Nyelle"s legs felt way better than before so without delaying it, she stood up and said,

"I don"t want to waste any more time by sitting here. Shall we enjoy the rest of the rides?"

"That"s fine with me." Edward answered and pulled Nyelle closer to him and walked away first.

Yve and Vince followed them behind when Yve saw a shooting booth. Vince saw her eye that Siberian husky stuffed boy which he thinks as the grand prize.

"Ed, why don"t we try that shooting booth first before the other rides?" Vince called out his cousin who turned around then looked at Nyelle.

"I"m okay with it. We"ve never tried that anyway." Nyelle agree.

The men pulled their partners to the booth and were greeted by a middle aged man greeted them.

"Sir, how much points do I need to get that dog stuffed toy?" Vince asked.

His question drew a smile on Yve"s face as Edward and Nyelle realized why Vince would want to try this booth.

"Mr. it would be difficult. You need to shoot the entire team in this target area." The staff answered.

"It"s fine, Mr. I would like to try it for my wife wants that stuffed toy." Vince answered and all their hypotheses were confirmed.

"How about you, Nyelle? Do you want anything from the booth?" Edward suddenly asked.

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"Then, I"ll have that dog stuffed toy as well." Edward proclaimed and pay the amount to the staff.

At the same time, Vince and Edward were handed a pellet gun with a magazine filled with pellets. There are about 20 pellets which should hit the 20 toy soldiers to get the grand prize. Yve has no doubt in Vince"s markmans.h.i.+p as he was already good at it when they were still in university. She was sure that the man will hit all the marks. Nyelle, on the other hand, is unsure if Edward would be able to hit all the marks.

"Edward, let"s make this game more difficult." Vince raised a suggestion.

"How will that be?"

"The fastest one to shoot all the targets will be granted an order which the losing pair will absolutely do." Vince said.

"Call. But who will decide the order?" Edward asked.

"Let"s leave that decision to the ladies." Vince said and winked at Yve.

"Okay. Time for some worthy punishment for this slow couple." Yve thought as she smiled at her partner"s idea.

Nyelle whispered at Edward"s ear and said, "Good luck! Please win so that we can give that tenacious couple a taste of their own medicine."

"Yes, mam." Edward smiled.

The two men positioned themselves as they aim for their targets when something unexpected happened.

The entire Team Alpha came to the couple and started to surround them. Vince and Edward were quick enough to understand the situation and protected their respective partners. Slayne handed them guns for their own protection.

"Vince, what is happening?"

"Edward, what"s all this?"

Yve and Nyelle asked the man in front of them. No words came from their mouths as the two men started to pull them away with the Team trailing behind them while fighting the enemies.

"Boss, I also saw your friend in the park." Sylvan said through the ear piece they just gave him.

"Make sure to protect them as well. Meet us in the base after this. I want full report." Vince ordered to Sylvan when suddenly someone shot in between them causing the couple to separate from each other.

"VINCE!!" Yve shouted as she fell on the floor.

Before Edward and Nyelle could react to try and help Vince and Yve, a person attacked them and separated them from each other.

"EDWARD!!" Nyelle exclaimed as well but unlike Yve she was captured by the man and they instantly ran away.

However, to the enemies" dismay, Eybelle and Chrysthe were already up ahead. Slayne is now by Yve"s side to help her.

"Take care of Yve. I will help Edward and the rest. The rendezvous will still be the same." Vince ordered and dashed to the scene.

Yve can"t do anything except agree with Vince"s order and followed Slayne as he brought her to safety. It was a black van and Sylvan and Jaleb were there guarding the van.

"Miss, please get inside the van." Sylvan politely said and opened the door for her to get inside. However, Yve has something else in mind.

"How about Vince and the rest?" She asked.

Sylvan smiled before answering, "Don"t worry about them. They"re the best of our team and they can certainly handle it. Another team will also come to pick them up."

"Moreover, Miss, our mission is to bring the three of you to safety." Slayne added.

"Three?" Yve wondered who the two people are as she hopped in the van.

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