Thank you for everyone who left me recs! I’m really happy and grateful for all of them, and I felt I should probably make some in return. While this isn’t 100% a rec page, I’ve made a .

Most of them have an English translation that you can find on NU. However, I’ve recently started reading novels that haven’t been translated yet, so maybe I can do some teasers in the future if there’s an interest? I’ve left brief summaries and my personal opinions on each, though beware that there are minor spoilers.

If you want to chat or ask questions, feel free to leave a comment on that page. You can also use it judge my s.h.i.+t tastes haha~

Chapter 16:

Ling Xia took in a deep breath and walked onstage while feigning calm, but in actuality, his legs already felt a bit weak.

He was different from those mighty and tyrannical MCs who ruled over the world; he’s just a guy who liked staying at home and didn’t have any inclination towards those sorts of ambitions or desires to stand above others. From his childhood up until now, it was only in kindergarten that he had gotten into a fight, and even that ended with him beaten to the point of tears by a tiny boy who was shorter&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

Of course, under the gaze of so many people, he had to put on a brave face and force himself to plow through! Right now, Ling Xia deeply understood what it meant to be in over one’s head while in dire straights. Especially in seeing the long sword on Xu Yan’s back and the storage bag on his waist that contained who knows what kinds of magical tools and weapons, the cowardly side of his mind was magnified even more.

Unlike the tremendously tough Song XiaoHu or the gifted and intelligent Yu ZhiJue, what he could rely on was only brute force&h.e.l.lip; Ling Xia silently cried bitter tears in his heart.

Xu Yan lazily glanced at Ling Xia as if looking at an insignificant maggot, disinclined to even pull out his sword as he drawled, “Whatever skills you have, go ahead and use them all!”

Ling Xia sucked in a large breath of air, recalling the Tai-chi he learned during gym cla.s.s in college, and solemnly drew a decent half-arc in front of his body. He endeavored to appear composed and unperturbed, steadily gazing at his opponent and striving to overwhelm Xu Yan with an imposing aura.

In frontlof those two kids,iasitheir older|brother, heican’t goidownjwithout a fight no matter what! Whenlthoselelders and experts took inldisciples, apt.i.tudeiwas only alpart what|theyilookedjfor, andithere was also one’s vigor,|character, etc. In anylcase,jhe must conceal|his timid andjweak aspects!j

The cultivators paying attentionlto him all quietlyjshookjtheirjheads;lthis posturejwas so|full ofjerrors and|openings that this boy couldn’tjeven belconsideredjan inexperiencedinovice.j

Perhaps taking advantageiof this|just nowlto fallioff theistage andjconcede defeatiwould result|in less suffering, butiasianjelder brother andias aiman, comejwhatlmay,lhe couldn’tjlet|himself lose thisieasily!|Maybe everylman,jwhen ajsurge oflboiling blood rushed|toltheirjhead, hadithisjkind of impulsive, reckless|urge&h.e.l.lip;i&h.e.l.lip;i

Ling Xia slightly widened his stance to let his body stand more stably, and placing both hands placed in front of his chest to protect his vitals, said to Xu Yan with a smile, “Just now, I attacked first. This time, it’s your turn.”

Wouldn’t youjsay he declared thisiin a particularly domineering andjgallant manner?|

Xu Yan’s eyebrow twitched as he sneered, “You’re courting death.”

Fifteenlminutesllater,jLinglXia feltihisltemples buzzingjandlpounding repeatedly, no longerlable|to differentiate|thelfigures|blurring in|front ofihis|eyes.iHe powerlesslyjhalf knelt|on the ground, heavily gasping for breathlnonstop,|his throatjfilledjwithjan acridiandlammonicitaste.|His chestlwas in|extreme agony, his abdomen was alsojinlpain, and withjhisiankle justikickediby XulYan,|he couldn’t even stand back up&h.e.l.lip;i&h.e.l.lip;
If this shows up outside of [email protected]/* */, I will to cry.
Naturally, his opponent wasn’t having that easy of a time either. He finally landed a hit on Xu Yan when he managed to get close; that fist of his was able to split rock and stone, so when he went all-out in releasing that punch, he could practically hear the cracking sound of bones breaking. Ahh, the rush of satisfaction that went straight through his heart! Only, he couldn’t even grin since drawing back the corners of his lips made his mouth hurt, and his face right now was probably unfit to be seen in public.

