As Yve is about to leave their school, Lester stops her from going to the parking lot where Sylvan is waiting.

"What"s wrong?" Yve looks at Lester questioning his actions.

"Are you sure you can handle the final check? You still have SkyMu"s project and our individual student projects. I do believe you also have to review the lessons." Lester looks so worried looks so worried. 

"So what are you trying to tell me? I"m quite confused." 

"You can delegate more tasks to use or even to me. In that way, you will have lesser work to do." 

"I am distributing the tasks and asking all of you to do more stuff than I am. Checking them all up and making some minor changes is the least I can do for the group." Yve defends her actions.

"Are you really sure that you"re going to be alright with all your responsibilities?" Lester makes sure that Yve is fully prepared of everything.

"Yes, I"m still able to balance everything. Don"t worry if I need any help I"ll round up all of you for a.s.sistance." Yve smiles before heading to her car once more.

"Sylvan, head to the office please." Yve instructs him as the car leaves the school premises.

"By the way, Young Madam, the time and venue are already secured." Sylvan reports to her Lady Boss. 

"Thank you, Sylvan." 

Yve reads the school project they just finished in the library a few minutes ago as the car by the roads to SkyMu building. Sylvan takes a peek at Yve who"s too engrossed in reading her files to the point of not noticing that her phone has been ringing for quite some time until it stopped. Seconds later, it"s his phone"s turn to ring which he instantly answers.

"Sylvan, where is Yve?"

"She"s with me on her way back to the office, Sir." 

"What"s she doing?" 

"She"s reading some files, Sir."

"I see. So she failed to notice that her phone is ringing for a couple of times already. Got any idea on what file she"s reading?" Vince asks Sylvan for further details.

"I heard from her conversation with Lester that they have a lot of projects both group and individual. The latter is worried that Young Madam may not be able to handle all the tasks at hand." Sylvan reports. 

"I understand. She might stay at the office longer. I still have meetings to attend to but make sure she will eat her dinner on time." Vince orders his agent.

"Copy that, sir." Sylvan a.s.sures his Boss.

The moment they arrive at the building, Yve walks straight to her office and open the files for the concert and music awards once more. Removing the time venue from the things-to-do checklist, Yve calls on HR team for some questions. After arranging the time each group or artist has to use the stage for practice, Yve has removed another one from her checklist. This time, their Creative Director knocks at her door.

"Miss Yve, I have here several design layouts for the invitations, tickets and posters."

"Thank you for your swift work. Can you leave it on the table for the meantime? I will finish these files first before checking up on them." Yve politely instructs the woman with a smile before continuing to type in her computer. 

Few minutes after the director left her office, Yve has wrapped up the files which needed her signature before examining the designs on the table. There are a total of 5 designs and each of them has a poster, ticket and invitation format as what the director said. She looks at every single one of them and understands the concept behind them. From 5, she"s torn between two designs. 

One design shows their artists with their respective new groups brought about by the exchange. She likes this because it focuses on the artists which are the main stars of the project. It was amazing how the creative team was able to squeeze them in for the invitation and ticket designs but the idea is more suited to be on posters and print ads. While for the second design, it has a series of colorful and unique eight notes. She interprets it as a connection between the two career paths – music and acting which were greatly shown in the project. The sign looks great for an invitation and ticket but looks too plain to be on bigger pieces.

"If only I can put these two ideas together." Yve is pondering on how to merge the two designs when Sylvan comes inside her office with a pack of dinner food on his hands.

"Thank you very much, Sylvan." 

"You"re welcome, Young Madam. But you need to eat first before continuing your work." Sylvan reminds his Lady Boss.

"What time is it?"

"It"s 7PM." Sylvan plainly answers but the other person scrams and looks for her phone before dialing a number. Sylvan takes it as his cue to leave the office. 

"h.e.l.lo? Vince… I…" Yve can"t put her thoughts into words as to how to explain to her husband what just happened, why she"s still at the office, why she failed to call and inform him.

"Hi. Have you eaten dinner?" Vince casually asks on the phone. 

It took a while for Yve to comprehend what her husband has just asked her. Then finally she answered with a simple, "I"m about to." 

"That"s good. Now, don"t need to worry. I called you earlier this afternoon but you weren"t picking so I called Sylvan and got information on the things that are keeping you busy. Just don"t forget to eat and sleep. If you need anything, just give me a call, okay?" Vince utters the words in a flash yet they were filled with love and care.

"I will. Thank you for understanding. How about you, have you eaten dinner?" 

"Not yet but I"m about to." 

"Where are you at the moment?" 

"I"m still at the office, working on some papers."

"So you"re hooked up in your office since you found I"m very busy?" 

They talk a little bit more as they eat dinner and enjoy the company of each other but then Sylvan knocks on her door and the same time, Edward does on Vince"s. 

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