Time Traveler

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Liu Yanzhi immediately declined: “I am sorry. I am helping my mother with shopping.”

“No problem, I will wait for you.” Coach Ma pulled Liu Yanzhi, afraid that he will run away, “or you leave your phone number with me, I will look for you tomorrow.”

Liu Yanzhi still declined, as he knows he cannot expose his extraordinary physique. He is now longevity meat1 for demons and ghosts all across the world. Meng Shang Corporation want to dissect him for research; An Tai Financial Group want to make use of him to time travel and do their work; Coach Ma wants him to train as a long-distance running athlete, and even Zhen Yue want him to help burn patients recover.

He repeatedly evaded, so Coach Ma got angry: “I helped you when you were short on time. You won’t even allow me to see you run one lap. And you still call yourself a man?”

Liu Yanzhi was unable to bear his ridicule and responded: “Only one lap? ”

Coach Ma rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, I’ll have you settle first and ask again, then he adopted a stern countenance and said: “Yes, run one lap, sports college is very far away, so we will go to the neighborhood No.2 middle school.”

Liu Yanzhi clenched his teeth: “Fine.”

He gave his mother a phone call and told her, he is busy and will return after 20 minutes. Soon after that, he followed Coach Ma to City Resident Square’s, neighborhood No.2 Middle School. The PE teacher here and Coach Ma are acquaintances, so he let him borrow the keys of the indoor sports field. Coach Ma fished out a stopwatch from his pocket and indicated Liu Yanzhi to do warm-up exercise.

“I don’t have much time. I will start running.” Liu Yanzhi spoke, his voice barely fell, that he took a step forward and started running. Coach Ma hurriedly pressed the stopwatch’s b.u.t.ton.

Indoor sports field tartan track was a 200m standard track. Liu Yanzhi ran very fast, despite his running posture being extremely amateur he finished running one-lap in the blink of an eye. He was not breathing heavily while standing in front of Coach Ma.

Coach Ma pressed down the b.u.t.ton of the stopwatch and looked carefully at the reading; his high blood pressure almost spiking. 22 seconds!

The world record for 200m is 19.32 sec. Liu Yanzhi’s casual run in 22 sec is a superhuman record. He was dressed in trousers, leather shoes, and a short-sleeved shirt. If he changed to sportswear and running shoes and undergo his training, then running 22 sec and fighting for world champion’s t.i.tle is entirely possible. Olympic Games gold medal, interview with state leader, newspaper and television reporting at great length, governments reward of a large sum of money and house……Coach Ma was dizzy with happiness.

A new world-champion will soon emerge. Furthermore, the one who found the dark horse, what a prideful event it will be for him as track and athlete coach. His excited heart was palpitating with thump thump sounds, almost halting unsteady.

“Youngster, you again run 100m and let me take a look.” Coach Ma stated with a gasping breath.

Liu Yanzhi exercised his hands and legs a little, squatted on the track making a non-standard starting posture.

“Run!” Coach Ma pressed down the b.u.t.ton of the stopwatch.

Liu Yanzhi launched out like an arrow, like a preying cheetah.

After 100 m, Coach Ma pressed down the b.u.t.ton of the stopwatch. He doesn’t dare to believe his own eyes.


The current 100m world record is 9.58sec which was created by A Jamaican player Boult while China’s 100m record was created by sprint athlete Su Bing in 2015 which was also Asia’s highest record and is 9.99sec. But now this mystical man broke the record in a relaxed manner. A

lthough he manually operated the which can cause some errors in stopwatch timing, the disparity will not be too much.

I have picked up a gem and also not an ordinary gem, but a 1-ton large diamond.

“I’ll say it to you the opportunity has come to win honor for the country. Hey, you don’t go! ” Coach Ma was immersed in his own dreams and not paying any attention to Liu Yanzhi who had sneaked away to the gate of the indoor stadium. He hurriedly chased after him but how can he catch the national sprint champion ah! , in a flash, Liu Yanzhi vanished.

Coach Ma worriedly stamped his foot, how can he allow this difficult to find treasure to leave in vain. He called his colleagues and friends informing them to have discovered an excellent seedling for Olympics gold medal, but he spoke in vain as no-one believed him.

Liu Yanzhi returned to Pizza Hut, mother had already finished eating food and was waiting for him outside the gate with takeout food. Both boarded a public bus, went to the furniture market and bought cheap bed, table-chair, and sofa. On the road, they also had bought vegetables and meat which they cooked for the meal after returning home, feeling joyous and harmonious.

Mother asked him: “w.a.n.g’er, what do you do at your company, why are your wages so high?”

At this time, Liu Yanzhi had already received company’s mail which stated the detailed information about his wages. His basic wage is only 5000 yuan, remaining 1000+ is training allowance, and the biggest part of 10000 yuan is business allowance. In other words, his one-time time-travel reward is 10000 yuan.

“Mom, after I woke up, my physique was different from ordinary people. They are giving me high wage which is also normal, later it can still increase, only I might not have too much time to accompany you.” Liu Yanzhi explained.

Mother laughed: “You will be busy with your Unit’s important work. I have no problem, I have endured for so many years.”


After two days, it was finally time to receive the new household register and ID card. Liu Yanzhi went to police station to retrieve the card, but he only received the new household register. Moreover, it didn’t even have his name.

“What about my ID card?” Liu Yanzhi asked the police in charge of household registration.

“The name Liu Yanzhi’s family status was canceled.” The police in charge of household registration explained.

“Canceled family status? What do you mean?” Liu Yanzhi was baffled.

“He died. Next.”  The police in charge of household registration said bluntly and paid no more attention to him.

Liu Yanzhi had barely understood the meaning when he suddenly has realization. This was probably done by the organization. To hide him from Meng Shang Corporation’s eyes, the person ‘Liu Yanzhi’ was made to vanish, no longer existing.

