Thrive in Catastrophe

Chapter 10 Delusion

Chapter 10 Delusion

After spending three whole days in the room, Xiao Yan finally got his repair task done. Glancing through the shining weapons lined across the rack, he was filled with pride!

Finally I get to continue my furlough! After that, he would be leaving for Base 14 with another batch of apprentices.

For this moment, he yearned for something that take his mind away from the things that he had gone through, and he recalled an ancient reading called The Evolution of the Ocean he saw listed in the library system. It was his childhood favourite.

Xiao Yan"s father was an infamous oceanographer, but as humans migrated to Charles, the research on oceans was no longer needed.

However, whenever Xiao Yan had a hard time falling asleep, his father would lay by his side and telling him about the fun and mysterious sea creatures in an eager tone of voice.

After his father pa.s.sed away, Xiao Yan entered the Central Academy of Science. And when he first found this book in the library"s terminal, he was obsessed with it.

"Since there are researches on-going in Base 2, there should be library data here as well. Hopefully, I get to find the book in the database," Xiao Yan thought.

Drawing away from the reality, presented before him was as though a different world, a world that allows his imagination to run wild.

Gradually, a warm drowsiness came over him, eyes drooping, Xiao Yan found his thoughts rippling within the ocean.

Suddenly, a pair of hands crept into the water and gripped his waist, forceful and undeniable.

Xiao Yan"s heart skipped a beat and his body tensed as his back came in contact with a st.u.r.dy chest. He turned around and look, and as both eyes met, all his fears dissolved instantly, while a sense of reverence emerged.

"Colonel Burton…… Why are you-" here?

Before he could finish, the opponent crushed his lips against his, his tongue slipped through his lips and came in contact with Xiao Yan"s palate.

Subconsciously, Xiao Yan refused to comply, but the person slid to the other side of Xiao Yan"s tongue like a warm flow across a smooth pebble.

Before Xiao Yan could ponder over the taste, the opponent enveloped Xiao Yan"s tongue into his and twirled around with great pa.s.sion, invading every softness in his mouth, kissing him without holding back.

The more Xiao Yan struggled, the more intense his kiss becomes. Xiao Yan could not help but to raise his jaw and bear the overwhelming pressure.

This, is the kiss of Heine Burton, that compressed the world into a place where distance no longer exist.

His slender fingers slipped between Xiao Yan"s hair, holding him close with a bone-crushing force.

Xiao Yan"s eyes snapped wide open, only to see Heine"s lowered eyes. His legs were folded and placed by Heine"s waist. The hand trailed down the back of his head, caressing through his back and came to a heart startling place between gaps, groping with force.

The premonition of being dominated sent chills down Xiao Yan"s spine.

Grappling subconsciously, Xiao Yan attempted to push away Heine"s shoulder, but to no avail.

At last, Heine drew away his lips, and Xiao Yan felt as though he saw a silver lining in an endless darkness.

However, Heine still had him firmly entrapped in his embrace.

Xiao Yan looked into his eyes, in hope to find his answer in the blue abyss.


Heine said nothing but held his face in his hands. His fingers caressing Xiao Yan"s cheek, slow but powerful, as though he was trying to verify something.

And at the moment Heine let go of him, Xiao Yan saw a slight waver in his always imperturbable eyes.

Eyes snapped open suddenly as Xiao Yan gasped for air. His back was soaked with sweat, and shifting his eyes to the area between his legs, it was dampen as well.

"Oh—— this can"t be happening!"

Xiao Yan was about to jump off his bed before noticing he still had the terminal on. Removing the helmet swiftly, he darted into the bathroom.

With water gushing down onto his head, Xiao Yan closed his eyes.

"I"m mad…… to actually have such dream! That"s Heine Burton! And I actually dreamt of him……"

"G.o.d! If Heine were to found out about this, I"m gonna be crushed into bits!"

As the water trailed across his spine and into the gap between the two plumpness, Xiao Yan"s heartbeat went wild.

