It was.e.xactly as she had speculated, but now was confirmed by Yuteng.

Since shehad already ran into this place, she might as well take care of it altogether,so they couldn’t hurt anymore innocents.

“Eh, BigheadChi, why did you follow us here?” Water Ghoul stopped and asked when hediscovered that not only did Bighead Chi not left but had been following them.

Bighead Chi gave him an appeasing smile and said, “Water Ghoul, afterall, I was the one who ran into this brat first, right? If it wasn’t for me,she might have already escaped, right?”

“Hrm, I guess you want to be awarded for that. Fine, you have a pointthere, but don’t go overboard!” Water Ghoul realized that he won’t be able toget rid of Bighead Chi, so instead, he warned him to not try to pocket all thereward himself in a bit.

Bighead Chi nodded with a smile, agreeing to his words.

Watching the interaction between the two minions, Cheng Xiao Xiao foundthem amusing. Unintentionally, she locked eyes with Bighead Chi and noticed thecomplicated look in his eyes. Cheng Xiao Xiao raised her brows.

There justmight to Bighead Chi than what he appeared to be.

Under theurging sound of Water Ghoul, the three arrived at the courtyard. Just when theyarrived at the entrance, they could hear laughter from both men and women. Itwas obvious that those inside were indulging in both alcohol and otherpleasures

“Go away,why are you disturbing me?!”

Soon as theystopped, a voice rich in qi came fromthe inside. From the voice alone, Cheng Xiao Xiao could tell that thisgrandmaster was at least a martial spiritualist!

“Grandmaster!It’s Water Ghoul and Bighead Chi!” replied Water Ghoul loudly.

The noisesfrom the inside came to a grinding halt. It wasn’t long before the room doorwas opened and out came a tough and stocky looking senior monk.

He looked tobe around 40 or so. His eyes were sharp like that of eagles. As soon as henoticed Cheng Xiao Xiao standing between the two of them, he askedsurprisingly, “Where do you guys find her from?”

“So you arethe grandmaster, flower monk?”

The seniormonk was even more surprised. Pointing at himself, he asked, “Little girl, youknow me?”

“Aren’t youflower monk?”

“How do youknow my name is Flower Monk?”

“’cuz youalways are in the TV shows!” Cheng Xiao Xiao finally decided to put her faithin TV shows once.

Water Ghouland Bighead Chi by her side was also dumbfounded when they heard her referringto him as Flower Monk. How was it possible that she knew the nick of theirgrandmaster?

Very fewpeople in the surrounding area had heard of Flower Monk. Mainly because everytime Flower Monk went on a mission, he left no survivors. None of the victimsknew who he was.

As for thename Flower Monk, he got that shortly after he became a monk because he nevergave up meat, wine, and women. It was only natural that he received that nick.

“TV shows?”

Flower Monkwas utterly confused, but quickly he remembered his earlier question, “Littlegirl, who are you huh? How did you end up in our temple?

“It wasn’tquite a choice; I was sent by the King of h.e.l.l!” Cheng Xiao Xiao wasn’t afraidof Flower Monk at all. Her fly swatter was good enough to swat even martialkings, so what if he was a martial spiritualist?

Flower Monkrolled his eyes and scolded, “Little girl, you think you are funny? If youdon’t tell me how you got here, I just might eat your heart!”

“Hrm, I knewyou are a bunch of cannibalistic monsters!” snickered Cheng Xiao Xiao.

“Go aheadand tell me, little girl, which sect are you with?” Flower Monk could tell shewas a martial apprentice. He may not care about a martial apprentice, but hewas well aware that anyone that could cultivate were not ordinary individuals.Most commoners would never have the opportunity to cultivate.


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