Time Traveler

Chapter 7

Volume 1 Chapter-6 Redoing the Yesterday

Although Liu Yanzhi’s body was burned, he broke into a run as he has to save his mother and every second count!

He had not yet run for several steps when he was tripped by something. Lowering his head, he saw a burned black human hand covered in the soil. He removed the surface layer of soil and saw a charred corpse.

Liu Yanzhi understood that he was only one of the “organizations” guinea pig. He has heat-resistance, so he luckily didn’t die, that’s all.

The situation was urgent, and he could not look after other things. The landscape of Cuiwei Mountains was same as before, and the terrain and landforms have not changed too much from 20 years ago. He vaguely remembered the road down the mountain and began to trot with burned feet, badly mangled on top.

With great difficulty, he came down the mountain. In the distance was a vast stretch of farmland and a scarecrow wearing shabby clothes was standing erect inside. Liu Yanzhi ran over and stripped scarecrows clothes and draped over his shoulder. Continuing his journey, he followed the asphalt road and run towards the direction of Jin Jiang city center.

A tourist bus traveled past, the tourists inside the bus approached their windows to watch this strange running man who was shabbily dressed and walking vigorously with resolute eyes but also has fast speed.

The bus drove onwards for one kilometer when some people requested to get out to relieve themselves. The driver pulled over and stopped the bus, and the entire group of people alighted the bus to go urinate. Among them, an Adidas sportswear wearing middle-aged man turned his head around to gaze into the distance, only to see that “beggar” from far away has run over. He couldn’t help but take out his mobile to count the time taken and was shocked in his heart. Even the long-distance running champion from Sheng Yun a.s.sociation wouldn’t be able to produce such a record! This is a good seedling ah!

The middle-aged man was an athletics coach in city’s Sports Bureau. He couldn’t suppress his excitement and step forward to stop that running man.

“Don’t block my way.” The evenly breathing Liu Yanzhi avoided the coach and continued running. It’s not that he didn’t think to get a lift, but this honor and glory, no-one was willing to give him for the ride as Cuiwei Mountain distance from city center was only 20 kilometers and looking at the sun’s position before afternoon should be able to hurry.

“I want to talk about something good, I am in track and field athletics.” The coach unwilling to give up, accompanied him together to run, quickly advancing past him to check his running posture. He is entirely an amateur, even cannot be called an amateur athlete. He certainly has good endurance and sprints fast. This kind of top-notch player in long-distance running from an Asian descent very rarely appears in China, only African plateau can give birth to such a prodigy.

“I want to ride the bus to city center, can you help?” Liu Yanzhi asked.

“No problem.” The coach patted his chest.

Liu Yanzhi was brought directly to the bus, many of the tour group members were dissatisfied but stopping him in front of Coach Mu will mean they are not giving him face.

The bus started. Coach Ma strike up a conversation: “Young man, how old are you, where does your family live, What kind of work do you do? ”

Liu Yanzhi asked a question in reply: “Do you have a mobile phone? Lend me for a bit.”

Coach Ma took out his mobile and handed it over.

Liu Yanzhi called mother’s mobile number to warn her to buy meat later in the afternoon and doesn’t return home. So, she will not run into the killer, and even more, would not be knocked down and killed with the car.

The phone could not get through, no-one picked it up from beginning to end. Liu Yanzhi suddenly remembered that mother forgot to bring her mobile on that day.

Then, he made a call to ‘himself’, hoping that the ‘him of this s.p.a.ce-time’ can change the situation, but the call on his phone similarly cannot go through as the opposite side was already out of credit. He did not know that his mobile cannot use Internet plan, but he had used the most expensive data plan. Those little bit call charges were all exhausted in the wake of watching movies on the Internet.

“Young man, do you have some urgent matter?” Coach Ma asked, “As long as I can help, I will certainly help you.”

“Don’t talk.” Liu Yanzhi stopped him from further trying to be friendly. He can’t do anything but call police on 110 and report to police for help.

