Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 34: Outrage (1)

Chapter 34: Outrage (1)

Before Gin could come to my room, I rushed down to the party as Miss Aura"s wish. I was still having difficulty in the dress I"m wearing and it didn"t help when it seemed I was only the remaining person coming from the dorm.

I walked in silent through the corridors and as I approached closer to the chamber where the meeting slash (/ or) party was being held, I was slowly hearing several noises from the people inside— chatting, laughing, clinking sounds of champagne gla.s.ses, footsteps from their shoes ringing on the marble floor.

I could only heave a sigh.

When I arrived at the front of the chamber"s high door, I couldn"t help make a pause. I checked myself for the last time. The sparkling fitted dress, the shoes; I mean my attire as a whole— Hah. I held my chin up-high then stretched my arms to the hardwood door and pushed it.

You can do it, Shia. You"ll be just fine.

A brightly lit room greeted me when I opened the door. It was far different from the dimly lit corridor that I just pa.s.sed by. I had to squint my eyes to see beneath the blinding light. When my sight finally adjusted, I realized that it"s a huge mistake coming over to this event.

Almost all the people inside were looking at me. I entered from the door nearest to the stage; therefore, I was easily noticed and all of their attentions instantly gathered up to me. Many of them stopped from talking; some even paused from drinking their luxurious drinks. I also just realized that the surrounding suddenly quieted down. I knew something was amiss.

f.u.c.k. Were they waiting for me all along?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Priam Grey. He was the first familiar face that I noticed in the middle of the crowd. He was also facing this door like everybody; and just like many others inside, he"s holding a half-consumed champagne on his hand and smiling— to me. He did a one skim-over look on my appearance before raising the gla.s.s he"s holding as though giving me a cheers.

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes at him— or at everybody in particular. What is their problem and why are they giving me that kind of look? "These people".

"G.o.d, Shia, finally!"

A hand suddenly touched my arm which jolted me. I turned and realized that it was Luna. I didn"t even notice where she came from.

"We"ve been waiting for you, did you know?" she exclaimed. I noticed a trace of anxiety in her voice.

She looked, for once, a part of this crowd. I was used to seeing Luna who didn"t care what she wore or things she had, just like me. But this time, I can see where she truly belonged. She"s one of them, after all.

She"s wearing a vintage looking rose dress that reached beyond her knees. It had laces at the hems and over-all finely detailed embroidery. It had the feminine feel but, at the same time, simple and cla.s.sic, just like her.

I was surprised when she pulled me to the front, just beyond the stage. I turned to her to ask when I noticed another person coming towards us.

"Wait for Gin here." said Luna before leaving me and going to the table by the side.

I glanced at Luna"s table then to the person coming over and for once, looked around. I saw where my other teammates were. Ethan smiled at me and gave me thumbs up. Cain gestured at me to make smile. Victoria, in an elegant black dress, just stared at me, nothing more.

They all looked so made up, so perfect; that they seemed to be a bunch of different people, unrelated from those that I was always with in the trainings.

Then, finally―him. He was walking towards my direction. He came from another table where mostly seated by old people— maybe his relatives or acquaintances.

He"s wearing a black tuxedo like most of the males here; a black tie and a white polo underneath to boot. There was nothing special or outstanding in his attire but his presence was very notable even in the midst of this people. Maybe, it"s because of his height or built; maybe it"s simply his aura, the very same he used with his authority as a Team Captain.

He walked with a straight back and with the blistering confidence that I wished I could also have on this moment. As he slightly fixed the fold of his sleeves, I found myself cursing silently upon realizing something. It just seriously dawned on me— how physically attracted I am towards Gin.

"You ready?" he asked me upon reaching my side, his suit already properly fixed.

"Of course." I replied but with slight nervousness evident in my voice. What are we going to do, sorry?

He turned to me as if he only just noticed that I was not as confident as usual for myself. I noticed that the people around were waiting for something; I guessed that"s what we"re gonna do. He looked at me gently.

"You look gorgeous." he murmured.

"You"re not helping," I replied. He only added the discomfort I feel.

