Without thinking, the old man reached and grabbed the young man outof the room and headed outside of the town at lightning speed.


The young man who was tossed onto the ground landed on his back withhis limbs flung upward. He stared at the old man with fear.

They are now at a remote area, under the dim moonlight, he couldclearly see the coldness in the eyes of the old man in grey. He looked like ahungry wolf that could eat him alive.

“Speak, where did you get this mystical water?” His coa.r.s.e voicesounded even scarier in the darkness.

“Sen… Senior, junior belongs into the Shendong Sect. Per Elder Du’sorder, I must give this bottle of mystical water to our Sect Master. Can Seniorplease….”

“Kekeke,” crackled the old man in grey. Cracking opened his mouth, hesaid as he laughed, “Shendong Sect, hehe, one of the top 9 sects. Wonderful,how wonderful…”

“Sen… Senior….” Even though his words was praiseful, one could easilytell his tone was sarcastic. On top of his odd smile, the man in power suitfelt weak in his limbs; he couldn’t move even if he wanted to.

“Good stuff. This is good stuff. Speak, kid, where did you get this?”

The frightened man in power suit caved under his intangible pressureand shared the source of the mystical water.

“Willow Village? The Cheng’s?”

Hearing about this place for the first time, the eyes of the old manin grey robe sparkled. After a long while, he looked down on the man in frontof him again before lifting his feet and kicked him in his chest, sending himflying into the far away woods like a pebble.

He could care less if he survived the kick; he left under the dimmoon carrying the bottle with him.

Never would the junior of Shendong Sect had imagined that not onlydid his greed cost him his a.s.signment, but also his life!

Inside the living room of the Cheng’s new resident!

“Not bad, these few kids have tough, strong bodies, and advancequickly in their cultivation. They are worth mentoring. HAHAHA!”

“HOHOHO! Our lord (of the castle) was right indeed. I think these fewkids will definitely make the rank of the elites in the future!”

Happiness and laughter filled the living room. Cheng Xiao Xiao, whowas just walking inside, was surprised. Walking toward the two of them, sheasked, “Dad, Uncle Zhou, what are you two so happy about?”

“Oh, look, Xiao Xiao is here!”

“Good news, of course!”

The two of them responded to her at the same time. Cheng Xiao Xiaobowed and greeted them before she sat down and asked, “Dad, what are these goodnews? You must share!”

“This good news, have a lot to do with you. We were talking about theguys that you brought back. Not only do they have amazing physique, they alsoimprove quickly in their cultivation. When they arrived a few days ago, theywere all just entry-level beginners; I didn’t expect all of them to breakthrough mid-level today. I also learned from them that it was you who taughtthem how to cultivated, and it hasn’t even been a month yet. Is that true?”

Cheng Biyuan, who was ecstatic, shared the reason he was happy.

Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t know that Cheng Chi and the lot had brokenthrough; she was very happy for them. “Yes, dad, I could tell they weretalented, which was why I recruited them!”

“Xiao Xiao certainly has good eyes. All the ones she brought back areso talented!” Zhou Jinjiang spared no praises. Even from his perspective, theywere all talented.

Ever since arriving at the Cheng’s, Zhou Jinjiang was both the managerand the head of the guards. He was in charge of teaching the ones accepted bythe Cheng’s. As for the ones from Willow Village, the talented ones becamedisciples by name, the not-so-talented ones turned into regular guard orservant boys.


Chapters 1 - 38 now available!


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