Thrive in Catastrophe

Chapter 11 Ocean

Chapter 11 Ocean

Xiao Yan nodded without a doubt, "Obviously?"

Meanwhile, they were flying over an azure ocean that stretches across the horizon. The sunlight pours upon the waves, reflecting a sea of sparkling golden.

Xiao Yan"s eyes widen in awe. He pressed his forehead against the window, looking like a child who saw piles of sweet presented before him.

Looking at his reaction, Reeve smiled and spoke into her communication device, "Boss, it seems that it"s a first time for our rookie technical soldier to see the ocean, could you give your permission for him to have a breath of the sea breeze?"

Xiao Yan glared at Reeve, thinking how on earth is it possible Colonel Burton would approve such absurd request.

Heine"s chilling voice sounded from the device, and Reeve went over and slid open the cabin door.

A warm and moist sea breeze gushed into the cabin, buffeting Xiao Yan"s hair, bringing along a salty scent that seeped into his nose. It was distinctly different from the freshness of the forest, but nevertheless pleasant, putting his mind at ease.

Reeve mouthed at Xiao Yan: See? He"s not as bad as you think.

Xiao Yan showed a longing look without himself noticing and said with a wryly smile, "I used to dream that I could become an oceanographer like my father when I was a child. Ironically, only until today I see a real ocean."

Reeve blinked for a moment and spoke into the communication device: "Boss, our rookie said his ambition is to be an oceanographer!"

Mark scratched his head, looking puzzled, "I"ve heard of virologists, neurologist and also some army ordnance physicist, there"s even an oceanographer? What"s there to research about the sea?"

True, ever since humans had migrated to Charles underground city, the studies on oceans have lost their significance.

With that said, the aircraft descended slowly and flew in a steady 60 degree slanted above the water surface.

Reeve, however, ushered him with her hands waving, "Come here! I"ll grab hold of you! Colonel said you only have 30 seconds!"

Xiao Yan blinked in bewilderment. That Heine Burton, who is always bleak and aloof…… actually gave him such an opportunity in the midst of a mission?

Removing his safety equipments, Xiao Yan went on all fours before stretching his arm towards Reeve. Reeve grabbed hold of his arm while Mark gripped onto one of his legs without a word. Xiao Yan was then sprawled before the cabin exit with his left hand extended out from the cabin.

The moment his fingers came in contact with the water, Xiao Yan felt his heart thumped so loudly as though it was about to leap out of his chest.

He could feel the energy that dwells within the deep blue, nothing in this world could constrain the ocean, except gravitational force.

30 seconds was fleeting and Xiao Yan was tugged back into the cabin by Reeve and Mark.

The aircraft rose once again, its speed accelerating suddenly, soaring towards their destination.

Inside the cabin, all the Special Force soldiers shrugged off their once aloof look towards Xiao Yan and cracked him a friendly smile.

"Aside from viruses, ocean may be something in this world that is filled with utmost variations and uncertainty. It can be serene and beautiful at one moment, and devour everything in the next. Besides, instead of having us going all the trouble to retrieve the 200-year-old nuclear raw materials, why don"t we think of a way to utilise the ocean? Not only can the force formed by the tides regenerates energy, it has great power as well.

"Hey rookie! I kinda like you, so be sure to follow us closely during the mission! Reeve! Has he got a gun in his equipment?"

"Of course! But…… I"m afraid he doesn"t know how to use it," Reeve hauled over Xiao Yan"s backpack and sure enough, there is a gun laying inside.

"Listen here Xiao Yan, the way to use this gun is simple. There"s no need for you to have great shooting skills because it comes with an auto lock-on system. Keep in mind that it won"t work if you use it on zombies, but if you have come across any the Tides members, just shoot them with no mercy."

The method of usage could not be more simple, exactly a weapon that was specially made for technical soldiers that were not accustomed to combat.

"Hey, be careful with it okay! If your bullets. .h.i.t any of us, we"ll let you have a taste of our knuckles!" Mark said while waving his fist around.

Everyone burst into laughter. Xiao Yan felt as if he was going for a vacation instead of heading to a dangerous mission.

At last, they have reached the upper air of the location. Soaring across the weathered Statue of Liberty. After hundreds of years of buffeting, the statue was covered with mottle and batters, some parts of the high-lifted torch fell apart from the vibration of the aircraft engine, pummeling into the sea, creating splashes of waves.

"This statue is quite huge," Mark remarked, stroking his nose.

"This"s the Statue of Liberty, below us is Manhattan, a city that was once booming with its economy," Xiao Yan let out a sigh. He could clearly see the countless zombies chasing after their aircraft, leaping and stretching their scrawny arms towards them.

"Now I understand why the Tides chose this place for their base, these zombies are their ideal defenders."

Xiao Yan frowned, "How are we going to land?"

The aircraft landed on top of a tall building. Upon landing, the soldiers swiftly released a wire towards a relatively lower building and slid off the aircraft.

