Yve is walking around the site while browsing through the reports that the staff sent her during the week. She"s satisfied with the progress of the project. To give them a reward for their good job, Yve called Sylvan to ask something.

"Yes, Young Madam?" 

"Sylvan, how many employees are working on this project, excluding the managers?" Yve asked.

"There are about 150 employees working and we are coordinating with 5 managers and supervisors." Sylvan answered.

"Now, I would like you to order some snacks for them and let them enjoy the food during their afternoon break." Yve ordered.

"Including the managers?"

"Yes, and we"re going to eat it together. So please make the necessary arrangements." Yve gladly said and with that Sylvan left her. 

Yve called the managers and they went inside one of the meeting rooms to proceed with a progress report. The meeting progressed well as each partic.i.p.ant was all smile. Everything is progressing smoothly so they are quite relaxed at the moment. 

Before concluding the meeting, Yve informed them to join her for an afternoon snacks. The managers were happy and followed her. Yve took them back to the site and just on time, Sylvan finished making the necessary preparation. 

Meanwhile on the head office, Edward knocked on Vince"s door. 

"Come in."

"Bro, cousin-in-law is already done with her meeting but Sylvan told me that she will not yet come up here because she"s still having an afternoon snack." Edward reported.

"Afternoon snack? With who?" Vince asked as he stopped a bit to look up to his cousin in front of him.

"She is eating with the managers and employees working for her project." Edward simply reported.

"Hmmm… As a reward for their hard work. I want to join them though. Do you think it would possible, Edward?"

"We can add more drinks." Edward simply replied.

"Good. Now, let"s head there and join the fun as well." 

Edward ordered the drinks as they walk towards Yve and the rest of the team. 

Giggles and laughter were heard from Yve and the rest of the employees. They were eating a lot of snacks, sweets. Vince halted Edward to eavesdrop on their conversation. 

"Miss Yve, thank you very much for the treat." 

"The food is really delicious."

"You"re all welcome! Thank you also for working so hard for this project." 

"By the way, Miss Yve, will you be in-charge of the Halloween project of the mall?" One of the employees asked.

"I don"t know yet. For now, I"m focused on this project." Yve asked.

"How about let"s play the game knock, knock?" Yve asked their opinion.

"Fine with us. Who will start, Miss Yve?" 


Vince can"t help but smile on how the employees and Yve enjoy each other"s company while eating snacks. This was the scenario they used to see when Yve"s father was alive. Her father would eat with the employees whenever he had the time and both parties involve enjoyed. 

"She"s really like her father in that aspect. She even has the skill for business." Vince thought when Edward whispered to him.

"Bro, the drinks are ready. We can approach them now."

"Okay, then."

"Seems like everyone is having fun." Vince said and shocked the employees, including Yve.

"Mr. Gray, I hope you don"t mind that we"re eating in here during…." An employee is in the middle of his explanation when Vince interrupted him.

"I don"t mind. It"s your break after all. I have brought some drinks for everyone." Their boss said as he handed a can of juice to Yve.

The employees noticed the sweet gesture between the couple and they only smiled. Vince then sat beside Yve and said to them.

"I just want to eat with all of you. I hope its okay." 

The employees were shocked yet happy and honored with Vince"s humility.

"These couple might not be so bad as what the rumors said they are."

"They even wanted to eat with mere employees like us." 

"They"re good at their work and they treat us with respect."

"Stones Enterprises and Gray Group are in safe hands under these couple." 

The employees have their own thoughts on the couple. 

The couple continued to talk and laugh with the rest of the employees. Everyone is enjoying but sad to say it has to end because Yve needs to go.

"Young Madam, you still have an appointment with Miss Maddie." Sylvan whispered.

"Oh, yeah! I almost forgot." Yve exclaimed and stood up which got the attention of the employees.

"Everyone, sad to say I still have another meeting so I need to go." Yve announced.

"That"s okay, Miss Yve."

"Thank you for the treat."

"You"re all welcome. Just continue to enjoy the food. See you next week." Yve bid farewell to the employees and walked away with Sylvan following her from behind. 

Vince also stood up and informed the group that he will walk his wife out first. 

"Don"t be too conscious. Just eat and drink and you can ask my secretary for more." Vince said and followed Yve. 

"Yve, will you be home for dinner?" Vince asked his wife as he wrapped one of his arms around Yve"s waist.

"I don"t think so. Maybe Mom and I will eat out after the counseling. Would you like to join us for dinner instead?"

"Hmm… I"m not sure as well. I still have to finish some papers so that I can enjoy our Sunday together." Vince answered.

Sylvan arrived with their car and with that the couple bid each other farewell with a kiss. 

When Yve thought that it will be a short one, Vince bit her lower lip causing her to open her mouth. Vince"s mouth was exploring her mouth and savoring every corner possible. Yve"s mind is about to go blank but she was able to stop Vince first before she totally lost control. She pushed him back softly and between her breaths she whispered,

"We"re outside the mall. This is a public place." 

Vince smiled at his wife"s reasoning.

"So private is fine?" 

His short tease resulted to Yve"s blushed face and without waiting for her response, he added,

"Then later at home. Let me enjoy all of you, okay?" 

"VINCE!!!" Yve pushed away and went inside the car without and looking back at Vince she instructed Sylvan to leave now.

Meanwhile the man who was left alone laughed and thought,

"It"s always fun to tease you, My Queen. However, I"m quite serious about it."

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