t have time to say goodbye personally to her. 

"You always say it"s an emergency. Nothing"s new and as always you just use your secretary to inform me. But this time is the worst; your secretary only sends me a text message." Jenny speaks to a picture of her with her brother as if the real Steve is in front of her. 

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