Without warning, Mark hauled over Xiao Yan and zoomed down the wire. The wind gushed into Xiao Yan"s wide opened mouth and the moment they landed, he was at the verge of vomiting.

The rest of them retrieved their wire and released it towards another building.

This time, Reeve hefted the panting Xiao Yan from the ground and slid off.

No matter how much he wish to scream in terror, he had to force himself to hold it in, in fear that his voice could alert the zombies.

"Is this a relay? And I"m the baton?!" Xiao Yan realised sadly.

Reeve tossed him on a rooftop and joked half-heartedly, "Take your time catching your breath!"

She then slid off to another building.

A pair of military boots stopped beside Xiao Yan, "Baby, are you okay?"

Xiao Yan felt a chill in his back. I"ll be great if you"re not the one who appear!

Just as Maya was about to encircle Xiao Yan, a person landed beside him and a freezing voice sounded above him.

"If you let of any sound or vomit, I"ll knock you out."

Xiao Yan raised his head, only to see Heine"s emotionless side profile.

When he extended his hand across Maya"s and encircled it around Xiao Yan"s waist, single-handed, Xiao Yan had a feeling as though he was weightless. Whereas Maya stood frozen in his position, staring at his out-stretched hand left unattended.

Heine hold on to Xiao Yan and slid to the opposite building, the worn out wall crumbled apart just the moment they land, their wire fell off and the crumbled bricks dived into the sea of zombies below.

Seeing the crowd of awaiting zombies, mouths opened and flesh falling of their faces under his feet, Xiao Yan nearly choked in terror and he shut his eyes tightly upon the scene.

Totally unfazed, Heine stepped on the window panel on his heel, all Xiao Yan heard was crumbling sound of bricks, and the next second, he felt his body shot up swiftly. By the time he open his eyes, he found himself on top of a rooftop, his forehead pressing against Heine"s chest, with a hand clutching onto his arms.

Xiao Yan drew back his hand immediately.

Heine still had the wire in one hand. After he retrieved his wire, the rest of the soldiers were all here.

"Another one thousand meter from our destination, we need to get across these streets," Reeve crouched on one leg at the edge of the rooftop, leaning over, observing the streets.

A vexation of zombies were leaping and crawling on each other below the building, together with sounds of bone-cracking and growling.

Without further conveyance, the soldiers attached one end of their wire in the building they are on, and released the other end to a windowsill of a distant building. After confirming its stability, they slid off once again.

This time, they were no more than 3 meters away from the zombies. If it weren"t for their great speed, the zombies would have got them in a leap.

Xiao Yan glanced towards Mark, thinking that he will be bringing him along. But this big fella had no intentions of that at all, instead, he went off together with Reeve.

Heine secured his wire and walked over to Xiao Yan. His circled under Xiao Yan"s arms, and with a small leap, they were off the ground, gliding swiftly between buildings.

However, this was not a sightseeing of cable car ride.

Heine"s grip was firm and secure, easing away Xiao Yan"s fear of falling. The wind tugged Heine"s hair, forming a moment of elegant yet unruly demeanor.

As they glide across a balcony, a zombie that was prowling on the balcony went frenzy at the sight of Heine and Xiao Yan.

"Oh no, we"ll run into it!" Xiao Yan thought in frantic.

"Kick it."

As though Heine"s deep tone of voice wields a certain power, Xiao Yan raised his leg and kicked the zombie fiercely on its face. It tumbled off the balcony and landed on the ground with a loud thud, yellow ooze exuded from it.

Mark was crouching on a balcony, with Reeve standing on a utility pole across him, and Maya was perching on a huge advertising board, neatening his hair.

They put on their field and scanned through the lower building. Then all of them sprung up suddenly and leaped towards it.

Heine leaped into the air like a projectile motion with Xiao Yan in his arms, and landed steadily on the building without a single noise.

This building that they once thought was abandoned, had a solidly built steel gate installed at the top of it, whereas all windows and doors of the building were sealed off.

They would not have imagine it as the base of the Tides Organisation if they have scanned from the aircraft, however, this building seemed exceptionally suspicious from the look of it now.

The mechanism of the gate was similar with the vault door he saw in the nuclear power plant, but Xiao Yan was much cautious this time.

Although he had no field experience, Xiao Yan, too, understands that the Tides is definitely not going to let them in easily.

Heine nodded, "You have five minutes."

Written by Jiao Tang Dong GuaTranslated by Winly 風夜林~~~ Coming up next: Chapter 12 Trap ~~~

Note: I believe most people figured out which city they when to. Things get more serious in the coming chapters, but there will always be some fluffs between our blockhead Xiao Yan and Heine. I must say, this author really likes to torment the Male Lead, she does it in all of her stories… Anyway, tell me what you think in the comment below and see you in next chapter!

Author"s note:

Maya: The most romantic event I can think of is to enjoy the view of the ocean with you……

Mark: Shouldn"t it be to grow old with you?

Maya: Mind your own business!

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