"Wedding preparations?!" Yve exclaimed.

"Why do you look so shocked?" Maddie was confused with her reaction.

"Hmmm..." Yve can"t find the right words to say.

How can she possibly say to her mother-in-law that they were both busy with their respective goals and responsibilities that they haven"t talked about it? She doesn"t want to disappoint Maddie or blame Vince for this. She knew that the woman must be pretty excited when she heard the news.

"Is my son too busy that you both can"t find time to plan for it?" Maddie accused Vince.

"No, mom! It"s not just Vince but more of me. He became so busy since he took over the CEO position at Stones. I also didn"t have time because of SkyMu and my preparation for the entrance exam." Yve confessed.

"Tsk. Tsk. That"s not good." Maddie turned her head sideways in disagreement.

"Mom, I"m sorry." Yve apologized which Maddie instantly accepted by brus.h.i.+ng her hand on Yve"s back.

However, Maddie will not easily forgive her son. As soon as she comforted her daughter-in-law she called her son.

"h.e.l.lo. Come here at this instant!" Maddie ordered with a stern look on her face.

Even Yve got a little bit scared of her face.

"Go where? Mom, I"m busy." Vince answered on the other end.

"Busy enough to neglect what your wife wants?" Maddie asked which made Yve blush. Her answer to Vince"s question made it seem that she was too excited to marry him.

"It"s not that I don"t want it but I have to leave a little self-respect." Yve thought to herself.

"Yve? Where are you?"

"In her office."

"I"ll be there in awhile." Vince said and hung up the phone.

"Mom, don"t you think it"s a little too much? Vince will probably rush here after hearing the things you said."

"He should be. Besides, you don"t need to be shy in front of me or your husband. We are your family, right?" Maddie looked at Yve with sincerity and love.

"I"m really sorry." These are the only words that came out of Yve"s mouth.

"Stop thinking too much. Let"s take our seat and relax while we wait for my son. I will also call a wedding planner." Maddie returned back to her calm self and excited self as she dialed some numbers on her phone.

After a few minutes, Vince came in flash and opened the door wide enough. He was expecting something bad based from his mother"s words and tone. However, it never crossed his mind to see the situation inside.

His mother and wife are on the couch looking through so many magazines and samples.

"Wait are those the infamous wedding samples?"

"Don"t tell me the wants which my mother mentioned is this?"

So many ideas came flas.h.i.+ng on Vince" mind but got interrupted by his mom"s words.

"After ignoring this simple event, now you fantasize about it. What a useless son!!" Maddie is clearly disappointed with her son.


Vince showed a little hurt with his mother"s words but can"t say anything else to defend himself from the reality. He knew that he should have initiated this conversation with his wife even if not in concrete yet. He considered how busy they both were and hasn"t realized that it was normal for Yve not to talk about it.

"You"re so stupid, Vince!" He scolded himself.

"Come here and check these things with your wife." Maddie said to his son.

Vince instantly sat down and look through the things that the wedding planner showed and explained to him.

"I"m sorry for disturbing your work." Yve whispered to his ear.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"It"s fine. I was inconsiderate. Let"s talk more about this tonight." Vince whispered back.

"Are you fine with this? I heard that men tend to feel bored with all these things."

"I"m not your typical guy. Trust me. I love planning things like this. More so because it has something to do with you, your future with me." Vince said those words loud enough for Maddie to hear.

"So. I guess that"s my cue to leave. I"ll be waiting for my invitation." Maddie stood up and was about to leave the room when she suddenly turned around.

"Yve, dear, would it be alright if I will design your gown and dresses as well as my son"s on that special day?" Maddie respectfully asked permission from her.

Yve can"t believe what she just heard. She never thought that Maddie will become her mother-in-law. How much more to have her wear her designs and on a very special day?! She stood up and walked towards the woman. Yve hugged her and said,

"I would really love to, Mom. But don"t tire yourself too much, okay?"

Maddie hugged her back and said, "Don"t worry. Designing will never stress me out plus, it"s for my son"s wedding. Thank you."

Vince looks at the two important girls in his life and wonders how happy he is that they are close to each other more than ever.

"After this wedding, our lifetime together will finally become a reality not just a dream."

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