Time Traveler

Chapter 8

Volume 1 Chapter-7 Save the World

Liu Yanzhi had no idea how he returned to Cuiwei Mountain. He thought he was screwed. Therefore, he had wanted to avoid mother as there was another ‘him’ here.

He was riddled with five bullets which caused blind tunnel wounds, and they had penetrated deep into his body which only caused minimal blood loss. So, he was not feeling any pain, but his body was receiving strong signals; if unable to promptly get a medical treatment it might lead to a permanent and irreversible damage to his body.

After going through untold hardships, he finally reached the place where he had started his journey. It was already late at night, the metal solution inside had congealed again. The dead-tired Liu Yanzhi once again reclined inside and closed his eyes.

Time travel is possible. If he can evade the pa.s.sing calamity then following suit father can also live again. It was his last regret.

Don’t know how long has pa.s.sed, Liu Yanzhi was jolted awake by someone, and like before the entire sky was still pitch-black and mountain breeze was whistling. Dang Aiguo and Wu Dongqing were standing in front of the hole, faces deeply concerned.

“Did you go back? How long were you there? What did you do?” Wu Dongqing asked.

Liu Yanzhi saw Wu Dongqing’ wrist.w.a.tch needle. He had crossed at 3 o’clock, now it was barely a little more than 3 o’clock. In other words, crossing time and real-time were not a.n.a.logous.

“Give him medical treatment first.” Dang Aiguo spoke, beckoning with his hand. Two people dressed in doctor’s coat came forward and pulled Liu Yanzhi out, directly sending him beside an ambulance. A surgeon has been ready for a long time to perform surgery on him. He took out five 9mm pistol bullets which had already turned into a mushroom shape, wrapped the wound and gave him an IV infusion.

Not far away in a Mercedes-Benz SUV, an old man silently watched everything via computer screen.

“Old man, how about it?” Dang Aiguo asked, somewhat proud.

“Oh!” The old man was noncommittal.

Staff members packed away the equipment, while the team of vehicles descended the mountain. Liu Yanzhi lying in the ambulance watched outside the window, in the distance Cuiwei mountain paG.o.da was still towering aloft.

Swiftly traveling throughout the journey, cars entered the city center. Liu Yanzhi insisted on first returning home to take a look, and Dang Aiguo gave permission. Wu Dongqing accompanied him to the workers shed. Liu Yanzhi got down from the car and moved towards the front of the door, mood nervous, extended his hand slowly afraid to knock.

The door opened, and mother in her clothes was standing inside. She clearly relaxed after seeing him and said in a reproaching tone: “Where were you going wild, coming back so late!”

“Mom….” Liu Yanzhi was choked with emotion. He felt the entire world becoming bright.

“Silly son, why are you crying, mom has made you hot dumplings with pork and green onion stuffings.” Mom happily went back to bring dumplings. Liu Yanzhi turned around to look, Wu Dongqing standing in front of the car door made a victory sign, then turned around and drove away in his car.


Next day, Liu Yanzhi in high spirits once again set out and proceeded to the training center. His body has not recovered completely yet. Bullet wounds were shocking, but it was not affecting his movements in the slightest. He suspected that he may have nerve problems. But his sense of touch, however, was incomparably sensitive. And he was feeling acute sluggishness, that’s all.

A limousine was waiting for him in front of the workers shed. The driver was dressed in a standing-collar uniform, and the car was an ordinary Volkswagon limousine. There were only some pa.s.ses placed below the windshield. All along the journey, the driver was taciturn without any communication. Liu Yanzhi sat upright and stern. At the moment, his heart was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with big goals and ambition. Because he can change the history of people.

Outside the training center, in front of the entrance, his teammates dressed in gray training clothes were standing in two rows on left and right, who seeing Liu Yanzhi getting of the car, clapped at the same time. The st.u.r.dy instructor also has a smiling expression and stepped forward to shook his hands and express his congratulations.

“You are the first person to succeed.” Instructor said.

Liu Yanzhi, however, was not feeling happy at all. I only accepted most basic firearms training and was hastily send to travel through time. If it were not for my body’s heat-resistance, I’m afraid that I would have also turned into a pale burnt corpse buried on Cuiwei mountain. From this, it can be seen that the organization merely treats human life as gra.s.s; really a cold-blooded organization.

