Not minding Edward, who was anxiously waiting outside the room, Nyelle and Vince calmly stare at each other. They both knew the topics of today"s private conversation.

"Nyelle, I heard from Yve that you wished to move out?" Vince started.

"Yes and this has nothing to do with my feelings for your brother and what happened between the two of us." Nyelle replied and countered back.

"So you want me to believe that you really have feelings for Edward?" Vince asked.

"I don"t want to force you to believe me as our relations.h.i.+p doesn"t have anything to do with you. I will just let time show you my sincerity." Nyelle curtly.

"It"s fine. You"re att.i.tude towards the issue when confronted at the moment is enough to show how serious you are." Vince replied.

Sensing the sincerity in Vince"s voice, she went back to the topic of moving out by asking a question.

"Is there any issue if I will move out from the base?"

"Actually a little." Vince honestly answered. She"s someone special both to his wife and cousin. She must be protected at all cost.

"Remember the amus.e.m.e.nt park incident?"


"We have investigated who were behind them and they were actually a hired group, which means..."

"It will do no good to capture the legs without fending off the head first." Nyelle interrupted.

"Exactly." Vince answered.

Nyelle released a deep sigh to contemplate her thoughts. She wanted to express her idea on this as she might not get another chance in the near future.

"Vince, I know that you"re just ensuring everyone"s safety but somehow I don"t want to continuously depend on your people. All of them are great especially your team but by staying there all the time, I"m starting to feel useless." Nyelle said.

"You know that"s not true. You just showed your abilities in the meeting." Vince said.

"Exactly! I want to hone the current skills I have and to continuously improve as a person. I don"t want to lock myself inside that base just to stay safe."

"..." This time it was Vince"s turn to be silent as he thinks of his next course of action.

"She"s strong willed now. I hope that she will not be swayed by others in the near future." Vince thought.

"Maybe you can think of another way to keep me safe, if that will at least ease you?" Nyelle suggested.

"Anything and everything?"

"Anything except for living in the base and of course, doing illegal things." Nyelle said with a poker face.

Vince turned his head sideways as he recalled how Yve laid her conditions as well. "They"re really best friends."

"Okay. Then I will arrange for your living arrangements but as for Edward..."

"I will explain it to him. Don"t worry."

"Hmm.... Then I"ll leave it to you." Vince said before allowing Nyelle to leave his office.

As soon as she went out, Edward was already there anxiously waiting for her. The man suddenly embraced her and said,

"Please don"t leave me."

Nyelle couldn"t understand Edward"s actions. She hugged the man back and whispered,

"Relax... I"m not going to leave you just a few hours after I said yes. Don"t worry."

"So you"re still planning to leave me?"

"Let"s talk inside your office? I have some things I would like to tell you." Nyelle said which made the man look at her.

She tried to convince the man not to worry so much with fierceness in her eyes. The man seemed to understand her thoughts so without delaying things, he pulled her gently towards the office. Vince witnessed the scene with his eyes and felt bad about what he said to Nyelle.

"I hope you understand, Nyelle. I don"t want to see my cousin break down again."

Inside the office, Edward urged Nyelle to sit on his lap which the latter complied.

"This must be one of the reasons why Vince is over protective to this cousin of his." Nyelle thought.

"What do you want to talk about with my cousin?"

"Remember the recent time Yve and I hanged out?" Nyelle began with a question.


"I asked her if there"s a possibility I can move out of the base...." Nyelle said it straight to the point as she felt there"s no need to tell unnecessary information to Edward since it"s evident this man is aching for details.

"Why?" Edward asked.

Nyelle didn"t understand his question so she clarified, "What do you mean, why?"

"Why do you want to move out? Have you forgotten about the amus.e.m.e.nt park incident?" Edward raised his tone a little which clearly expressed how he felt on Nyelle"s decision.

"I do remember it but I don"t want to stay protected and pampered inside the base. That"s not who I want to be." Nyelle replied.

"...." Edward didn"t say a word as he was hoping Nyelle would continue to explain.

"I talked to Vince and asked his permission to move out. He agreed on the condition that he will arrange the security of the new place." Nyelle said.

"Hmm....." Edward responded without looking at her. This got Edward worried.

"Are you mad?"

"I"m a little p.i.s.sed off that you chose to talk to Vince first." Edward admitted.

"I didn"t. I opened this to Yve and Vince decided to talk to me."

"I"ll inform him that I will be the one to take care of you. You"re my...." Edward didn"t continue his line as he looked at Nyelle filled with care and tenderness in his eyes.

"Okay, okay. Whatever makes you more comfortable." Nyelle replied.

"I guess over protectiveness is in their genes. First Vince and now Edward." Nyelle thought as she hugged the worried man.

Vince couldn"t help himself but to sneak a peek at the new couple. He knew that his cousin might get mad after knowing Nyelle"s decision. Furthermore, he might not like it that he knew it first. Vince clearly understands Edward"s needs to know everything about Nyelle first as well as the thought that his woman"s safety is his responsibility. That"s why he is curious to find out how will Nyelle react to Edward"s att.i.tude in their relations.h.i.+p.

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