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Chapter 193

"I forced myself onto her . "

"WHAT?! You raped your wife?!" Edward exclaimed and stood up because of the shock he felt .

"Not that kind of force! I kissed her in a very harsh way that she had to fight back and walked out of the room . " Vince explained elaborately .

"Why did you do that?"

"Jealousy . I was jealous . " Vince admitted .


"I know it may sound stupid but the past few days she has been secretive . I don"t like it . "

"This is not the first time that she was secretive . When you were still trying to win her back, she was quiet almost all the time . "

"I know but this time it"s different . Haru called her late last night and the moment I told her the information this morning, she sent text messages to her . "

"In other words you got jealous with the closeness between your friend and fiance?"
"Don"t you dare make fun of me . Haru is Yve"s idol . Of course, you can argue that it"s just admiration . . . But Ugghh!! I don"t know anymore . "

Edward can now see the point of his cousin . Well if he was in his cousin"s position, he might also feel the same . The only difference is that Vince doesn"t know the topic and it"s driving him crazier . If only he can reveal the plan to his cousin .

"Okay, I understand . I will cancel all the executive meeting with other leaders . I will deal with the rest . " Edward said before leaving his cousin inside the room .

He can"t do anything about it except inform Yve and leave the patching up to her .

Yve received Edward"s message a bit since she was in a meeting . Upon reading the contents, she sighed and smiled at her jealous husband . As the old problem was resolved, she has a different one in her hand . .

"How will I be able to make it up to him without revealing the surprise wedding?"

She has been cracking her head but still nothing comes up . But then, Sylvan knocked on the door and came in .

"What is it, Sylvan?"

"Miss, if you don"t have any plans, can we come back to the hotel a little earlier?" Sylvan requested .

"Why is that?" Yve got a bit irritated as she still hasn"t figured out how to please Vince .

"Madam Maddie told us to come to the head office for a suit and dress fitting . "

"Hmm . . . I see . Then I will come with you . I need to speak to Maddie . "

"Yes, Miss . " Sylvan was left with no other choice but to agree .

"This will cause another fight if she will not go home early . " Sylvan thought as he closed the door .

Although he"s scared at Maddie he has no other choice but to inform the Madam of her son"s tantrum . True to his understanding of Maddie"s att.i.tude, the woman came and talked to her future daughter-in-law . Yve was dumbfounded by this sudden visit .


"Yve, I heard from your secretary of the recent feud with my son . "

"Mom, I wouldn"t call it a feud . It"s just a small misunderstanding . "

"Hmmm . . . . Now have you thought on how will you calm his jealous heart?"

"Not yet . I was hoping to ask for your help . Aside from being honest, I don"t know what to do . At this juncture, honesty is not an option . "

"Invite him out for dinner and make him feel that he"s the only one for you . " Maddie suggested .

"He"s really the only one for me . "

"I know but my stupid son is thinking otherwise . The secret planning for your wedding is making him feel insecure . Since he doesn"t know that, it"s eating him inside . " Maddie explained .

"Now that I think about it, I"m partly at fault . Thank you, Maddie . " Yve said and dialed Edward"s number .

"Edward? What time will Vince finish his schedule?" She asked .

"He has no schedule for today . He"s drinking inside the suite since this morning . " Edward reported like a child informing his mother of her husband"s misconduct .

"WHAT?!" Yve couldn"t believe her ears .

It"s already late in the afternoon and soon night will officially come . If Vince has been drinking this morning, she can"t start to imagine Vince"s appearance .

"Mom, I"ll be going ahead . Edward said that Vince has been drinking since this morning . "

Without waiting for her response, Yve left the office with Chrysthe following closely behind her . Sylvan, on the other hand, decided to drive Maddie to her office where they were told to meet for the suit and dress fitting .

As soon as they arrive, the rest of Team Alpha was there minus Chrysthe are already waiting for them . Maddie doesn"t want to waste anyone"s time so she started the fitting simultaneously . The men were a.s.sisted by the staff while she focused on Eybelle"s dress . As each of them tries out the suits, they realized how Maddie made their outfits stylish yet convenient . Inside the fitting room, they tried sparring a bit to check the fit and found it perfect .

"As expected of the fas.h.i.+on Queen . She really knows what her clients" priorities in terms of clothes are . " They all thought in unison .

While the team is busy on their attire for the event, Yve has just arrived at the hotel . She found herself hurrying to their room . As she opened the door, she saw her husband lying on the couch sleeping like a log . On the table, there were empty bottles of whiskey and his gla.s.s .

She removed her coat and hanged it on the opposite couch . She walked to the closet to get a t-s.h.i.+rt that Vince might change into . Once she decided on the s.h.i.+rt Vince will wear, she went to the bathroom and got some towels and a basin of water to wipe Vince"s face and exposed arms and legs . Vince must have been very drunk that none of her movements woke the man up . When she finished changing his clothes, she decided to prepare a soup for Vince"s hang-over as soon as he wakes up .

After cooking, she took a warm bath and changed into her comfortable pajamas . She sat by Vince"s side and read the reports she failed to understand later that afternoon . As she finished her works, she turned her head around and whispered to Vince,

"I"m sorry if my actions the past few days made you feel so insecure . "

"However, I hope you will trust me on this one . "

"You will always be the one for me and nothing or no one will be able to change that . "

She kissed Vince on the lips before placing her head on the s.p.a.ce beside Vince"s body and closed her eyes . As she fell asleep without realizing, the man lying on the couch opened his eyes and smiled at her confession . He kissed her on the lips and apologized to her sleeping face .

Once more, he kissed her on the lips a bit longer this time and carried her to their bed . After placing her comfortably, he gave in to hangover that has been bugging him the moment he woke up . He went to the kitchen and saw the soup . He served himself and enjoyed the hang over soup Yve probably cooked for him .  

Once his tummy was full, he washed the dishes before heading to the bed to sleep beside his Queen . As the deepness of the mattress s.h.i.+fted due to his movement, Yve"s body subconsciously turned around and hugged his unsettled body . A smile escaped from his face as he carefully finalize his position without waking her up . Unbreaking her embrace, he makes it tighter by hugging her back . Without any official conversation, they resolved their issue and slept the night away warming on each other"s body heat .  

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