If it was not for the reason that he needs their help to bring father back to life. Liu Yanzhi would not have again stepped past their gate.

“I want to meet Dang Aiguo.” Liu Yanzhi said to the instructor.

Instructor somewhat feeling awkward, suggested him to send a report according to regular procedures. Usually, within the organization, it was not allowed to bypa.s.s ranks to report. However, as he is a unique case, perhaps they will approve.

“I want to meet Dang Aiguo now, or else I will immediately leave.” Liu Yanzhi was unusually persistent. Instructor feeling helpless asked for instructions from the director of the training center. After ten minutes, a reply arrived. Dang Aiguo has agreed to meet Liu Yanzhi.

Inside the conference room, on the opposite wall was an LCD screen. In the display, Dang Aiguo was sitting on a couch, his hand holding the original edition of Song Dynasty’s ancient book, demeanor still elegant.

“Our Hero, What do you need my service for?” Dang Aiguo asked while beaming from ear to ear.

“I want to make a deal, I will help you do your things, but you have to send me back to last year, I want to save my father.” Liu Yanzhi did not hide his request as in his opinion it was an easy thing to do for the organization.

Dang Aiguo put down the book and stood up while his expression turned grim: “Yanzhi, you are a filial son, I very much appreciate this point. But, I am sorry, I am unable to do it!”

Liu Yanzhi spoke: “Then there is no need for discussion. Good Bye.” then turned around and walked away.

Dang Aiguo explained: “You do not want to hear the reason why?”

Liu Yanzhi knew that this was bargaining time, rigidly halted his footsteps and stood there not turning around.

“Heh Heh, what a nasty temper. I had come to tell you, in fact, even if you did not say, we have also discussed and considered helping you. After all, you are one of our members. However, what I am going to say is the most dreaded thing on earth for you. We have checked your father’s medical history, he died of cancer, and according to the current science and technology, cancer is still an incurable disease. Thus, even if you time-travel and go back, even with a large sum of money will not be able to save your father’s life. It will only increase his suffering in vain.

“At least I can see him one last time.” Liu Yanzhi did not give up hope.

“Well, let’s take a step back. Let’s a.s.sume your father has not contracted cancer. When you go back, you save him, and your whole family reunites and live a happy life. But, I am sorry to tell you, however, that the happy days will be unable to last for a few years and will crumble apart. Not only you but your whole family and the entire world will be destroyed. You should have noticed in the training center’s exercise yard, a screen was displaying countdown time…right? That is exactly the countdown of world destruction. ”

Liu Yanzhi was stunned and could not help but turn around. On the screen, Dan Aiguo was sitting upright and still with a grave expression.

“You must have seen , as for don’t know if you saw it or not. In another three years, our world will collapse because of virus wreaking havoc, and then ultimately will be destroyed. The originator of this cause is precisely the Meng Shang Corporation, the one who wanted to kidnap you, the Gene modification Multinational Corporation.  We exist to stop them. Training you is also because of this sacred mission! ”

Liu Yanzhi did not speak. Since time travel can become a reality then what Dang Aiguo said must be true.

“Yanzhi, I very much sympathize with you and also want to help you, but reality is reality. About your father’s matter, I am powerless. Even if you cannot save your father, you can save hundreds of thousands of people. You have a unique const.i.tution among tens of thousands of people. You can be a hero, and I can offer you the chance to be a hero. Now I want to ask you, are you willing to be a hero and save the world? ”

Dang Aiguo words were filled with strength and pa.s.sion, Liu Yanzhi’s youthful heart was seething with excitement, he replied in a resounding and vigorous voice: “I am willing.”

“Thank you, Yanzhi, you can go back to training. I will arrange for your mother to move into a new house.” Dang Aiguo waved his hand, and the screen changed into a white wall.

Liu Yanzhi exited the conference room, the soldiers with guns fully loaded, on both sides of the corridor quietly retreated.


Organizations working efficiency was very high, immediately arranging a brand new house for Liu Yanzhi. Considering that the whole family must be present during house-moving, he was specially permitted to return and help his mother to move house.