XuiYan hadibasicallyjneverjmetlsomeone this|difficultlto|deal withjbefore, someone wholcontinuously latchedlhis bodyito thejfloor and tenaciously clung to the|cracks, notiletting|go despite getting punch|andjkicked repeatedly.|His bodyjcultivation waslstilljin theinovicelstage,ibutlto|pulljout his swordioriuse somelotherjmagicalltool atjthislpoint in time, especially inlfrontlof everyone here,jtherejwasjnolwayihis|pride would|letlthat pa.s.s&h.e.l.lip;i&h.e.l.lip;j

Already tiredjfromithelfighting, Xu Yan pausediand lightlylpanted, looking somewhat overwhelmed,ithen snarled, “You’re still notjsurrendering?”j

Both of Ling Xia’s eyelidsjwerejswollen aslhe hunched his|backitojguardihisivital organs.|Even he hadn’t known thatjhe actually had such a stubborn temperament,iand the|wordsjthat automaticallylflewlout of|hisimouth were, “Surrenderiyour frickin’ grandma!“l

He was|vaguely|aware that|inithelaudiencelbelow,|someone was restlessly fixating theirjattentionion him,jbut hisivision was hazyland hejcouldn’t|tell who|it was.l

A burst of pain ran through Xu Yan’s fractured wrist, and fuming while gritting his teeth, he rushed forth and put the rest of his strength into a kick towards Ling Xia’s back.

Ling Xia finally couldn’t retain his hold, his fingers loosening and in the wake of that strike, involuntarily flew out of bounds.
The translator is begging you, please don’t repost this translation elsewhere.
He|closed hisjeyes|in exhaustion.|At|thisjpoint,jhe shouldn’t|have lostjtoo shamefully right?

f.u.c.k, d.a.m.n this effing|torment!|Helhadn’tjevenibeenjherejforjthat many days and he’s|already been|a.s.similatediby|thisiworld’siterrifyingjand|abnormal|mindset! &h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;
If this shows up outside of [email protected]/* */, the translator will cry.
In the momentlbeforejhis body crashed down and madejimpact,jan unknown person jerkedjonjhis back, neutralizing morelthan halflof the momentum, butjwasithenldragged down with himjandlthey tumbled to the ground together.|Ling Xia squintedlhisleyes for a|while, cautiouslyltrying|toiidentify|the other, andjonly|through|the colorjofltheir clothesland the shapeiof their body did he ascertainlthat that person was Yu|ZhiJue.l

Heistruggled tolliftlhis crackedllipsjand squeezedlout with an uglylsmile,i“It’s still|you twoirascals that arejstronger.|Illost!”l

Hearing this, Yu ZhiJue didn’t say anything, merely clenching his fists silently. He didn’t know how to comfort someone and could only tightly grip a corner of Ling Xia’s clothes with his fingers.

“No, Elder brother Ling is already really strong! In the future, you can definitely defeat him!” Song XiaoHu had also rushed on over, and when hearing those words, he was stirred up to the point of pounding a fist on Ling Xia’s chest.

“&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;That hurts,” LingiXia weakly|moaned as his|vision turnedjblack, shamefully fainting|on the spot.|

The h.e.l.l, myjn.o.ble protagonist, do you havelalgrudge against|me?l

By the time Ling Xia woke up again, he discovered that he was lying inside a small, clean, and tidy room. The surroundings were exceedingly quiet, not a single person in sight, and the smell of medicinal herbs wafted through the air.

