Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 35: Outrage (2)

Chapter 35: Outrage (2)

Discussions re-started with things that I had nothing to do; the grades and progress of students, out-of-school facilities, various fees, and upcoming events. There were still some parents who, from time to time, peered back at me in a bad way. Some even were in a whispered conversation but it’s obvious that they"re talking about me. They seemed to be impatiently waiting for me to become the topic once again.

I noticed that Luna, who sat beside me, was always looking at the back of the room. She smiled and slightly waved there. When I followed where she was looking at, I saw a tall but slightly thin man in mid-forties, wearing an eyegla.s.ses.

“My Dad,” Luna confirmed happily when she noticed me looking back, too. Luna clung to me and pulled my arm closer to her while still looking behind.

“Shia? Yes, she’s my friend.” She motioned to her Dad as she spoke, as if he could hear her.

I noticed that her Dad smiled more and slightly waved his hand to me.

“My Dad is a fan of your special ability. Just like me.” Luna beamed.

“He is not mad at me?” I asked.

Luna’s forehead furrowed then faced me. “Why would he be angry? You are more than what the group asked for. “

I also noticed two girls looking at me. They were just by the next table, giggling and staring intently; I knew immediately that the whole group was looking at me. They were staring at me with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouths. I think they"re around ten to twelve years old.

“Cain’s younger twin sisters,” Luna said. “They have been looking forward to see you; that"s why, they are like that.”

I observed the table where Cain’s family was. His two sisters were with their parents. I was surprised when Cain"s mother looked back at me. I was about to avoid her gaze when she slightly smiled to me instead.

“There’s Ethan’s Grandparents.” Luna pointed at another table by the center. They were the two elderly people I noticed a while ago when I was on the stage as if they were caught up in a conversation they did not like.

“Then, there’s Victoria’s family.”

Victoria’s family sat by the front around the other side of the chamber. They somewhat looked alike to what I expected them to be. Her mother"s face was strict as well as her father"s. They weren"t involving themselves in the conversation but you just knew they were definitely listening.

“And of course, Gin’s representative is either Priam or his Dad. He also has a distant relative who is studying here so there are some of his relatives here.”

I turned to the table where Gin came from before but my attention was half-way changed when I saw the table beside them.

Corrine sat while partly facing her father. I could tell her father was tall even though he had his back on me. Her mother was sitting right next to her. Her mom was very beautiful with her gentle face. But unlike to Corrine"s beauty, her mom was simpler to look at. They didn"t really look alike; probably she got her dad"s looks.

“That’s obviously is Corrine’s parents,” Luna said. I noticed that Corrine was trying to avoid looking in the direction of our group. “Her dad is a member of the Board of Trustees of t.i.tan Academy and also one of the major financers.”

That"s not a surprise, I thought. Corrine was a Head Girl and was supposed to be a member of the group. Her parents must be something.

The meeting continued well until it reached the topic that everyone was waiting for so much. Me.

It started on the topic of the upcoming Linus Cup three weeks from now. They talked about things like the partic.i.p.ant"s family’s welfare, the support of the whole school, until my name was finally related. Once again, everyone’s attention was directed to me.

“What kind of exam did she take that she could immediately enter like this?” A more civilized question by made by someone.

“Is she under a scholarship?” Another one asked.

“Are you now giving scholarships for her kinds without letting us know first?”

“Silence, everyone." Princ.i.p.al Bins calmly said again. The calm atmosphere earlier has gradually been wrecked.

“Shia Sheridan is not under a scholarship. There was also no special entrance exam whatsoever. She was—” somehow, Princ.i.p.al Bins paused there. “She was convicted of an offense towards t.i.tan Academy so she"s paying for it as a member of the group.”

There was a moment of silence as if nothing from the Princ.i.p.al"s announcement had sunk in them immediately. But slowly, and almost as expected, a violent uproar of questions and complaints erupted.

“Offense??” Someone cried.

“It this some kind of a joke?!”

“What kind punishment did you say?”

I do not know what to say. My mouth suddenly went dry. Will Princ.i.p.al Bins say what happened? In front of them?

“Shia,” I heard her call me. Even the members were now confused on what"s happening. I stood up without knowing why was I called.

“Why don"t you tell these people what happened?”

