The lunch ends before the couple even realizes it. Yve has just arrived at SkyMu building after Vince dropped her. Chrysthe also gets off in the building after tailing the couple using Eybelle"s van.

Unknown to Yve, while she was enjoying her lunch with Vince earlier, the fans are getting more excited for the second episode that will showcase the talents of SkyMu"s artists. For the surprise, the fans will get to see some of the stars after watching the episode. For this week, SkyMu lessened the promotional activities but the hype is still the same or even a step higher than last week. People have long known SkyMu"s project and everyone is antic.i.p.ating their output. 

Just like the previous week, Yve sits with the team in a room and checks every details and reports for the project. 

"Miss Yve, you just attended an event with Mr. Gray this morning. You don"t have to come here."

"Thanks for the concern but I"ll be fine. The event wasn"t too tiring after all." Yve replies with a smile to the team.

"Miss Yve, we noticed that Hu0026E isn"t doing anything special for today. What do you think are they planning?" 

"They have famous and well-established artists and groups. I could only think that they have stopped playing our game. They are going steady and back to their routine. Don"t worry. For now, let"s focus on this project."

A few hours later.

The event went by smoothly on their end and many people are sharing the project. Just like the previous weeks, they are on the trending list and fans really love their projects. 

"Congratulations, team! I will not be able to be with you tomorrow but I"m confident that you can do it. Sylvan will be with you tomorrow. Last week will be the final release. We will follow the same procedure but this time, I will a.s.sign some people to start drafting the concert and awards night. We are going to announce the details of our finale event next Sunday. So I want everyone to attend the meeting on Monday. Since the conference room is smaller, we can meet in one of the dance practice rooms. Sylvan please have it ready and inform them by Sunday evening." Yve thanks the team and concludes their activity for the day.

Understanding it"s a very long day for Sylvan, Yve instructs him to go home and rest while Chrysthe will drive her to the clinic where Maddie will have another therapy. 

"Rest for the day, Sylvan. You still have a long day tomorrow." 

"Thank you, Young Madam." Sylvan bids farewell as Chrysthe arrives driving her car.

Yve opens door instantly and instructs him to drive faster towards their next location. Because the meeting got extended a bit, they"re now running late for the therapy. 

"Young Madam, thank you for your consideration towards Sylvan. He"s a die-hard worker at times."

"Of course. I can see how hardworking Sylvan is and even you as well. I"m able to do a lot of things at the same time because of his help. Once the project is over, I would also give Sylvan a vacation." Yve smiles at Chrysthe which the latter sees through the mirror.

"Young Madam, about giving him a vacation, you need to explain it really well to him or he might misinterpret."

"What do you mean?"

"He has a habit of thinking that his performance wasn"t enough or in accordance to the mission once he"s given a vacation or relocated." 

"It does mean in the military movies I have watched but how about in your team. Does Vince give it for that reason?" 

"For me, sometimes yes as when I perform badly it means I"m drained in any way but that never happened with Sylvan. His performance is always the best in every mission along with Slayne. Both of them are the brains behind Team Alpha. Primo would give them break as a reward for their work." Chrysthe explains.

"That"s the same case for me as well. But thanks for the information. I will keep that in mind when I give him that vacation. Is there anything else I should know about my hardworking secretary?"

"There"s a great chance he will reject the vacation that you will give. So the best that you can do is to lessen the workload for him at a certain time and that will be vacation for him."

"Wow! I didn"t know he has that kind of tendency." 

"He has still a lot of sides that you haven"t seen but I don"t want to reveal it to you at the moment. You will soon find it out, Young Madam." Chrysthe looks at his Lady Boss before speeding the car up.

However, it seems that fate has a different plan for them. Traffic isn"t cooperating well and unusually becomes heavy. 

"Chrysthe, is there anything wrong?"

"The traffic is somehow unusual." Chrysthe honestly informs Yve and pulls up the bullet proof windows for the car not allowing Yve to see what"s outside.

"Why did you…"

"Don"t worry, Young Madam. It"s just for security. Unusual traffic is one of the common breakthrough enemies needed to attack their target." 

"How about Eybelle?"

"I believe she has already made her move. While waiting for her update, I need to ensure your safety." Chrysthe tries to comfort his Lady Boss who"s getting worried.

Slowly, the cars start to move when Chrysthe receives a call from Eybelle.

"There"s an accident up ahead which is the cause of the traffic. There"s nothing unusual on the scene however, I would advise a rerouting to ensure Young Madam"s safety." 

"Have you made one?" 

"I already informed Slayne and he just sent me one. I believe he also sent you the same thing. Try to check. Our car will lead the way first." Eybelle briefs Chrysthe before ending the phone call. 

The latter checks the map with the rerouting details from Slayne. As he takes a peek in the mirror, anxiety is obvious on Yve"s face.

"Young Madam, Eybelle just reported that an accident is the cause of this traffic. There"s no need to worry." 

"Is it still safe to go to Mom"s clinic?"

"We believe so. Although you will be late for the appointment, you can still make it which is why we will use a different route which Slayn has just prepared for us." 

"I see." Yve finally shows a small smile on her face and texts her husband.

"King, please come to Mom"s clinic now?" 

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