It"s midnight and as planned by Vince and Edward, the cyber universe is consumed by the fake news they just leaked. Many netizens reacted to the post and shared it using their respective account reaching more audiences. In this method, the news reached a good spot in trending topics in different social media platforms. Some newspapers also decided to write a short article on it. 

By the time the morning came, Steve finds himself drowning in calls from his secretary and media personnel trying to get his statement on the online post. He calls his secretary to understand the situation. 

"Call for an emergency meeting one hour from now. I"m going to Hu0026E this instant. The agenda is that controversy." Steve instructed on the phone. Anger and annoyance are evident on his voice.

"Noted, Sir." The secretary replies before hearing the busy tone from his boss" line. 

"He"s definitely angry. How come a malicious post caused uproar on social media hours after our initial meeting?" The secretary wonders as he uses his computer to send a high-alert, emergency message to the managers needed for this case.

As Hu0026E is in road to an early emergency meeting, Yve wakes up happily in her husband"s arms. Knowing her schedule isn"t as busy as before, she uses her little time to stare at Vince"s sleeping face.

"Looking at your face reminds me of the conversation I had with my father." 

---- FLASHBACK ----

5 years ago

"I"m home, Dad!" Yve runs to her father who just arrived from work as well.

"h.e.l.lo, my princess! How was your day?" 

"It was really great!"

"Ohh? Why was that?" Her father walks with her towards the house.

"Vince gave me a delicious lunch from the newly opened j.a.panese restaurant in town. The food was really delicious." Yve happily tells her father her lunch break with Vince.

"That"s great, my princess. But this Vince guy seems to be taking extra good care of you."

"Hmmm… he does take good care of me. He"s a good guy, Dad." 

"Well, my first impression of him was quite good. But time can only tell."

"What do you mean, Dad?"

"My princess, dear, you know that change is the only thing that"s constant in this world, right?"

"Of course. You taught me that long before. It"s evident in our surroundings."

"But it"s not just limited to our surroundings. People also change whether for the good or bad, only time and circ.u.mstances can tell." 

"Dad, are you telling me that how Vince treat me will change?"

"If he will not change his att.i.tude towards you negatively as time continues to pa.s.s and with all the circ.u.mstances, then you"re a very lucky girl. Keep him then and make sure not to let him go."


"You have never changed. Instead, you love me more than I deserve." Yve whispers and presses her hand on his.

"Dad, he"s really the guy for me. Whether for the good or bad, I"m not going to let him go again." Yve promises to herself. 

Vince presses his hand to tighten their hold to each other. This action shocks Yve especially after the words she just expressed.

"Good morning, my Queen." 

"Good morning…." Yve replies quite awkwardly. 

Vince sits straight while continuously holding Yve"s hand before asking "Is everything alright?" 

"Uhhh… hmmm yeah. Everything is fine. Let"s go get ready for the day."

 Yve pulls up Vince to change the topic but the man keeps on fighting back by making himself heavier. Realizing that Vince doesn"t want to get up, Yve runs away from their bedroom. She proceeds to their bathroom and lucks herself in to wash her face before cooking their breakfast.

Yve didn"t realize that Vince heard her whispers and promise. 

"I didn"t let you go when I thought the feeling was one sided, how much more that it"s mutual." Vince smiles as he finally stands up and fixes their bed. He heads down to the kitchen and works on their breakfast when Yve finally walks toward him.

"Let"s cook breakfast together." Yve suggests.

"Breakfast is almost done. How about you cook lunch instead? I want to eat the dish you cook today." 

"Okay." Yve looks at their stock inside their refrigerator to come up with an idea on what to cook.

 When Vince finishes cooking, he informs Yve that he will take a shower. Yve nods in reply as she starts slicing the ingredients she will use. She decided to cook sautéed ground pork with minces potatoes and carrots. To complete the healthy meal, she decides to pair it up with cauliflower rice. So while she places the dish inside the lunch boxes, the cauliflower rice is almost ready too. When Vince walks down with his suitcase and tie, Yve finishes packing their lunch. 

"Your turn to shower." Vince reminds his wife. Yve does as she reminded and runs towards their bathroom. 

Vince approaches their dining table and sees the lunch boxes Yve has prepared. Beside them are the newspapers. He picks them up one by one and scans through the entertainment section to check whether their online post made it to the paper. Seeing it actually did, he extracts the section from the newspapers and leaves it on Yve"s side of the table. It has been their practice to divide the newspapers into their sections as Yve is only interested on entertainment section. 

"You might face difficulty in this but I"ll always be here to help you. Although I believe you can handle it confidently."

While waiting for Yve, Vince sits on his side of the table and reads the other sections of the newspapers when Sylvan arrives.


"Oh, Sylvan you"re quite early today. Come on, eat breakfast with us. My wife would definitely like it." Vince says as he places the needed utensils for Sylvan.

"Thank you, Primo. But I came here early because of the news…"

"Sshhh… I planned it. Yve hasn"t read the articles yet."

"I see." 

With that short exchange, Sylvan instantly understands what his Boss is doing. With this gossip, both their spy and Sylvan were saved on revealing this plan to their Lady Boss. 

"Good morning, Sylvan. You"re already here! Do I have an early meeting today?" Yve asks as she walks faster towards the two guys in the dining table. 

"No, Young Madam. I just arrived early."

"Come on, let"s eat our breakfast together. Sylvan will join us." 

"I see. I"ll just read these newspapers in the car. Let"s eat." 

The trio eats the dishes Vince prepared for breakfast as Yve continues to be unaware of the situation. 

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