The businesslike operator after hearing his report about four fully-equipped foreign killers hiding and waiting to kidnap a garbage collector’s son near the Xuanwu road, he concluded that it is a hara.s.sing phone call.

His report lacked results, so Liu Yanzhi was burning with anxiety. Coach Ma once again asked: “What happened?”

“I am hungry.” Liu Yanzhi sniffed the food’s smell, in the front row a child was holding a cake and eating, face smeared fully with cream.

Coach Ma hurriedly took out a boiled egg, cream puff, and cola. Liu Yanzhi gobbled it up, his table manners like a devil reincarnate.

“How long has this child not eaten his fill of food. “Coach Ma was feeling pity, such an excellent athlete seedling, how did he mix with beggars.”

In an instant, Liu Yanzhi gobbled up all the food. He silently sat there and felt the digestion of food inside his stomach. The energy absorbed by small intestine was continuously spreading throughout his body to every veins, muscles, and drop of blood.

The bus stopped. In front was a long line of traffic leading to a traffic jam.

“Driver, open the gate.” Liu Yanzhi got off the bus. Coach Ma bitterly urged him to stay with no result. He saw his bloodstained feet with no shoes, and without thinking took of his Nike sports shoes from his feet and handed it over: “Young man, put this on.”

Liu Yanzhi did not decline and wore the sports shoes on his bare feet, then jumped off the bus and continued running.

“Young man, Everyday at noon, I will be waiting for you below the flagpost on City Resident Square.” Coach Ma watched the mysterious running man’s figure from behind and yelled.

Liu Yanzhi waved his hand to and fro to indicate that he has heard, his head not turning around, and ran far away.

Noon, the sun overhead was already at the highest point. That day, at this time both the mother and child pair were at the police station waiting to have their photo taken, for the new ID card.

Liu Yanzhi decided to go to the local police station to look for those people before the dangerous obstruction occurred as they say ‘early bird catches the worm’.

Just at that time, when he was running to local police station’s neighborhood, a station wagon blocked his path in front. The four-car doors opened simultaneously, and rubber baton and wolf-teeth club holding people jumped out orderly and scurried, and without saying anything pounced on him.

Liu Yanzhi fought desperately and resisted. He doesn’t know why the other side was trying to catch him, he only knew that if he lost his freedom, mother’s death would not be averted.

The rods in their hand were falling like raindrops on Liu Yanzhi’s body. A restraining pole held his head against the wall. And without waiting for him to cry out, an electric shock equipment poked on either side of his waist, emitting four sparks. Liu Yanzhi twitched all over and slowly collapsed along the wall. Surrounding ma.s.ses had already gathered around in a circle. The men took out police officer’s id card, showing clearly Interpol’s ident.i.ty.

Police officer put handcuffs on Liu Yanzhi, and at the back of the cuffs pressed the gear to the minimum limit. The handcuffs were tightly strapped to the skin and flesh of his wrist. He was squeezed into the police car while in stun state, vaguely heard the police officer say “Murderer” and so on words.

After Liu Yanzhi woke up, he found himself sitting in a swaying police car. He shook his head and felt unusually clear-headed.

“You caught the wrong person.” He said, “I am Liu Yanzhi, not the person you are looking for.”

No one paid him any attention.

“Call Wu Dongqing, he knows me.” Liu Yanzhi continued saying.

“Don’t waste your breath. Even mentioning Xu Gongtie is useless.” The police officer lazily replied, ” When Interpol asks then you can speak at that time.”

“Can you go to police station. I am looking for someone, I will only speak some words. I am begging you.” Liu Yanzhi implored.

“When you were killing, was the other person’s begging useful?” The police officer said mockingly.

Liu Yanzhi bowed his head and did not speak. He realized that the police will not be convinced by him. If he cannot escape from this police car, then every significant effort of his will be in vain.