The force of Heine"s kiss, as well as the touch of his fingers were so real until Xiao Yan nearly suffer a nervous breakdown.

He has no idea why did he had such a dream. "Could it be… because I had accidentally brushed against his lips, and it causes me to have this sort of fantasy?"

It is true that Heine Burton has the most impeccable face he had ever seen, but he is definitely not someone who he can fantasize.

Turning off the water, Xiao Yan walked out of the bathroom.

"Luckily I"m on holiday, I get to sleep for a whole day tomorrow……"

Mumbling to himself, he climbed back up to his bed and went back to sleep, cuddling the bed cover.

"How I wish to go to a place without zombies, and without Heine Burton……" he thought before drifting into sleep.

Still in his sleepy daze, Xiao Yan felt someone tugged his out from his bed. And when he drowsily slit open his eyes, Xiao Yan had a great shock when he saw Mark right in front of him with a creepy wide grin.

"Hey! Morning rookie!"

Why is this fella in my room? W-What does his want? Could it be fracturing my shoulder was not enough to resolve the Heine Burton"s hatred towards me and now he had decided to send Mark here to torment me instead?!

"Pack your things and get ready for mission!"

"Mi…What mission? I"m on holiday!"

"Holiday"s canceled," Mark"s face darkens, "What, you don"t want to come with us?"

Xiao Yan gulped, "I-I"ll confirm with the higher level first……"

"How is it possible for me, a B ranked student, has a mission? Nonetheless with Special Task Forces? Immposib-"

A message popped-up when he turned on his communication device.

Risk level— Rank A, meaning he can lose his life anytime in the mission.

"N-No way!"

Xiao Yan looked devastated.

"Why not?"

Mark then tossed him a backpack.

"What"s this?"



Before he could react, Xiao Yan was dragged out from his room.

In the pa.s.sageway was Reeve fully equipped, leaning against the wall waiting. She gave Xiao Yan an a.s.suring smile and mouthed "Don"t worry".

Beside Reeve was Maya, twirling some sort of string like object in his hands. Xiao Yan once saw it in the repair workshop. It has a diameter that was only a few micrometers long, but is able to slice through metals like cutting through clays. However, it is not an easy task to control this string. One needs to be highly skilled in combat to utilise it or they themselves would be hurt by the weapon instead.

Meanwhile, Maya winked at Xiao Yan with a smirk and mouthed "Sweetheart, did you miss me".

A sudden chill ran down his back, and Xiao Yan quickly turned away from Maya.

Another six Special Force soldiers were standing by the pa.s.sageway, some wiping their knives, some arranging their equipment. It seems that the whole small unit of Special Task Forces was being sent out, this is not going to be easy.

Crisp sound of footsteps approached as Heine Burton walked past Xiao Yan, the resolution in his lowered brows and the strong aura he emits caused Xiao Yan to stagger a few steps backward. The scenes of the dream last night flashed across his mind, and Xiao Yan quickly averted his eyes to Reeve for fear Heine noticed anything from him.

"If Heine found out about the dream you had, you"re dead meat! And a horrifying death even!" Xiao Yan told himself.

"Let"s go."

The Special Force soldiers walked as if they are on wings, whereas Xiao Yan with a backpack in hands, almost had to run in order for him to follow up. Before they reach the aircraft, Xiao Yan was already sweating buckets.

Based on the military ranks, Maya was supposed to be walking right behind Heine, but instead, he was strolling closely by Xiao Yan"s side.

"Sweetie, I"ll carry you along," Maya stretched his arm towards Xiao Yan"s waist.

"No thank you! The bomb will go off!" Xiao Yan dodged sideways but Maya still continued approaching him.

"Mark, he"s too slow," Heine said without looking back, but Mark understood what he meant.

Mark turned back from the front line, carried Xiao Yan on his shoulder, and with just a few quick steps, he was back to the front.

