Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 36: Drunk (1)

Chapter 36: Drunk (1)

A few days have pa.s.sed since the meeting slashed party took place at t.i.tan Academy. It’s been a few days since I noticed that the view of people about me changed. If before they look at me in contempt, now they are avoiding me as if they were intimidated. I do not really understand the people in this place.

But what I didn"t expect was that I wasn"t punished because of the scene I made. When I left the Hall that afternoon, I thought I would be called to the princ.i.p.al or with the entire group.

I made a big risk in answering the woman who threw me a champagne in front of so many important people of t.i.tan Academy. But it seems that almost nothing happened because the next day we continued with our usual activities.

When I asked Luna about it, she said that she also wondered a bit. She’s thinking the same thing as me— like somehow someone would scold us.

But, according to her, Corrine’s mother approval had been a big factor. The Stanford family is a big influence in this school and throughout Hesperia. So when one of the family supported me, they could no longer make the issue bigger.

But it would be a mistake if they think that I regretted what I did. Because I don"t have anything to regret for. What I did is never for them but for me. I had to release my frustrations because if not— I might go insane in this place. A place full of prejudiced, scornful, and seems-to-not-know-the-real-world creatures.

It’s just ridiculous that for them it"s a very big problem that I get into t.i.tan Academy and the Linus Cup. They have no idea what the word ‘problem’ actually means. These bits of issues they called ‘problem’ are just pinch of sand compared to the problems as big as rocks, faced by towns people on an everyday basis.

I entered my room that afternoon to change clothes before going to the Dining Hall. I watched myself in the full-length mirror of the room, there was some tear on my clothes because of the agility training I did with Ethan earlier. There are also some bruises on my body and face.

I held the slit on my cheek. I didn"t feel the sting or pain. But I see my body full of wounds and slightly weakened. I knew that it will disappear after Luna will treat me. From the wound itself up to the fresh scar— it will disappear as if nothing happened.

But it once entered my mind the possibility of what Miss Aura said. My body may collapse without even noticing it. Because of my ability there a division between my mind and body— in my mind, I didn"t feel any pain— but I don"t know what my body really feels.

I watched myself again in the mirror. What does my body feel? I do not know. I need to feel the pain. I need to lower the barrier to find out.

I watched myself straight in the eyes as I started to tone down my ability. Like a thin dress that was gradually stripped, my body was exposed to a different kind of pulsating pain. From head up to the fingers of my hand to the legs, and feet— I felt the different levels of pain.

I felt a bit of pain on my side. It was the metal armor that hit me when Ethan struck me and didn"t feel it immediately. I held on to the mirror because of the pain. f.u.c.k.

I felt the pain while almost sweating in front of the mirror. I felt that I stink in front of the mirror. I just released a deep breath before I restored my ability again. I sat on the bed and felt so weakened. d.a.m.n. So this agility training wasn’t easy as I thought.

Just as I lay on the bed an object in the room caught my attention. I watched the two dress neatly attached to a corner of the room. One is dark red and the other is silvery white. I remember the one who gave the second dress.

Corrine’s mother.

After I left the Hall that afternoon when I was wet mix with water and champagne, I head straight to my room. I no longer planned to go back to the meeting. They can take care of their own lives. But I was surprised when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

At first, I thought it"s one from the group. I opened it instantly and I was stunned to see Corrine"s mother. She smiled at me and in her hands, she held a dress. I still remembered what she said.

“You did a great job back there,” she said in a refined and gentle voice, “I admire you for that.”

Corrine’s mother does not look like an angel because you can see the tone in her voice the discipline in her eyes. But she looks like a mother— the image in my mind when I try to remember my parents who did not exist in the first place.

“If you ever go back there and finish the meeting, here, wear this.”

She gave the dress to me and left after that. Few seconds had pa.s.sed before I closed the door again. I didn"t use the dress because I know going back to the meeting is futile. But I was not able to return it.

I heaved a sigh and remove my gaze from the dress. I lay down on the bed and watched the ceiling. It’s just awkward to meet one of the most influential families in this town and know that they are far from what you expect. Corrine is lucky.

The dinner ended last night not seeing Luna, Cain, Gin, and even his annoying brother Priam. The only people I ate with were Victoria and Cain.

I noticed that even Ethan’s wounds are still obvious on his body. Luna and Cain are not here because they are outside the t.i.tan Academy for an a.s.signment given to them by Sir Apollo yesterday. And since the group"s healer is not here, it only means that we have to endure the pain that couldn"t be treated by merely first aid.

"Is Captain not joining us?" Ethan asked when we started eating.

Victoria answered not even bothering to raise herself from her food. “He has a meeting with his Dad and his brother.”

Ethan narrowed his brow. “Did they not talk about that yesterday?”

Victoria shrugged unconcern. “Yesterday I noticed that Captain was not in the mood. Family issues maybe. “

“Aah,” he nodded and didn"t ask anymore.

It seems that they don"t want to talk about these things. I can"t blame them. Each family has his or her own issues.

After dinner, I went straight upstairs to go to the dormitory. I want to rest. Our training now is no longer a joke and it’s getting harder. You will notice it with my co-members. They rarely joke and play. The atmosphere becomes serious when we enter in the training room.

Two weeks. Almost two weeks left and it’s Linus Cup. And until now I still haven"t seen Lucas.

It is almost midnight when I suddenly woke up. I don"t why but I feel that there is something wrong. I sit on the bed and feel the dark surrounding. Silence. You can"t hear any noise.

But I know that something is not right. It is as though it"s the same I felt the night Lucas went to my house and said that he was in danger because he had the golden crest. It is the same feeling when something bad will happen— not to me but the person around me.

I suddenly got up on the bed. s.h.i.t. What is this?

I wore my night robe and dashed out of my room, as I was not in myself. Who among them? Where?

Before I immediately know that it was Lucas because he"s the only person who is important to me that could be in danger. But now— it could be anyone from the group.

I continued walking around the hallway. I don"t know where I’m going but I know I need to go somewhere.

Was it Luna? Cain? No. They are very far from here.

Suddenly I stopped walking in the hallway when out of nowhere Gin entered my mind. I almost curse when I realized to whom this warning is for. d.a.m.n it, Gin.

I run in the hallway hurriedly. I did not care if they will wake up. The image is clear— Gin is somewhere outside. Near the lake behind the school. What is he doing there? I have no idea. But I knew that something bad will happen.

Light after light lit up every time I pa.s.sed and after I pa.s.sed it immediately switches off. I arrived at the back of the school and what immediately greeted me is the dark surroundings and the cold air. I tightened the night robe that I"m wearing while looking around. And noticed where I am.

The lake. 

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