As far as they are concerned, just being able to work at the Cheng’swere good enough. After all, they were gainfully employed at the Cheng’s.

While they were chitchatting, Liu Danhuang came rushing over. Cuppinghis hand at Cheng Biyuan, he said, “Master, Instructor, shi mei, a groupof people had just arrived. They said they were here to visit Master and shimu.

“To visit us? Did you ask them who they are?” Lately there had beenlots of visitors like that, so none of them were particularly surprised!

Liu Danhuang had an odd look on his face. He nodded and said,“Master, one of the ladies with the group said she is shi mu’s sister!”

“What? Luo Yujie?”

Cheng Biyuan’s look darkened a little and he frowned. He was notexcited that his sister-in-law came to visit. Quite the contrary, he wasn’thappy at all.

Zhou Jinjiang sat quitely to one side; this was the Cheng’s personalbusiness, it would be inappropriate forhim to chime in.

Cheng Xiao Xiao raised her brows. She had more or less heard somestories about her relatives on her mother’s side. This aunt of hers was marriedto an elder of the Mingdong. But why were they here today?

Anyone with half a brain could figure that one out.

“Xiao Xiao, what do you think?

Cheng Biyuan couldn’t help but to ask his daughter’s opinion.

Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned a bit and then smiled, “Dad, they are alreadyhere. It’s not like we can tell them to leave. If mom ever finds out, you won’tbe able to go back to bed!”

“You little brat!”

“HOHOHO, I think Xiao Xiao got you there!”

The two elders reacted simultaneously to her comment; even LiuDanhuang to the side couldn’t help but lifted up his head and casted a glanceat her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao, who was clothed in all moon white color seemed evenmore clear and plain than normal; her outfit made her looked even more gracefuland ethereal. Liu Danhuang continued to stare at her for a quite before hecould turn his attention somewhere else.

Naturally his behavior did not escape the eyes of those that werepresent, especially Cheng Biyuan who had always known of his fondness for hisdaughter. He just pretended that he didn’t notice.

Zhou Jinjiang seemed to have noticed that as well, but since thefather didn’t even say anything, it was definitely not his place to say anything.

“Danhuang, why don’t you show them in first? I will go get your shimu!” said Cheng Biyuan.

“Yes, Master!”

Liu Danhuang turned and left.

After he had left, with a hint of smile Zhou Jinjiang looked at ChengXiao Xiao and teased, “Xiao Xiao, Liu Danhuang isn’t a bad kid, but he is justnot quite there. I wonder what kind of ideal man is our Xiao Xiao looking for?”

Ideal man?

A random question, the handsome and unjust-looking face flashed infront of her eyes. She couldn’t help but shuddered, why did she think of thatfool?

“Uncle Zhou, I will let you know as soon as I find him!” With thatsaid, Cheng Xiao Xiao stood up right away and told her father, “Dad, I will goget mom!”

“Okay!” nodded Cheng Biyuan in respond.

Seeing that Cheng Xiao Xiao had disappeared outside the door, ZhouJinjiang looked back over to Cheng Biyuan and asked, “How’s your relationshipwith the GU’s now? If I remember correctly, Xiao Xiao had been betrothed tothem?”

“Brother Zhou, you can forget about that. Xiao Xiao didn’t like thekid Junxian at all. The last time they met each other they were at each other’sthroats. Xiao Xiao had made it abundantly clear that she will not marry intothe Gu’s!” smiled Cheng Biyuan bitterly.

After pondering for a bit, Zhou Jinjiang said, “I don’t think theGu’s will just let that go!”

“I made a promise to Xiao Xiao to let her made her own decisions onher own matters. There’s not much we can do here. By now you should be able totell that even though little Xiao Xiao looks tender from the outside, she isactually quite stubborn!”


Chapters 1 - 41 now available!


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