Moustacheguy saw Cheng Xiao Xiao and his eyes widened. He asked, surprised, “Where didshe come from?”

“Eh? What doyou mean? Isn’t she from one of the rooms up front?” Bighead Chi wasdumbfounded. He looked at Cheng Xiao Xiao strangely.

Moustacheman shook his head and said, “No, we have seen all the girls in the rooms upfront. On top of that, none of them come close to the quality of this one!”

“Then she…”

Moustacheignored Bighead Chi and squinted at Cheng Xiao Xiao and asked, “Hey brat, don’ttell your Master Water Ghoul that you came in here accidentally. This is not aplace even a ghost would visit. So don’t even try to lie. Otherwise, bad thingswould happen to you!”

“Water Ghoul?”That’s his name? Cheng Xiao Xiao was a little bit surprised, but he did sort oflooked the part. She looked straight at him and asked, “It doesn’t matter whereI came from. More importantly, what is this place?”

“Oh, youdon’t know?”

Looking atthe fearless Cheng Xiao Xiao, Water Ghoul’s eyes rotated in their sockets, asthough he was wondering whether she was messing around with him.

Bighead Chilooked at Cheng Xiao Xiao, a brief look of compa.s.sion flashed through his eyesand he said, “Well, little girl, since you are here already, you won’t beleaving. You will be staying here from now on, Water Ghoul, I will lock her upin one of the rooms.”

“Hang on,hang on…..”

Water Ghouldidn’t seem to want Cheng Xiao Xiao brought away right away. With a pervy smileon his dry face, he said, “Kekeke, this little girl looks so young andinnocent. Let me take her to the grandmaster!”

“Well,that…” Bighead Chi paused for a second and said, “Isn’t grandmaster stillresting right now? We can wait till he gets up before we take her to meet him!”

“Kekeke, BigheadChi, don’t you know nothing? This is the best time to take her over….”

Water Ghoulcircled Cheng Xiao Xiao once, straightened his back and said loudly, “Littlebrat, follow your master Water Ghoul. Don’t even think about running away, orelse I will break your legs!”

“Sure! I amnot going anywhere. I’ll go with you to meet the grandmaster!” nodded ChengXiao Xiao.

If she stilldidn’t haven’t figured out what kind of a place this was at this point, she’dtruly be an idiot.

If it wa.s.someone else, they might not be able to figure it out from Water Ghoul’s words,but Cheng Xiao Xiao, who grew up in the 21st century, after thebombardment of all the cliché TV shows, how could she not know?

This wasdefinitely thief’s den in disguise!

“You…”hearing that she was pro-active about going to meet the grandmaster, BigheadChi’s eyes widened, as if to say: How could you be so silly!

Water Ghoul,on the other hand, waved and dismissed Bighead Chi, “Go, go, go, this doesn’tconcern you. Go tell the kids to be more mindful and not cause any trouble;grandmaster hasn’t been in the best of mood lately!”

After that,he turned and smiled at Cheng Xiao Xiao, showing his mouthful of golden teeth,“Little brat, you come with me!”

“You leadthe way!”

“Hehe, whatan obedient little kid!” said Water Ghoul, happy with the response. He thenturned and led the way.

Cheng XiaoXiao followed him in small steps when little Yuteng’s voice rang in her ears,“Young mistress, they have four women locked up, all of them have beenill-treated and in fairly bad shape. Other than them, there were 30 or so manyof various ages in the back rooms. They all look vicious and probably hadkilled quite a few people in their past.”

“What aboutthat so-called grandmaster?”

“Grandmasteris the head monk, he is currently sleep with a woman in his bedroom, which isone of the rooms in the front!”

“Exactlywhat I thought!”


Chapters 1 - 22 now available!


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