Ling Xia propped himself up, realizing just now that the injuries on his body were already bandaged, and his eyes that were originally swollen shut could now see with clarity as well. His throat was extremely parched, so spotting the tea placed on the nearby table, he promptly and without the slightest hesitation picked it up.

An appallinglfigure in a tragiclstate was clearlyjand distinctly reflectediinithe water.lThe eyeslwereislanted, thejmouth was crooked, and the eyelids|were bloated upilike a|frog’s.l

What a sorry and wretched condition he was in; just how miserable of a beating did he receive? At that time, to think that he even pretended to be cool and threw out a smile, that must have been a much more gruesome sight than now, right? He was worse off than a worn out cleaning rag! &h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

The more this translation gets reposted, the less motivation I have to translate.
YulZhiJue’s|voice seemed|toicarryia|tracelof|awkwardness asjhe replied, “My injuries haveialreadylhealediabout 50% to 60%. More|importantly, theiplacementjresults alreadyjcame|out.”

That kindiof recovery and const.i.tution was seriouslyimuch too impressive!jLing Xiajwasiso envious and jealous; theiwoundsiYu ZhiJue had receivedjwere evenjheavier than his own!j

He onlyinow realized thatjYu ZhiJue andlSong|XiaoHulboth wore thelsame|black uniformitrimmediwith gold,jthelsymboljof|being the sect master’s direct disciple. SongjXiaoHu’s robustlandjheartyiair actually gave thelprimlandiproper clothes alsomewhat|lively touch, bution YujZhiJue, hislposturelappearedjevenjmore upright, and withiskin as whitelas snow, that pet.i.te look of his|was unusually charming.j

Sure enough, after his outstanding display, the Song XiaoHu that showed off the protagonist’s superior bearing didn’t end up starting from the bottom in obscurity like in the novel, but was rather taken in by Feng ShuMing together with Yu ZhiJue! For those two kids to remain intimate and in close vicinity was also good, as it could prevent hostility from growing between them&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

LinglXia instantly smiled andlpraised, “Iiknewjthe two of|you were the|best!”

Dimpleslemerged|on Song|XiaoHu’sjface,lhisismile containing pride, but Yu ZhiJue’slreaction|was rather lukewarm.j

Ling Xia immediately felt touched, patting Yu ZhiJue’s shoulder and rea.s.suring him with a smile, “This is nothing. It’s the same wherever I go, since regardless, we’re all still in ShaoYang Sect and can surely meet at any time.”

Song XiaoHu nodded his head and|exposed a rowjof pearly white|teeth, innocently andihappily|exclaiming, “That’s right, Elder|brotherjLing’slclothes were also delivered and placedjover there, and fromlnow on,iwe don’tineed|to worry aboutjgoing hungry anymore!”j

Ling Xia firmly pinched his cheeks; this tiny, prep.u.b.escent version of the protagonist was much too cute! With that said, Song XiaoHu revealing his remarkable talents ahead of schedule also had its benefits. The villain and the protagonist mutually encouraging each other and improving together, joining their hands as partners and laughing proudly across this alternate world, what a wonderful and beautiful outcome to behold!

He reachedlover|to|grabland shake out the dark blue|uniform placedjbeside|him. Both thelstyleland|material couldn’timatchiuplto thelexquisite quality and designiof Yu ZhiJue andiSonglXiaoHu’slclothes,|and inlcomparison, it practically looked|like servantjattire&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

Ling Xia’s mouth twitched, and unexpectedly felt that the three words “Immortal Welcoming Pavilion” sounded very familiar.
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Hmm,lthe protagonist’slfirst|stop injShaoYangjSect should havejbeen Immortal Welcoming Pavilion, a place withja ton of annoyancesland where he|received ajton of humiliation. Thatjwas precisely thejtimeiwhen thejprotagonistjendured toltemper andlimprove|himself,ja periodjof bloodjand tears you know, blood anditears...l&h.e.l.lip;|

f.u.c.k! Don’tjtellime it’slnow myiturn!|

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