Time Traveler

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Volume 1 Chapter-5 Time Travel

Translator- DM

Liu Yanzhi gave a heartbreaking sad howl like a wild beast.

Mother is dead. He didn’t even have the time to show filial piety yet. They also had not spent much time together. In the beginning, everything has been fine, at night they would have eaten pork and scallion stuffed dumplings. Why did he suddenly wanted to jump out to help people and let mother die, it made him want to kill himself just thinking about it. He could not wait to tear the murderer’s body into thousands of pieces. But the murderer has already been turned into a sieve. He has strength but has nowhere to use it, only feel endless grief and despair.

Zhen Yue, who was lying behind the dustbin, did not take the soldiers outstretched hand but rather got up by herself. She noticed that the soldier’s faces were covered with a black headgear and their war suit did not have the logo of armed police anti-terrorism squad. Moreover, they were also not the people of City Bureau’s SWAT brigade. Their ident.i.ty was a mystery.

Soldiers had already blockaded this region, strictly prohibiting vehicles and pedestrians from approaching. Corpses were swiftly loaded into a plastic bag and hauled away, the blood on the ground was removed using special liquid, bullets sh.e.l.ls were all picked up and the bashed car was also dragged away within the shortest period of time. Their actions were very skilled, showing that they were well-trained, capable and vigorous beyond compare.

“Officer Zhen, are you alright?” A soldier removed his headgear, showing a familiar face of Public Security Bureau, Deputy Director Wu Dongqing. A roller submachine gun1 hanging on the chest, a type-92 pistol inserted inside a gun sheath on his leg, gave a completely different image to his formerly gentle image.

Zhen Yue was relieved that her thinking was excessive. These people are indeed one of us. Perhaps they are not the direct subordinates of City Bureau’s SWAT team, but rather are Public Security Department troops. Anyway, they could not be bad people, otherwise, Wu Dongqing would not be standing here.

“What the h.e.l.l is going on here?” Zhen Yue looked around, asking in a trembling voice. Although she is a graduate of Armed Police College, she has never come into contact with actual combat. Even more, have never seen people being killed in front of her eyes.

Wu Dongqing smiled: “Didn’t your political commissar told you not to meddle in other people’s business. Whatever you saw today, don’t mention it to anyone. Otherwise, it will not be government and law coming to talk to you.”

Zhen Yue bit her lip and nodded her head. She looked at the still kneeling Liu Yanzhi howling in grief in front of his mother’s body, somewhat disturbed: “What about him?”

“We will handle it.” Wu Dongqing looked at his wrist.w.a.tch and called his subordinate to withdraw the team, also asking Zhen Yue: “Do you need a ride?”

“No need.” Zhen Yue shook her head like a rattle-drum and couldn’t help herself to once again look in Liu Yanzhi’s direction. He lent his arms to the two soldiers to support below his mother’s body in boarding a van.


Morgue, extremely cold and gloomy. Liu Yanzhi was sitting in front of his mother’s body, motionless. No-one pulled him away, in fact, this has also come from the top and was inspired”allow him to do whatever, don’t control him.”

Liu Yanzhi was immersed in pain inside, if he can exchange, he would rather accept suffering in h.e.l.l for ten-thousand years to exchange for his mother’s revival. Unfortunately, it was impossible. He can only staunchly survive and live well, only then can give mother’ sou

l best comfort.

A hand was put on Liu Yanzhi’s shoulder. He turned around and saw Wu Dongqing carrying a bowl of steaming hot dumplings in his hands.

“You have not anything for the whole day,” said Wu Dongqing.

“I won’t eat.” Liu Yanzhi shook his head.

“If you won’t eat, then how are you going to rescue your mother?” Wu Dongqing face was adorned with a gentle smile, not appearing to be making a joke.

Liu Yanzhi suddenly stood up: “Really! How can I save her, quickly tell me!”

