Once Yve has calmed down after their honest conversation, Vince says,

"Will you stay with me or go home first? I"m waiting for a fax." 

"Hmm… should I just leave for a while and buy a take-out dinner for both of us?" 

"Up to you."

"I"ll just leave you with your work for now. I"ll go with Steve , then."

While Yve is buying food for both of them at the nearby restaurant, Yve calls Lester.


"It"s Yve."

"Hmm… so have you made up your mind?"

"Yeah… I agree with the partners.h.i.+p. I"ll inform Hyacinth"s manager and line up your schedule with our artists." Yve informs him.

"Okay… Thank you."

"Let me prepare a written agreement as well so that n.o.body can question the exclusives that I will give you." 


"Thanks for the offer, Lester. Now I have to go as my order has just arrived." 

The couple dinner is silently on its way with Yve occasionally feeding Vince who is still reading the faxed report.

"Queen, I"m very sorry about this. I need to leave this at the finance office tonight so that"s why I need to do this." Vince apologizes to his wife.

"It"s okay. Sylvan has explained to me your current situation. But next time make sure to eat properly. I will make this an exception." Yve smiles as she feeds her husband a spoonful of food.

Soon, they finish their dinner with Vince still reading the report. To avoid disturbing him, Yve leaves him alone and goes to his bedroom. She starts reviewing her lecture notes in preparation for her major exams. 

"Young Madam?" Sylvan knocks on the open door before entering the room where his Lady Boss is reading.


"I need to go home now. But before that, I want to update you with your schedule tomorrow." 

"Go ahead." 

Sylvan enumerates her schedule including her visit at the mall and accompanying Maddie to her first treatment session. Yve remembers her schedule well and informs Sylvan to insert Lester"s exclusive interview on the artists and it will be a part of the behind-the-scenes of the videos. 

"If they have any questions tell them I"m open for a meeting tomorrow and if they book, please rearrange my schedule then."

"Yes, Young Madam."

"You can go now, thank you." 

Once left alone, Yve continues to read her notes and textbooks. She will occasionally peek at her husband who"s still engrossed in reading the report. His eyes are moving in accordance to the words and graphs he can see on the papers. Sometimes, he will use his calculator and look at his laptop. Now Yve has finally understood why her mom used to say that her dad is most handsome when working as it"s the same with Vince. No offense to Vince"s usual look but the intensity as Vince focuses on his work highlights his features extremely well. 

"Are you finished staring at your husband?" Vince"s words wake Yve from her own thoughts. She coughed a bit to ease her embarra.s.sment before denying it by saying,

"I was not staring at you! Hmph!" She turns around hiding her face from Vince but she slowly looks at him and asks a question.

"Will it a while to finish the report?" 

Vince feels sorry when he hears Yve"s question. This is the quarterly report of his European companies he is handling. In order to make sure that his quarterly meeting with his Board of Directors and shareholders will go smoothly, he needs to check and oversee everything. 

"Hmm… I think so. Should I ask Chrysthe to pick you up?" Vince asks.

"I"ll be fine. I"ll just wait for you then."

Vince walks to his wife and kisses her on the forehead before saying, "You can get some rest on the bed if you like."

"Hmm.. I got it. Now, focus on your work. I can take care of myself." Yve pushes him gently back to his desk and making sure he has taken his seat before leaving him.

Since Yve has finished reviewing her notes and no issues have reached her regarding Hyacinth"s episode tomorrow, she accepts Vince"s suggestion and lies on the bed. She lies with her back on the bed while looking straight the ceiling. It"s painted black which Yve finds sleep enticing. Soon, she falls to dreamland.

Like Vince, Steve is still in his office particularly at Hu0026E. He didn"t like the surprise teaser/ promotion that SkyMu released that noon time took away the top spot at the trending list for a while. Now, they"re still battling it out. He has been in a meeting for quite some time now and took a short break for dinner earlier. 

"Is the venue confirmed already?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Were the artists informed of the show and prepared something special for their fans?"

"Yes, sir!"

"How about our announcements?"

"Everything is ready."

"That"s good! I"m expecting nothing less from the best result tomorrow, an all-kill in the trending list."

"Okay, then you should get some rest and be at your best tomorrow." Steve adjourns the meeting and left the office. 

Back at Vince"s office, he has finally finished reading the files and leaves the file on top of his secretaries" desks for them to easily see it. He returns to his wife only to find her sleeping soundly. Yve looks very comfortable as she wears a white polo s.h.i.+rt. He thought that Yve is wearing her uniform without her coat only to find out that he"s wrong when Yve"s leg suddenly shows away from the comforter. That"s when he realizes that Yve is actually wearing one of his polo s.h.i.+rts stocked in his closet.

"You"re really tempting me aren"t you, my Queen?" Vince smirks as he places Yve"s leg back underneath the comforter. 

Not wanting to disturb Yve"s sleep, he once again leaves the room and heads to his desk to check the reports of Teams Alpha and Bravo. He also informs Eybelle to ask Chrysthe to take over her position as they will be staying behind. But to bring Yve"s clothes the following day, Eybelle will need to bring some from their base early in the morning. 

"No… Dad that is not true…. No… No… Dad, NO!!!!" 

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