In front of the workers shed, workers were in the process of moving things to the truck. Although the broken table and lousy chair were of little value, as the proverb says a poor family’s things were worth ten thousand strings of cash. Mother cherishes these things. So, Liu Yanzhi did not care if they are put in the new home, even if that new home is in the city’s most upscale residential district.

Zhen Yue came over from far away and greeted Liu Yanzhi: “Hey, I want to have a chat with you.”

“What happened? Why did you not go to the hospital for examination? What did they say to you?” Liu Yanzhi had antic.i.p.ated her questions and spoke, “these are your questions, right?”

Zhen Yue was at a loss for words.

“I know I can save many people, those people lying in Burn Division’s sickroom are in suffering. I also know.” Liu Yanzhi spoke the supposed words of Zhen Yue, “But, you believed it to be the most dreaded thing in the world; nevertheless, I have an even more important mission, not something as simple as to save the burn patients.”

“What mission?” Zhen Yue recovered with great difficulty.

“Save the world.” Liu Yanzhi answered with dead seriousness.

“What relation does it have with yesterday’s gunfight?” Zhen Yue immediately a.s.sociated yesterday’s personally experienced incident with the suddenly appearing SWAT team and the foreigner’s b.l.o.o.d.y corpse which was dragged out from the car. Perhaps all that and Liu Yanzhi are related.

Liu Yanzhi also looked distracted and was about to speak when his mobile phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. He picked it up and heard an unfamiliar voice: “Organizations secret are strictly forbidden to divulge. Will have to take responsibility for the consequences.” They hung up after finish speaking.

“You were saying, save what world?” Zhen Yue continued asking.

“Your curiosity is too strong.” Liu Yanzhi put away the phone, “I want to move house, you want to lend a hand. If not then I ask you to go back.”

Zhen Yue looked at the truck for a while and asked: “Do you and aunt want to sit in my car?”

After five minutes, all the personal items from the worker’s shed were moved away. Liu Yanzhi and his mother boarded Zhen Yue’s car, Great Wall H9 then drove towards the Affordable Housing area1 on the outskirts.

“Affordable House is tough to buy ah!” Zhen exclaimed.

“It is a allocated unit.” Liu Yanzhi said, flaunting with pride, but in his heart was clear that it was exchanged for his fate.

“You have just found work, and was also allocated a house?” Zhen Yue felt it unimaginable.

“Yes, Dang Aiguo, you are familiar with this name, right? I work for him.” Liu Yanzhi knew that he was being monitored, but still spoke in a carefree manner about it as he believed it to not be a secret.

Zhen Yue, however, sucked in a mouthful of cold air: “Dang Aiguo, Professor Dang! The famous Dual Ph.D. holder and Jiangdong Province’s one of the only scholar who enjoys stipend from State Council (PRC), even more importantly he is only forty years old.

“What subjects Ph. D. does he have?” Liu Yanzhi was very interested.

“Physics and History, awesome, right? Both in Arts and science, and even more awesome is his legendary past history, he has family properties which amounts to the worth of a whole city. Dang Aiguo grew up in an orphanage and afterward….” Zhen Yue was focused solely on speaking, not paying attention to the front and was unable to break when a car suddenly appeared from a temporary road without giving any signal and b.u.mped into the front of the vehicle.

The car in front was champagne gold cayenne with license plate 8882.

“d.a.m.n, changing lanes without any signal. They will have to take responsibility.” Zhen Yue stopped her car, opened the door and got out to argue.

Three people got down from the other car. It seems like a whole family, middle-aged husband-wife and young son; his stubbled face did not look good. Zhen Yue was wearing a casual dress, appearing like a young girl, so they started cursing angrily, their faces turning red.

Liu Yanzhi got down the car and said while blocking in front of Zhen Yue: “You broke the rules first. But still shouting in a justified manner, if you have the ability come at me, come hit me Ah.”

The young son was only 10 years old, obstinate and unruly, fearless for his age. Hearing Liu Yanzhi’s provocation, he took out an aluminum alloy baseball bat at once from inside the trunk of the car and hit him directly with the bat.

“Bang” A loud and clear sound was heard. Liu Yanzhi neither hid nor dodged and forcibly endured the bat.

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