Wu Dongqing patted his shoulder: “Don’t be anxious, you first eat this dumpling, then I will explain you the entire process.”

Liu Yanzhi used the shortest amount of time to eat the bowl of dumplings making him choke. Speechless, Wu Dongqing handed over a bottle of purified water and signaled him to follow him out.

Inside a s.p.a.cious study room, Liu Yanzhi saw Wu Dongqing calling a man ‘elder brother’.  In his thirties, he was casually dressed in T-shirt and flip-flops. The study room was full of books and extremely messy. However, it was permeated with a bookish smell.

“Liu Yanzhi? h.e.l.lo, I am called Dang Aiguo. We are of same age, both have lived for 77 years.“ Dang Aiguo extended his hand, his fingers white and slender resembling a scholar’s hand, but was warm and strong, full of masculinity.

“h.e.l.lo.” Liu Yanzhi did not consider anything else, getting straight to the point and asked: “What about my mother?”

Dang Aiguo spoke: “Don’t worry, I’ll first tell you the whole story. Because you have a special const.i.tution, you are currently being targeted by Meng Shang Corporation’s hunt. Meng Shang Corporation is the largest global corporation in gene modification and is also one of the biggest pharmaceutical factory. They not only produce human food-medicine but also produce veterinary medicine, pesticides, and gene-modification seeds. In short, you are precisely the guinea pig they are urgently in need, falling into their hands and you will be dissected for laboratory tests. Your mother was also killed by them and we are here protecting you.

Liu Yanzhi said: “I don’t care about this, how can I save my mother.”

Dang Aiguo asked: “ Have you read any online novel?”

Li Yanzhi stared blankly for a moment: “No.”

Dang Aiguo slapped his forehead: “I’m sorry I forgot, you had an accident in 1997. You still not had the time to catch up with Internet Era. In that case, do you know time travel?”

Liu Yanzhi said: ”I know, when i was young I saw an American TV drama called “Time Tunnel” which was released in Zhengda theatre2.”

Dang Aiguo said: “Not Zhengda theatre, it was just a commonly dubbed film, and so on…. running off topic. Now back to topic, I have a plan to let you travel through time and save your mother, recovering everything. But, I can tell you that crossing will be very dangerous. Perhaps you will forever be destroyed inside the time.”

Liu Yanzhi without the slightest hesitation said: “I am willing, even if there is only 1 percent success rate.”

Dang Aiguo turned around and looked at Wu Dongqing, the latter helplessly twitched his mouth and said in his heart if the success rate is 1 percent or so then get ready to move to a better job.

‘’Since you can go back by crossing, you don’t need to worry. Right, first go and receive the relevant training.” Dang Aiguo said, “Holly, you take Yanzhi to the training center.”


The training center was located far away from city center in a mountain area, taking one hour to drive in a vehicle. From outside appearance, it looked like an incompletely built large-scale sports field and a high tower crane stained with rust marks. The outside of the building was crushed, but inside of the building construction was already finished with synthetic athletic tracks, swimming pool, shooting range, boxing ring and conventional combinations of equipment, also having a customized training astronaut centrifuge.

Wu Dongqing took Liu Yanzhi all over the place to look around a little, then finally lead him to reception desk to receive his ID card. The card can be used to enter and exit the training center and also for opening the gate of his living quarter’s, even more, is used as canteen’s food ticket and supermarket shopping card.

“Cary has your salary, from now on, you are a member of the organization.” Wu Dongqing stated, “Welcome to the organization.”

“What is your organization?” Liu Yanzhi felt apprehensive, following his reawakening has continuously encountered bizarre things, even time travel, the kind of unreasonable sci-fi theme has also appeared.

“It is a great organization.” Wu Dongqing blinked his eyes, “You will slowly understand. Well, I should go, the rest will only depend on yourself.”

