Yve drives the car away from the mall with Maddie in the front seat of the car after watching a movie together. Maddie felt really tired for the day and her eyes are getting droopy but she"s still afraid to sleep. She knows that flashback from that incident will haunt her. 

"Mom, should I stay with you tonight in your office tonight? I can call Vince if you like." Yve offered noticing Maddie"s dilemma through the car"s side mirror.

"Thank you but I think I can handle it. Rose is staying at the office too." 

"Rose, as well? Is her room also convenient?" 

"Mom, I really need to see your offices tonight. I need to make the necessary changes and drafts to begin the redecoration of the rooms." Yve said. 

Just like that, they arrive at the main office of n.o.ble"s fas.h.i.+on line. Maddie has no choice but to let Yve inside the building and they walk towards the room when Rose shows up in the lounge.

"Miss Maddie, Mrs. Gray, good evening?" Rose greets them.

"Good evening, Rose. I"m sorry if we wake you up. Yve, here is quite persistent and wants to see our offices. I just can"t stop her." Maddie explained.

"I hope you don"t mind, Rose." 

"Of course, I don"t. As long as it"s for the good of Miss Maddie." Rose agreed and Yve looked around their rooms and took pictures to get keep track of the information she gatherered. 

She"s in the middle of taking pictures when Vince suddenly calls. 

"Yve, it"s already late. According to Sylvan, you"re still at my mom"s office. What are you doing there?" Vince asked her.

"I"ll be going home in a bit. I just need to finish taking pictures of their office." Yve plainly replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I"ll explain later. In the meantime, can you let me finish this so that I can go home? Will that be fine, Mr. Gray?" 

"That will be fine but let Chrysthe drive you home. Sylvan asked to be excused because he still needs to wake up early in preparation for SkyMu"s online project. Chrysthe, Eybelle and her team are guarding you. Understood, Mrs. Gray?"

"Roger that." 

Knowing how worrywart her husband can be, she hurries in taking pictures and informs Rose on the result of the counseling.

"That"s why Rose, I want to renovate your offices and rooms allowing easy access. Mom doesn"t want to live with us until she gets better. Yet I can"t just let her endure it alone." Yve explained to Maddie"s secretary.

"I fully understand, Mrs. Gray. Thank you so much for your love and care to Miss Maddie." Rose expressed her grat.i.tude sincerely.

"I love Mom not because she"s my mother-in-law but because she"s really a good person. She"s one of the few people who truly love me before and after my parents died. I know Vince loves her so much but since managing two corporations aren"t easy, it consumes a lot of his time. So, I want to be there for her instead." Yve explained.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Gray. "

"Please call me Yve. I will not stay longer. Have a good night, Rose. I won"t wait for Mom anymore. Please take care of her." After their short conversation, Yve leaves the office.

As she comes out, Chrysthe is already outside in the car waiting for her. Yve smiles and let Chrysthe drive her home as what her husband wanted to. 

The moment her car enters their house"s gate, Yve sees her husband standing in front of the house in his pajamas.

"Vince, why are you here? It"s late already. You should be sleeping." Yve greets her husband as soon as the car stops in front.

"I should be asking the same. It"s this late and you just arrived home. Do I smell something fishy?" 

"Stop making fun of me, will you? I"m so tired." Yve hugs one of Vince"s arms making him smile.

"Okay, I won"t as long as you will kiss me." Vince playfully said and bends to his right side closer to Yve"s face.

"Vince… your guards are watching." Yve tries to push him back but is too late. 

Vince"s arms are around her and she kisses her on the lips. The kiss is sweet and encouraging. It conveys a lot of unspoken words melting Yve"s conviction away. She finally gives in and kissed him back. Chrysthe orders the guards to turn around and Vince noticing this decides it would be best to keep this memory to them, smoothly pushes Yve towards the house. Vince skillfully closes the door without interrupting the kiss they are currently sharing. Yve hasn"t even realize that they"re inside the house as she places both her hands around Vince"s neck to deepen the kiss. Vince continues to kiss her but a little deeper this time. 

Yve feels the kiss deepen as well. It has become possessive and wilder and Vince"s tongue is roaming around her mouth. Yve wants to stop as she is getting out of breath. But her heart is telling her otherwise and her body isn"t listening to her mind as she places one of her legs around Vince"s waist. The man understood her action and helps her with wrapping the other leg. Now, Yve is clinging on Vince"s body like a koala to a tree without breaking the kiss. Carefully, Vince carries Yve to their room unnoticed by Yve. When they reach the room, Vince has to put Yve on their bed that"s the time that Yve notices they have arrived in their room. 

Yve suddenly feels shy recalling all the kissing they did and how she failed to notice that Vince have brought her inside their room. Seeing the flushed look on her face, Vince decides to let it go and kisses her on the forehead.

"I"ve had my fill. Thank you very much, Yve. Now get some rest as I know you"re very tired." 

Vince walks away to give her some s.p.a.ce and is about to leave when Yve calls him.

"But Mom"s counseling…"

"You can tell me the details tomorrow. I"m a.s.sured that you did your best to help my mother today. As long as my mother"s not in a critical condition, I don"t think there"s a need to worry." Vince comforts her wife and urges her to retire for the night. 

Without waiting any second longer, Vince leaves the room and goes to the living room to play the piano to relax and calm down from the heated kiss he had shared with his wife. 

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