Time Traveler

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Volume 1 Chapter-8 Moving

Translator- DM

Seeing the boy hitting, Zhen Yue became serious, and took out her mobile phone to start filming.

The youngster was stunned. He is a baseball player and has astonishing arm strength, just now he attacked with the bat at full power. Even if ordinary people ** does not bursts open, they will faint on the spot. This fool was unexpected without any injuries and still standing steady, fiercely glaring at him. He withdrew his aluminum baseball bat to check and saw visible dents on it.

The married couple also took out their mobile phone to film and report to the police.

Mother saw her son getting thrashed, hurriedly got out and pleaded: “Don’t hit my son, he is wounded.”

The youngster’s thoughts were in turmoil, so he used his hand to push her back, yet it did not make contact with her as Liu Yanzhi caught his hand.

In this world, the one he cares about most is his mother. He will not allow anyone to harm her. Even if its the father of an Emperor, he will not be allowed.

He pinched the boy’s wrist and while taking advantage pulled it. The blood-curdling screech of a pig being butchered ripped through the sky. The youngster’s arm drooped down, dislocated.

At that time, the middle-aged man who was calling 110 to report to the police, rushed over upon seeing this: “You dare to beat my son!”

Without speaking, Liu Yanzhi pushed him away, he flew backward several meters colliding with his car.

The middle-aged woman dumbfounded, moved to support her son and also went and looked at her husband, crying anxiously.

Liu Yanzhi was indifferent and urged his mother to go back to the car: “Mom, Don’t worry. It’s nothing, We have a backer too.”

After five minutes, traffic police and PRC police from 110, has both hurried to the scene. First, they checked both sides driving license and made them move their cars to the roadside then afterward settled the rest.

The traffic dispute was not much complex, as Zhen Yue’s car had a Tachograph1 which can prove that the car in front had broken the rules by changing lanes. But, Liu Yanzhi wounded the father-son duo so this case was difficult to handle. Cayenne’s owner was apparently of some status, as he was calling 4-5 individuals at the moment. The middle-aged woman pointed at Liu Yanzhi’s nose while making ruckus: “You just wait and see, I will make you bankrupt and send you to jail too! ”

Not only the youngster’s arm was dislocated, but his wrist was also fractured and issued groaning sounds while sitting on the ground. His father’s injury was just as severe, face showing expression of unbearable suffering and saying that his ribs were possibly broken.

Ambulance siren sounds echoed in the distance. Zhen Yue gloatingly said to Liu Yanzhi: “Have you drank too much.”

Liu Yanzhi was unperturbed: “No thanks to you.”

Zhen Yue speaks: “I am not a fool, it’s obviously you who deliberately picked the fight wanting to beat them up.”

Liu Yanzhi says: “Don’t tell me they don’t need a spanking? This boy also wanted to hit my mother. Me not killing him was going easy.”

Zhen Yue nodded her head to show approval.

Liu Yanzhi spoke: “You are inviting me for a meal at night to help me get over the shock….Right?”

Zhen Yue did not know whether to laugh or cry: “You will at least be detained in prison, but you are still thinking of having a meal at night, must be dreaming.”

Liu Yanzhi mysteriously laughed: ” You don’t believe me? If I am free at night, then you have to invite me for a meal.”

Zhen Yue promised: “Fine.”

The amb

ulance took away the father and son while the middle-aged woman and Liu Yanzhi were taken to the local police station. Zhen Yue also tagged along. The woman received her husband’s phone call on the road, and her facial expression went a significant change, saying ‘Got it!’ several times then went silent not speaking.

Arriving at the police station, the middle-aged woman suddenly expressed there was no longer any need for investigation and that they don’t hold Liu Yanzhi responsible whatsoever. They also admitted tailgating was their own fault due to randomly changing lanes. They were willing to accept the punishment.

The police were happy to see self-settlement of dispute by both parties. They took out an agreement and let them sign it. The middle-aged woman signed without hesitation, Liu Yanzhi also signed it. He noticed the woman’s eyes did not have any resentment for him, only fear.