Wu Dongqing left. Liu Yanzhi arrived at his living quarters. It was a bas.e.m.e.nt without window, a simple bed with table and chair also has a touchscreen computer. It has a wardrobe containing a complete set of dress, shoes, and caps, followed by physical training clothes to bulletproof vest and helmet. The size of shoes and caps were also just right.

Speakers on the wall issued a command: “order, order, all team members change into physical training clothes and arrive on No.1 training ground in 5 minutes.”

Liu Yanzhi suddenly realized that he is already a “organization” member, quickly pulled out his physical training clothes to change, from the wardrobe. According to the instructions pointed by wall chart, he found the No.1 training ground. He was the last one to arrive, moreover, the clothes wore by him and others were completely different. Others all have T-shirts and shorts, only he wore long-sleeve shirt and trousers. Everyone looked at the newly arrived rookie with indifference.

The instructor was a valiant and st.u.r.dy middle-aged man, he immediately made the other team members go on the drill grounds for a run while coldly saying to Liu Yanzhi: “You come with me.”

Liu Yanzhi followed the instructor to a shooting range. Instructor removed a GLOCK 19 pistol from the gun cabinet and start teaching him side by side how to load bullets, how to load a gun and how to shoot.


Zhen Yue was unable to let go of the curiosity in her heart, so she has once again gone to Liu Yanzhi to look for him. Workers shed was already locked up, no-one knowing the mother-son pair’s whereabouts. Returning to the station, she fell asleep feeling deep misgivings and took everything with her to bury it in her dreams.

At the same time. Liu Yanzhi was called to get up from his bed, squeezed into a car and transported to the mountaintop. In the distance, a vague 7-floor paG.o.da could be seen which was naturally Jiangdong Province’s historical site, Buddhist paG.o.da from Ming Dynasty. Liu Yanzhi could recognize where this was. It is Cuiwei Mountain. In secondary school, he had once come here with his cla.s.smates while riding a bicycle. At a distance of approximately 20km from Jin Jiang city center, it was a famous tourist-forbidden area in the province, often there will be people going on the mountain to explore and will disappear.

Mountain breeze whistling, overcast, Liu Yanzhi felt gooseflesh rising on his entire body. The fairly low atmospheric temperature on the mountain, strong winds and in addition, heart filled with nervousness made people feel uncomfortable. Surrounded by some researcher looking guy who was softly whispering something in front of a computer, Dang Aiguo and Wu Dongqing, who were both looking at their wrist.w.a.tch from time to time seemingly waiting for something.

At two thirty in the middle of the night, it finally begin. A Komatsu Excavator excavated a 8m long hole in the ground. Inside, staff members spread out something similar to a tinfoil metal film-shaped thing, surrounded by thick power lines.

Wu Dongqing walked over and handed Liu Yanzhi a pistol and two magazines, eyes extremely compa.s.sionate: ”Be careful.”

Liu Yanzhi nodded his head.

Dang Aiguo also walked over and said: “When you lie down, close your eyes, it may hurt, but it will soon pa.s.s. If you wake up, it will be the day when your mother was killed and you have twenty-four hours to solve the problem, after finishing you have to return. You will be still lying in the container so we will receive you.”

Liu Yanzhi allowed them to arrange while lying in the so-called container, feeling himself like a crab in a pot. The staff began to evacuate and staff members wearing Radiation Proof clothes covered the lid slowly.

The world became dark.

A white flash and Liu Yanzhi jumped out of the hole. The clothes on his whole body were burned to an inch without leaving a strand, pistol burned into a sc.r.a.p iron and even the metal film was burned. He was simply lying inside the metal solution.

Dawn, surrounded by bird songs and fragrant flowers, distant Ming dynasty’s PaG.o.da was clearly visible in the sunlight. Liu Yanzhi knew that time travel was a success. He has returned to the past.


*1 #p=1

*2 It was established in early 1990s to introduce foreign films. It had reached a very high level in terms of film selection, translation, dubbing and production.

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