Finally, it"s time to release the music video of the actors turned to idols and as Yve and her team planned, selected fans are already waiting in the venue where they will get to see the live performance. Some members of media were also selected in advance to capture the event. Soon as the 4 minute video finishes, SkyMu turned the live stream into a showcase. With fans and media in the venue along with those watching online, the project has become another trending topic for the day. 

The actors get to experience the life of an idol from practice, music video shooting and even the showcase. There are fun games with their fans and selected questions from the fans are answered that afternoon. The showcase lasts for about 3 hours and right after that, different fan camera videos and pictures are uploaded online. 

Different voice and dance coaches are praising the actor"s performance. They said it was as if they have watched a debut of an idol group who has received training to be one for years. Some even said that each of the actors can release their own and it will really do well for their careers. Others also praised the ch.o.r.eography of the group. These praises resulted for the music video and showcase to make it in the weekend evening newspaper along with yesterday"s event by SkyMu. 

Yve received updates that afternoon from Sylvan that everything is going smoothly without any problems. The solutions they came up to the previous weaknesses from previous streams and projects were correct. From Yve"s point of watching the entire project online, it was indeed a success. Vince also said the same thing. 

Around dinner time, Yve is focusing on her lessons in their study when Vince returns to inform her that dinner is about ready to be eaten. 

"We should celebrate this success. I received information that Gray Group"s marketing department is considering SkyMu"s artists to be amba.s.sadors once some of the current expire." Vince informs his wife.

Yve stops what she"s doing to look at her husband with a smile on her face. "Really? You"re not joking, right?" 

"Do you think I will make this kind of joke?" Vince raises one of his eye brows with a smirk on his face.

"No. You also didn"t use your position and power to force them to consider such decision, right?" 

"Of course, not! I considered doing it before but I know you will not like it. This is purely their own decision and I believe it"s because of your project and the positive comments it has been receiving from experts and critics." Vince defends himself with the details he knows. 

"Well, that"s good then! By the way, our dinner? I"m really hungry from all this studying and updates from the project." Yve smiles and stands up from her desk to approach her husband. 

"It"s almost ready but I would suggest for you to maybe take a bath first while I place them in the table?" Vince smirks as Yve pouts at his comment. 

She smells herself. There are no bad odors coming from her but indeed she"s feeling hot and her body could use a cold bath to freshen herself before the delicious dinner her husband has just cooked. 

"He said he doesn"t mind but here he is, reminding me to take a bath." Yve murmurs to herself while walking past Vince and walks straight to the bathroom in their room. 

Vince laughs at Yve"s actions and with his head shaking side to side, he returns to the kitchen to place the dishes in plates and arrange them in the table. 

In Hu0026E Entertainment building, the energy of the staff is completely drained. They are still in a meeting thinking of new ways to counter the success of SkyMu and make some noise for their company and artists. What their marketing team is really worried about are the rumors that Gray Group is planning to change some of their amba.s.sadors to SkyMu"s artists once their contracts are over. Some of their artists might experience it if they don"t do something about it. 

"We should just stick to what our artists are good at. Let"s stop this project and continue with the set of projects we have prepared for them." Steve"s secretary informs the staff.

"Are we just giving up?" 

"A good soldier knows when to stop fighting a losing battle. With the name of our company and the caliber of our stars, they will have no problem with their projects. On the other hand, we need to make sure that their existing endors.e.m.e.nt, movie, drama, and other offers will not be stolen from them." 

"You want a progress report on how they are doing as amba.s.sadors?"


With all of this commotion, their meeting is finally adjourned and they are done for the day. Tired from the long day, they all head home with long faces. 

Some of them are even wondering what they"re new president is planning to do. At first, they were indeed happy and overwhelmed that the famous Steve will be their new leader. But now, with the possible crisis their company will be facing, he"s nowhere to be found and leaves all the decision to his secretary. Moreover they also noticed that he"s not responding to their emergency calls. Anxiety is the only thing they are feeling.

In the other side of the world, Steve wakes up with a bad news. He lost the bid and as written in the newspapers, the biggest company won the bid. The president is really looking forward to their partners.h.i.+p. However with no time to feel depressed, he heads to another country for different project bidding. 

As he checks his email, his secretary sent him so many messages and reports regarding their projects against SkyMu. He finally decides to check them one by one according to the oldest one. He feels anger and frustration welling up inside him. 

"Another defeat?!"

He throws his gla.s.s which instantly shatters on the floor. 

"Even a small time and unknown president can defeat me?! Wait till I return I will make sure to handle you and your petty tricks." Steve promises as he types in his summative reply to all the emails he received. 

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