Then he suddenly put his hand on my back. I was so startled when his hand touched my bare skin that I almost cursed him. A sudden shiver ran down my spine. Now I really realized how useless this dress is.

Gin slightly leaned to me and whispered. "Breathe, Shia. You are worth more than half of the women in this room at this moment."

Another shiver came again when I felt his warm breath on the side of my face. I turned to him a little and looked at his face. What did he mean by that?

"Remember, Shia, you are one of us. I wouldn"t tell you to act like one—just be yourself; you are more endearing that way."

He slightly withdrew himself and smiled to me— the kind of smile only Gin can give. This smile was so rare that you would think it"s a precious metal or something close to it; a smile that will be engraved in your mind because it might not happen again―Half confident smirk and half genuine smile.

"Let"s go."

He lightly pulled me up to the stage then to the center where we needed to stand in front of the podium. Headmaster Grey, Princ.i.p.al Bins, and some authorities from the academy were sitting there, as well as Miss Aura and Sir Apollo.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Shia Sheridan, the sixth and final member of the group that will be joining the Linus Cup."

After hearing that from the speaker behind us, I realized why Gin had to be with me in the front. It was like a wave or a ripple of water as the people before me, one by one, changed their expressions. Some of them lowered their drinks and fully looked at us; others stood from their chairs then scrutinized me from head to toe as if searching for something embarra.s.sing that they can easily point out.

"What a hypocrite." I heard someone said.

"Look at her dress like that as if it would erase the trace of being an ignorant and cla.s.sless woman."

I could feel my hands gradually clenching as a constricting emotion came to me.


"I wonder how much she"s enjoying the same life as one of us now."

"How did she even get here?"

"She"s beautiful. Maybe she used that a.s.set—" By that last remark, I totally lost my restraint. I almost rushed to the person who said it.

"Shia," Gin said calmly. "You are not any of those words. Let them believe their a.s.sumptions that are as stupid as them."

The noises from the people grew. Someone said a complaint, followed by other until the room was filled with their angry voices. I pursed my lips and forced myself to look straight at them, with my chin held high; even though I knew those remarks were rapidly filling up my ears and patience jar.

"You need to face this." Gin said beside me. "You need to see how these pathetic people would rave for supremacy. They will always find a flaw no matter who you are or what you do. Don"t give them the satisfaction of getting into your system."

The noise and their arguments became louder as I just watch them like what Gin said. A moment later I heard Princ.i.p.al Bins voice.

"So embarra.s.sing," she said. "It"s so embarra.s.sing that people like you look more uneducated than the woman in front of you."

They all stopped. Traces of anger could be seen on their faces. I can"t help but look at Princ.i.p.al Bins who"s standing behind me. What is she saying? Does she not know what she said will just make everything more complicated?

"Excuse me?" An old woman whose dress was filled with expensive jewelry asked.

"Do you understand what you"re saying Princ.i.p.al Bins?"

"What is going on to this school?" Another one retorted.

"Calm down everyone." Princ.i.p.al Bins calmly said, not a faint of nervousness or doubt in her voice; as if she had already seen things going to this direction.

"We are here for an important occasion. I hope you haven"t forgotten. We are here for the benefit of the students of this school— for your children. I trust you will set aside your self-interest for now."

Some of them became more annoyed because of what they heard but most were able to calm down and be silent.

"Can we start now?" Princ.i.p.al Bins asked while smiling. Some people from the crowd nodded.

"If that is the case, you may sit down Miss Sheridan and Mr. Grey." She sent us both off the stage.

Gin was walking towards the group"s table while his hand was still at my back. When we walked down the stage, I realized that my legs were shaking but I continued inconspicuously. Apparently Gin noticed, so he held me closer and aided me forward. Only when we sat down together with the other members then I was able to heave a sigh of relief.

"Nice job," Cain said smiling.

"You did well." said Ethan.

I didn"t answer. I had no idea what they were saying but then Victoria spoke.

"I didn"t expect that you can restrain yourself.  I was expecting you would blow it off." She muttered as she sipped her drink. "I"m impressed."

Despite the situation, I wanted to laugh at what Victoria said.

If only you knew how hard I held my self back.

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