After his three days holiday concluded, Liu Yanzhi returned to the training center. For now, he must receive a comprehensive physical ability test.

The test includes sprint, long jump, endurance, lung capacity, etc. Liu Yanzhi who was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, shorts, and running shoes ran 100m in 9.24 sec in front of Lei Meng making a record.

Following that, he also ran ten thousand meters in 26.48 sec, similarly breaking the world record.

After long-distance running, his heart rate was monitored at 62 beats in one minute, proving his heart was considerably powerful.

“You are simply a Superhuman” Lei Meng exclaimed, “if you are sent to Olympic Games, you can bring a big pile of gold medals for the country.”

Liu Yanzhi smiled, not at all shocked.

Lei Meng brought him to a boxing ring and threw him a set of boxing gloves: “Come on, We will spar.”

Liu Yanzhi wore the protective gear and boxing gloves and imitated the boxer moves shown on television, moving nimbly his fists were making hu hu sounds as if he really is one.

Lei Meng’s background was not of a boxer, he only learned it to kill. He had once taken a big task in a foreign country and in the secret operation, he had killed 5 terrorists with bare hands. He narrowed his eyes, staring at Liu Yanzhi’s movements and suddenly feint a trick, right side fist directly attacking the other side’s temple.

Liu Yanzhi slanted his head to the side, dodging.

Lei Meng following once again feint a trick. But he was not able to touch Liu Yanzhi, as his body was soared flying, hitting the railing of the boxing ring, almost flipping over outside.

He was not even able to clearly see when Liu Yanzhi used his hands and feet to send him flying.

The opponent on the stage gave him an oppressive feeling. Lei Meng swallowed the bubbling fishy-sweet smell in his throat, waved his hand and said: “Not fighting.”

Inside the monitoring room, Dang Aiguo was alone and enjoying the boxing duel on stage. His hand held a cup of red wine, and he gave a toast towards proud Liu Yanzhi on the screen, a smile rising on the corners of his mouth.

Liu Yanzhi seemingly sensing something, made a V sign towards the surveillance camera.

He was sure someone was looking at him, as this was his first comprehensive test. If he can show how much strong he is, they will value him even more. Then his wages will increase, and mother can live a life of leisure.

After a series of tests, Lei Meng gave a general evaluation; Liu Yanzhi’s physique was comparable to a world champion athlete, in other words, he collectively has sprint, long-distance running, weight-lifting, boxing, swimming athlete’s body. His const.i.tution makes him the strongest person on earth, there doesn’t exist another one.

“He is completely a freak.” Lei Meng exudes cold sweat. Liu Yanzhi still has five circle shaped marks on his body. Scars formed when he was shot by guns, usually, if people were hit by 5 bullets even if they don’t die, they would have to lie down for half a year. He, however, was fine after just several days, jumping around energetically. If 8000-10000 clones can be made of people like this and used as special forces soldiers, then what Snow Leopard and Wolf’s fang2, all will have to step aside.

Liu Yanzhi lies p.r.o.ne inside the spiral CT machine, where staff members scanned him from head to foot and also extracted tissue samples and blood serum. But even with An Tai Financial Group’s medical science capabilities, the tests could not detect any clear difference between ordinary people and Liu Yanzhi. His blood has high oxygen content, his cells are more active, his immune system is very strong, muscle fibers could gather more and more strength, and his internal organs were also very healthy. In short, he is a perfect human and not a freak.

Seeing the laboratory test report, Dang Aiguo held his wrists and lamented: “It’s a pity, that we can only use a talented person in an insignificant position.”

Liu Yanzhi canceled all physical training and focused on technical training. One by one, Lei Meng mainly taught him to use weapons and firearms, including every country’s active duty military weapons, as well as rare retired old guns.

Inside the shooting range, Liu Yanzhi was wearing digital camouflage clothing and held the only model of old and clumsy Soviet-made Bobosha submachine gun. His left hand was supporting a heavy 71 round bullet drum, and right hand was pulling the trigger, spraying tongues of flames and accurately hitting every human-shaped target which was suddenly jumping out.

Computer was showing that all targets were hit. It was not rare when Liu Yanzhi was using M4 carbine to make a good score. The key was that he was using old guns from 1945. Moreover, Bobosha was known for its poor accuracy. Entirely depending on spraying a hail of bullets to cover fire and achieve victory, to use Bobosha to hit people with this precision, calling him gun deity was also not excessive.

Liu Yanzhi changed his clothes and came out. He was wearing a cowboy hat, sleeveless jacket, scarf, and his waist carried inclined bullet belt with an 1860 Colt Army Revolver inserted in the gun holster. He wants to be familiar with every kind of weapons in use, naturally cannot do without using 19th-century cla.s.sic pistol with black powder.

Lei Meng stood opposite him, on his waist hung quick draw gun holster and SIG p226 pistol, only loaded with training bullets.

They both pulled out guns almost at the same time, but Liu Yanzhi was faster. Not waiting for Lei Meng to shoot first, he hit him with 6 red paintball in succession on his body. Liu Yanzhi’s one hand shot a gun, and one hand moved sideways to hit like a hammer, hitting hard. Seeing Lei Meng’s embarra.s.sed look, he blew smoke from the muzzle of the gun, while saying ‘you let me win.’

“I did not let you!” Lei Meng flew into a rage.

Suddenly the hidden speaker installed on the roof issued a sound: “No. 17, quickly go to control room and receive the task.”

Liu Yanzhi’s scalp tightened as No. 17 is his code name. It seems I will have to time travel again.



*1 Tang Sanzhang is constantly terrorised by monsters and demons because of a legend which says that one can attain immortality by consuming his flesh because he is a reincarnation of a holy being.


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