"Hey! If he needs to be carried, I should be the one carrying!" Maya chased from behind.

"Hey, Boss! This fella"s gonna get down from the aircraft as well?"

Xiao Yan prayed silently, "Please say no…"

A city two hundred years ago had the highest population density, as well as the area that is infected worst. And now, two over three of the zombies across the world are gathered in the urban areas.

"Of course."

Heine"s words were as though tons of bricks falling onto Xiao Yan"s heart.

"I"m going to die this time! Seriously!"

Xiao Yan was tossed into the aircraft, and they left the base through the flight pa.s.sage and soared towards the blazing sun.

"Hey! Xiao Yan! Trust me, this is going to be a real interesting trip," Reeve sat face-to-face with Xiao Yan, whereas Maya was appointed to stay in the c.o.c.kpit, thus losing the chance to hara.s.s Xiao Yan.

"The so-called "interesting" to Special Task Forces usually means "dangerous" to me," he muttered to himself.

At that moment, Xiao Yan had calmed himself down and had got things cleared up.

"Hey, why do I need to trail along with you guys?" Xiao Yan asked with a lowered voice.

"Because there"s only you!" Mark stretched his arm and placed it on Xiao Yan"s shoulder, nearly crushing him.

"What do you mean "there"s only you"? I"m just a student! Reserve soldier! Do you understand?! Dragging me here will only be a burden!"

Mark shrugged, ""Cause all those fellas that were on the same plane with you died, and all those technical soldiers think that we will abandon them on the field, and Lieutenant Colonel Raven said he"s worried to have his subordinates to tag along, so……"

"So what?"

"So you"re the only choice! You"re amazing you know! Not only can you unlock the vault door, but also remove the raw uranium storage device! I bet detonating bomb won’t be a problem for you!"

"De-de-detonating bomb……"

Usually, cold weapons are used to deal with zombies as they would be strengthened instead, by absorbing the heat. However, the Tides members are humans, explosives would be a useful tactic to deal with them.

"Why can"t we just fire a missile at them?"

""Cause they"ve got a hostage with them."

"Then rescue the hostage before firing the missile!" Xiao Yan began to think how ludicrous these people"s tactical planning is!

Mark"s face darkened, and after two seconds, he suddenly burst into laughter, "Rookie, you"re so adorable! I even had a bet with Reeve saying whether you"re stupid enough to believe we brought you along just to set up a bomb! There"s no need for technical soldier to do that, we can do it ourselves!"

A vein popped up on Xiao Yan"s temple, "Then what do you guys need me for?"

"The Tides had used the 200-year-old facilities to build a mini base, and they had formed an internal network within their base by shutting down all wireless signal. Most of our technical soldiers are used to handling data with the terminal system, on the contrary, those ancient techniques are old of their hands. Summing from your performance back at the nuclear power plant, Colonel believes that you"re much competent for this mission than those technical soldiers that are overly dependent on terminals. How should I put…. It seems that you"re quite an expert in those antique stuff?" Reeve explained.

Both Reeve and Mark pointed towards the c.o.c.kpit.

There was only one Colonel in there—— Heine Burton.

"You think Colonel hates you, don"t you?" Reeve asked with a smile.

Written by Jiao Tang Dong GuaTranslated by Winly 風夜林~~~ Coming up next: Chapter 11 Ocean ~~~

Note: How was the chapter guys……? Tell me about it at the comment below! And there’s something I have to tell you guys about. Actually, this some part of this chapter is censored in the actual published version as well as the version in the official Chinese online novel website JJWC. The kissing and touching changed into hugging and stuff like that. But for this translated chapter, I uploaded the uncensored one here. There will be more to come in future chapters obviously, but if any of you guys think it’s not appropriate to post these content, let me know, I’ll translate both censored and uncensored version attending to different needs. Maybe I’ll add a note somewhere to notify readers chapters that are R18? Do tell me what you think. Thank you =)

No Author’s Note T∧T

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