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Chapter 195

That morning, the couple made the headlines as soon as they woke up . The newspaper released an article about the antic.i.p.ation of Vincent Gray"s birthday party planned by his wife, Yvory Smith-Gray .

At 9AM, Maddie brought Yve with the rest of the girls to her favorite salon and spa . This is to get them ready for the event . Eybelle tagged along with them as their bodyguard and hidden was a group of undercover agents from Chrysthe"s team .

At the same time, the boys woke Vince up with Edward acting the same by reporting the latest news . Vince smiled at the article released in the newspaper . It contained their picture when Yve first came to Stones to announce her claim to the throne and became the CEO of SkyMu . He can"t help but reminisce the past .

"Bro, is everything okay?" Edward asked him when he saw his cousin hopelessly smiling .

"Yes . By the way, what time will be the birthday party? It will be at 4 in the afternoon . " Edward answered .

"Why is it so early?" Vince became curious .

"I"m not too sure, too . "

"Since it"s Yve who planned this, I don"t mind . "
"Okay . "

"She also told me to have you wear this suit that Yve sent to me . " Edward informed him before leaving Vince"s room .

"You have really prepared a lot for this day, haven"t you? My Queen?" Vine thought .

He then checked the paper works left on his table at the base . These papers are those that Edward and Slayne can"t seem to solve . Because of this, Vince doesn"t need to always come to the base . He can focus on handling the business and be there only for important matters .

The ladies had finished their spa regimen and is now on their way to the hotel . Their plan is to welcome the guests to the so-called birthday party . To avoid hinting anything, she will wear a dress she secretly fitted with Maddie . Her mother-in-law also prepared a suit for Vince which she already sent to Edward .

Time Check: 2:30PM

Edward informed Vince of the time . The boys hurried and changed to their respective suits . Maddie prepared black, blue and white colors for his suit . His suit"s main color is dark blue with black accent while his polo inside is white with a two-layered bow-tie . The bow-tie"s first layer is colored black whole the outer is a blue and white polkdot . His hair is designed how it usually is and as the team finished preparing; they all head out to the hotel .

The ladies, on the other hand, began changing their clothes . Yve was the last one to finish wearing her dress . It"s a royal blue colored halter blue-length dress with an neckline . It looked very simple but elegant with small diamonds and sequence on the neckline and on the waist area .

"WOW! The dress looks beautiful, Yve . " Nyelle complemented .

"I know . It"s all thanks to Maddie . " Yve pa.s.sed it to Maddie .

"Not really . A design can only do so much but it"s the person who wears it magnifies the beauty . " Maddie said .

Yve"s hair is let down with large curls at the bottom part . To make the look more beautiful in preparation for the wedding, certain areas from left and right parts are locked before meeting at the center . Diamond- glued pins are attached to her hair as for the main hair accessory a blue rose with white coronet flowers in the middle .

Just as she finished her hair and make-up, someone knocked at the door . As it opened, the boys lead by Vince came inside . They were all in awe with Yve"s beauty . Without talking, Vince approached his queen and scooped her .

"It"s my birthday but why are you the one who"s so pretty?" Vince whispered .

Yve encircled her arms around Vince"s neck and said, "To claim my stake . I want everyone to know that you"re min and that no one is allowed to take you away from me . "

"Come on! Stop being so cheesy and annoying all the single people in here . " Edward said .

"Then stop being so slow and make the woman you like yours . " Vince replied making everyone laugh at their exchange .

"Enough of the jokes . Kids, I think we should go to the ballroom . Your guests must be tired of waiting . " Maddie said and from then they walked to the venue and started welcoming some guests .

Yve, alongside Maddie, is on the front door while Vince will be on the waiting room . He is scheduled to come out at the beginning of the program . As they stood there, Sylvan is beside them to introduce the guests before shaking their hands .

"Are you ready for the surprise wedding?" Maddie asked .

"To be honest I"m so nervous . I want it to be perfect and … . . " Yve began over thinking but Maddie stopped her .

"Relax, my dear . We"re all here for you . If you need anything or something bad arises, you will not face it alone . Don"t worry too much . " Maddie rea.s.sured her .

"Thanks, Mom . " Maddie hugged her mother on the side .

The guests didn"t fail to notice how close the two important women to Vince . They have different speculations about this .

"They seemed to be very close . "

"Wasn"t Yvory Smith the former girlfriend of Vincent Gray way back in his university years before transferring to Australia?"

"If that"s the case, their story would be an example of childhood sweethearts?"

Just like that, all the guests have arrived and Yve and Maddie went inside to their respective places . As they sat down, the guests noticed the food being served is for a tea party . Everything was planned as they will change the food after the wedding ceremony is over .

As the program began, everyone welcomes the birthday boy, Vince Gray with loud claps all over the place . On a different note, Yve went up the stage to be her king"s partner . With that, the guests" claps became louder and cameras from their phones took pictures of the couple happily .

It was really a joyous occasion .

Vince whispered to Yve, "Thank you so much for this party . "

"You"re in for a greater surprise . " Yve whispered back as they walked towards the center of the stage .

"I can"t let my Queen overwhelm me with all her plans for today . " Vince thought as the party continued .

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