His mobile phone rang. Dang Aiguo was calling, he half-jokingly said: “Yanzhi, you hit me with two punches of 1 million. This account will be deducted from your wages oh! .”

Liu Yanzhi didn’t expect this kind of ending. He believed from the bottom of his heart that ‘organizations’ influence will force the opposite part to submit, not making them pay for damages was already good. Why is Dang Aiguo instead making him pay?

Dang Aiguo continued saying: ” Violence will not solve a problem, it will only make the issue more complicated. You should keep this principle firmly in your mind, it will be useful in the future.”

The crisis was averted in this fashion. Liu Yanzhi, however, was not feeling any satisfaction. Because of his 20 years old youngster’s temperament, stirring up trouble and turning heaven and earth upside down would have made him feel good. But he was also feeling happy from this affair as he can go for dinner with Zhen Yue at night.


Jin Jiang city, the affordable housing area, was lined with trees and gurgling brook. Liu Yanzhi’s new house was on the 1st floor. It has a two-room two-hall layout, 82 sq mt and windows directly faced the lawn. It was entirely enough for mother and son duo to reside in and even for his wife if he get married.

Zhen Yue send the mother and son duo to the area and in pa.s.sing also toured the house. Before leaving she once more implored Liu Yanzhi: “I hope you can seriously consider a little about how to help those burn patients.”

“But how can I help?” Liu Yanzhi spread out both his hands, expressing his willingness to help but unable to do so.

“Let’s talk about it later.” Zhen Yue felt the matter already exceeds her capability’s range. The curiosity kills the cat, perhaps further involving herself in the case may not be appropriate.

“For the dinner at night, consider it properly.” Liu Yanzhi seized the opportunity to invite, but it’s a pity that Zhen Yue was not in the mood because at night will be on duty, so she declined.

Zhen Yue drove away. Mother looked at her son’s distracted expression and advised him: ” She is a national cadre and was dressed in the army uniform…..”

Liu Yanzhi’s mental age was only 20 years old and does not understand about love. Zhen Yue was the first female he encountered after he regained consciousness in mighty uniform, valiant and heroic bearing and this added to her kind-heartedness made a ripple in the youngster’s ignorant heart.

He said to his mother: “Mom, you don’t have to go to work. My wages are high, I can support the family. Later you can stay at home and play mahjong, or go jump square dance2 or something while waiting for me to get a wife and give birth to a grandson.”

Mother was excited, unable to conceal her happiness and asked him: “What is the name of your new work place? How much they pay you every month?”

Liu Yanzhi scratched his head in puzzlement, he still doesn’t know the ‘organization’s’ name. It could not hinder him, so he took out his mobile phone and searched online for ‘Dang Aiguo’  on Baidu, the related information appeared.

Dang Aiguo was the crown prince of An Tai Financial Group, but he did not work in his father’s company. He was working as a Professor in the Jiangdong University’s Department of Physics and also as a guest professor in Jiangdong Normal University’s Department of Chinese. The An Tai Financial Group is a multinational corporation whose business was widespread from real estate to banking, financial securities, and industrial manufacturing. It even has its own bank. On JinJiang street, An Tai bank could frequently be seen which was their family property. It is said that An Tai’s a.s.sets reach up to several billions of US dollars. The chairman of the financial group, i.e., Dang Aiguo’s father, Dang Haishan was a low-profile personage who lives a secluded life, never accepting interviews, news about him is very scarce that even his photo could not be found.

Liu Yanzhi suddenly remembered that his ID card is also his salary card. So he used his mobile phone to register on An Tai bank’s mobile APP and checked his bank account.

16750 yuan.

He showed mother his remaining salary, incomparably proud: “Look, my one month salary is almost 17000.”

Mother was even happier: “w.a.n.g’er is really capable, your one month salary is almost comparable to mom’s one-year working salary. Then mother will not work in the future and properly enjoy the son’s good fortune.”