Seeing suspect stop, police officers also no longer care about him and were minding each other’s business while gossiping. Afternoon sunshine and the afterglow of success made them happy. Their vigilance was somewhat relaxed as they were slightly tired out.

A loud and clear sound echoed. Liu Yanzhi struggled to get free and broke the steel handcuffs chain. He was continuously hitting the side of the detective’s body. The sudden and unexpected accident has caught police officers off guard. When the driver turned around to look, the steering wheel deviated from the road, and the car directly collided with the roadside trees.

His goal was not to kill people but fleeing. After hitting the dizzy police officer on the adjacent seat, he swiftly opened the car door and ran like mad.

A detective crawled out from the side of the overturned car, fished out a pistol, loaded and cried out loudly: “Stop, or I will shoot!”

Liu Yanzhi didn’t acknowledge his question and run away even more quickly.

Detective open fired the pistol. Type-64 pistol’s muzzle emitted a ma.s.s of flame. Separated by more than 10m distance, he did not know where bullets. .h.i.t.


Liu Yanzhi was finally able to run around to the neighborhood of workers shed. He was panting as his physical strength was vastly consumed. In the distance, he saw the slender figure of Zhen Yue standing at the worker’s shed entrance.

He was considering whether or not to look for Zhen Yue for help. He was still not able to decide the plan before another Liu Yanzhi has returned! Following from behind, far away, was a discreet black Pa.s.sat car. This car was precisely the one in which the four mercenaries from Meng Shang Corporation were sitting.

After one minute has elapsed, another Liu Yanzhi will speak with Zhen Yue. At that time, the four mercenaries will get out of the car. Afterwards, the fight will take place and mother will be hit to death by the fleeing vehicle. So long as he can prevent one of the steps, upsetting the incident’s rhythm, he can most likely avoid the tragic matter.

Of course, he also has other options. Such as preventing mother from returning, but this is really not the best option. Because mercenaries will still exist and they have guns, leading to any danger from possibly happening. Therefore, the only valid action is to get rid of them even if he has to sacrifice himself.

Even if he dies, there is still another himself to take care of the mother. Liu Yanzhi’s honor will not permit him to turn back, so he advanced courageously. There were watermelons spread out on the side, he stepped forward, grabbed a watermelon knife and walked with vigorous strides towards the car. People inside the Pa.s.sat car were experienced mercenaries, they had long ago saw the dirty looking beggar from the rearview mirror, yet no-one took him seriously.

Liu Yanzhi walked near the car and directly pulled opened the back door. People inside were already on guard, a mercenary sitting in the back seat swiftly pulled out a pistol and shot at him across the thick door.

Bullet pa.s.sed through the car door and penetrated Liu Yanzhi’s stomach. He gnashed his teeth, pulled open the car door his movements unaffected and stabbed the knife. From such a short distance, even if their skills were better they would not be able to stop the sharp knife from impaling the Kevlar bulletproof vest, which penetrated deeply into the mercenary’s ribcage. The watermelon knife doesn’t have blood groove1 so the knife blade was stuck in the flesh of muscles and did not come out when pulling. Liu Yanzhi discarded the knife and grabbed a pistol, quickly firing towards the person on the adjacent seat. At the same time, the people sitting in the front seat also rapidly pulled out a gun and shot from over the seat. For a moment, bullets were flying here and there inside the car, and smoke from the guns suffused the air.

After five seconds, Liu Yanzhi was done firing all the bullets. He climbed out of the car. He was at least hit by five guns everywhere on his torso. But, it did not affect his movements at all. Turning around to look, he saw Zhen Yue has already pulled the ‘another’ Liu Yanzhi to hide behind the dustbin and faintly discernible soldiers wearing blue-black special war suits were slowly surrounding this place.

Looking back, far away on the road, mother carrying half-catty pork and face adorned with a kind and happy smile was walking over.


1* A groove in a fighting knife or sword will allow for blood to flow out from a wound so that the blade can be removed easier (a significant concern in close combat).

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