I was dumbstruck. Tell them what? About the whole thing? I glanced up to the parents who were also watching me with sharp gazes. They would definitely be furious. But they were really not the one I was worried about. I looked at the faces of Luna"s father and Cain"s family, even to the parents of Victoria and grandparents of Ethan.

For the first time in my life, I was afraid of what people will say about me; of what their family will think of me.

“Go on.” Urged Princ.i.p.al Bins with a smile.

I stood up straighter and acted as if I did not care. I can do this. I don"t care even if they found out the truth. I would be leaving this place three weeks from now and I would have nothing to do with them anymore.

I stood once more to the same place where Gin and I stood earlier. But this time, I was all alone. I didn"t know what was Princ.i.p.al"s trying to do; I didn"t know what everything was all about. But this, I believe, was better than leaving them like this or letting them think of other absurd things.

The crowd waited for me to speak. Some of them had their eyebrows raised while waiting for my explanations. But I will not explain anything. I would just say the reason why I’m here. It"s up to them to think whatever about me or how worthless they saw me in their eyes. I don’t care.

“I stole the golden crest.”

The surrounding was filled with silence. I heard a few gasps of surprise. I watched all of them while they were staring at me in disbelief.

“That’s the reason why I’m here,” I continued. “This is my punishment for stealing the t.i.tan’s golden—”

A cold liquid directly hit my face. I was so shocked that I just stood there rigidly. My face was immediately drenched and the wine dripped to my dress. My eyes needed to adjust because of the liquid that hit it.

“You’re a criminal.”

A parent closest to me said this. I looked down at the wine gla.s.s she was holding.

“Honestly you don"t even deserve to be sprayed with this wine. You are too cheap for this.”

I quietly returned her stare. I noticed that the other members of the group were about to come in my defense but Sir Apollo gestured them not to join the fray.

This is for the better, I thought. At least they know now. I do not have to act civilized anymore. And unless I left this place, they would never hear anything about Lucas.

I approached that person"s table calmly while holding a gla.s.s of water. I could almost hear Luna’s frightened voice, Shia please calm down; or Gin’s demanding voice, what do you think you’re doing?

I just smiled before I faced the woman who tossed me the wine. I noticed her shock and concealed fear in her eyes.

“You said I don"t deserve to be sprayed with your wine,” I said. “I agree with you. It’s too much of a luxury to waste a precious drink on me.”

I raised the gla.s.s of cold water and poured it on the top of my head. The woman stepped back at what I did. I just let the cold water dripped down my face before speaking.

“Happy?” I asked. She didn"t speak. “This is what you want to witness right? Now, are you happy?” I asked again.

No one answered. I can feel my hands shaking but I continue my speech.

“It still isn"t enough, is it? Even if you pour all the contents of your gla.s.ses to me you will never feel satisfied. So what exactly do you want from me? Do you want me to beg for your forgiveness? Do you want me to leave the group as well as this school?”

I was trying hard not to look at the group―them.

“A few months back, I was hoping the same thing; to flee from this place. But you know what?”

I faced the eyes looking at me.

“I’ve seen the hardships of the people around me just to build this group, to make it whole and ready. And I realized myself, just like them, I’m also afraid for this group breaking apart and all our efforts and hardships merely end to nothing.”

I looked again at the woman in front of me.

“You know the importance of Linus Cup not only for this school but also for the entirety of Hesperia, correct? But I will ask you, what have you done so far to help?”

The woman opened her mouth to respond but was instead shocked silent due to the whispers she heard from the people behind her.

"Spray wine on me? Tell me I"m worthless?" I answered my own question on her behalf. "Actually, I don"t care even if you do that to me. But before you go around complaining to everyone, please take a look at yourself and check what you have contributed.”

“If you have contributed the same amount of efforts as we did; at that point, you have the right to complain. Moreover, don"t go around telling that your money runs this school; it’s not effort, it’s accountability.”

"I will immediately leave if, and only if, those people who had let me come will send me to leave. So whatever you say or do, unless that time has not come, you can do nothing but acknowledge me.”

I strongly held up the hem of my dress and turned to quickly depart from the hall and from the sight of all of them. But I was astonished when I heard a clap. I don"t know if it’s trying to p.i.s.s me off.

I turned harshly to where it came from and saw a familiar gentle woman clapping with a smile towards my direction. I was greatly taken aback.

Isn"t that the parent of Corrine?

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