Although they have moved to a new house, it has nothing but bare walls. They need to lay floorboards, decorate ceiling, buy a full set of electronic appliances and brand new furniture. For dealing with such big and small matters, counting on mother alone is unrealistic. So, Liu Yanzhi called the training center and once again requested for leave.

He called the st.u.r.dy and valiant Instructor Lei Meng who is a direct subordinate of the leader. It is said that Instructor Lei was a retired high-ranking warrant officer in marine corps. He is proficient in all kinds of grappling, shooting, and driving techniques and especially good at training new recruits. He is also very strict with the team members. It is said that he implements militarization management3; living in the training center throughout the year, not permitted to have a personal mobile phone, not allowed a leave of absence. Liu Yanzhi’s complete lack of organized and unusual discipline was of a unique type.

Instructor Lei refused Liu Yanzhi’s leave of absence on the spot and told him to immediately rush back to the training center.

Instructor roared with rage in the mobile receiver, so Liu Yanzhi held the mobile phone at a distance. He knows that he is a special case, instructor’s not allowed ‘leave of absence’ is also allowed.

And just as expected, after a moment, Lei Meng once again spoke on the telephone and said that he is given three days holiday to arrange his trivial matters in the home. He must return to the training center on time otherwise, will be dealt with military law.

Liu Yanzhi dismissed it with a laugh, what deal with military law, it is but a corporation.

He does not know that his unruliness had almost brought him a disaster. Just at that time, inside An Tai Financial Group chairman office, disagreement about him was in progress.

Dang Aiguo argued: “This man cannot be killed. He is so far the only special genetic carrier in our hands, he is bestowed by Heavens to us as a useful weapon.”

Sitting opposite him was white-haired Dang Haishan, financial group founder and simultaneously Chairman of the Board, he coldly said: ” Our mission is to extinguish special genetic carriers. It is the best way to save the world, also the only way.”

Dang Aiguo spoke: ” It was, before the success of time travel experiment. Now we have other methods, and Liu Yanzhi is one of the best candidates to implement this goal. His special genes are still not thoroughly explored. My intuition is that he is a hidden treasure, an inexhaustible amount of hidden treasure.”

Dang Haishan spoke: ” Fine, Do it according to your plan. How will you deal with Meng Shan side?”

Dang Aiguo said: “In Meng Shang Corporation, Liu Yanzhi, this person does not exist, even his body’s ash not remained. I believe we can cheat them, in fact, they don’t even have his photograph, where are they going to find him among so many people.”


Next day, Liu Yanzhi accompanied his mother to shop for new clothes, shoes, LCD TV, refrigerator and washing machine. Unfortunately, his wages were insufficient. His balance was very quickly left with only several hundred yuan, so he could only watch the Tablet, drooling.

At noon, they ate outside at Pizza Hut in the neighborhood of City Resident Square. Liu Yanzhi suddenly thought of his agreement ‘See you below the flagpost!’ with Coach Ma the other day. After considering, he moved in front of the window and gazed towards the flagpost opposite the public square, and as expected, there really was a middle-aged man standing there wearing a playsuit, who was Coach Ma.

“How is my vision so good?” Liu Yanzhi suddenly realized this point, Pizza Hut’s distance from public square flagpost foot was 400m. He, however, can clearly see Coach Ma’s facial features. Even a telescope does not have such a standard.

Liu Yanzhi asked his mother to eat first, while he took out the newly-bought sports shoes, crossed the public square and arrived in front of Coach Ma.

“Thank you for the shoes. This is for you.” Liu Yanzhi offered the shoe box.

Coach Ma’s both eyes were shining: “I have been waiting for you. Let’s go, follow me to sports college for a lap. I will calculate your time.”


*1 A tachograph is a device fitted to a vehicle that automatically records its speed and distance, together with the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes.

  The militarization management of an enterprise refers to an enterprise that uses the management methods, management mode and management experience of the military as a reference and combines these management methods, management modes and management experiences with modern enterprise management to effectively use various management tasks in the enterprise Among them, at the same time, they should educate and guide employees with the management thinking of the military so as to effectively enhance the execution of employees .

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