Together with the two gentlemen, Yve learned the different terms indicated in the files she was confused. She was also able to give revise some papers from the office. Thanks to Edward"s help, she finished the tasks way faster.  

"I need to learn things as fast as possible so that I can be as efficient as Edward, at least." Yve murmured to herself but it was loud enough for Sylvan to hear.

"Young Madam, you don"t need to be in a hurry. You"re actually doing a great job considering that you only had basic knowledge on business and not even a semester had pa.s.sed by since you began studying it." Sylvan whispered to Yve when Edward was no longer in the vicinity.

"Thanks, Sylvan." Yve responded with a smile.

Just like that, Nyelle called them for dinner and they head towards the dining table. They even called Chrysthe but he rejected the offer. He said someone needs to be on watch on the CCTV footages as they record.

"Well, there is only one person who can force Chrysthe to do something else once he had placed his mind on it and that"s Vince." Edward said.

"But, his dinner…" Nyelle said.

"Prepare a serving good for one person then hand them to me. I will personally deliver it to him." Yve said.

"Young Madam, you don"t have to personally to that. He will actually eat after I take over his post." Sylvan said as he thought that they can"t possibly let the Lady Boss deliver the food to them like a maid or servant.

"But if I wait for that time, his dinner will be late. If I"m eating right and on time, I want the people around me to do the same. If he will really not with us, then I will deliver the food to him every time." Yve strongly said as she waited for Nyelle to finish packing the food.

Nyelle placed the dishes with a gla.s.s of water on a tray before handing it to Yve. As soon as she received the tray she left the main house to go to Chrysthe"s room which also serves as the CCTV record room. Through the video footage, Chrysthe knew that his Lady Boss would come to him so he opened the door.

"Young Madam, you don"t need to do this." Chrysthe said feeling shy at the service he is receiving from the wife of his boss.

"I want to." Yve"s voice was firm and decisive.

"I know that you"re feeling guilty of not doing your best which led us to be observed and followed for quite some time. Now let me tell you, it"s not your fault or anybody"s fault. You were alert at the right time which resulted to the failure of the plan of the group. "

"Young Madam…."

"Moreover, if you will not eat properly, then how can you protect me when time comes?" Yve added with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I got it, Young Madam. Like the Boss you also have your own way to make other people obey your commands or requests." Chrysthe can"t help but make the remark.

Yve just smiled without saying in return.

"I promise. I will really take care of myself but please don"t deliver the food to me personally. How about this? I will eat with you next time and let one of the guys take over just for a few minutes?" Chrysthe finally compromised.

"That"s more I like it." Yve said and smiled triumphantly.

"Then Young Madam, you should go back and enjoy your dinner as well. Secondo and the rest are probably waiting for you." Chrysthe urged which Yve obeyed and turned around towards the main house.

Inside the house, the two men were seriously talking about the possible connection on the two attacks close to their Boss" hearts. Nyelle just silently sat on between them, patiently waiting for Yve.

"We need to make sure that this will not happen again." Edward said to Sylvan.

"Of course! Or else we don"t deserve to be the Boss" Team Alpha." Sylvan said.

The two men reviewed the series of events that led to the incident early that day. Nyelle continued to listen and was in awe at how vast the information they gathered at a short time.

"Amira and Airis were fools to think that they can defeat Yve with their petty tricks. With these capable people, n.o.body can ever hurt her. The beautiful days she longed for will continue." Nyelle thought to herself.

They were suddenly interrupted when Yve returned and asked,

"Why are all of you so serious?" She took a seat in front of them.

"…." No one dared to say a word as they are trying to figure out how much did Yve hear from their conversation.

"Come on! We should eat now!" Yve said as she gets a spoonful of rice followed by the sweet and sour fish.

"…" No one talked but Nyelle instantly followed Yve as she"s also starving.

In the midst of eating dinner, Yve broke the awkward situation and said,

"I know that you"re blaming yourselves, especially you, Sylvan. But you can"t protect me 24/7 as the enemies would really try their best to outsmart you. They might even attract me with business ventures or school activities just to harm me."

"…." Sylvan looked down and tightened his knuckles while Edward chewed his food looking at Yve.

"She"s tougher now. Should I interpret this as the former Yve that my cousin saw? Or is it also because she trusts my cousin and the team entirely?" Edward"s mind talked.

"And I believe you know my personality well. I will not stay at home and act weak while you protect me. I"m not asking you to let this go as I will certainly not as well. You can make adjustments as you seem fit. But I will not tolerate the act of negligence. You must take care of yourselves, too. After all, I consider you my family, as well. Okay?" Yve was firm yet gentle. The three people understood what she wanted to happen and was more than encouraged and motivated.

"With knowledge and enough experience, you"re definitely a leader in the making. Young Madam." Sylvan thought.

"Now, let"s remove this lonely atmosphere and enjoy our meal like we use to, please? My husband is not here, don"t make me feel alone." Yve smiled which was returned by laughter coming from Nyelle.

"That was a great speech, Yve. I thought you changed and would continue to tolerate this feeling." Nyelle commented.

"Of course not!" The laughter from two girls echoed inside the house making the men smile at how they can be strong and carefree at the same time.

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