Yesu’s voice followed, “Cousin Tian sir, Miss is indeed cultivatingbehind close doors, I am not lying. I urge Cousin Tian sir to return for nowand not to interrupt our Miss’s cultivation!”

“d.a.m.n little rascal, you better start telling the truth, or else…..”

“Or else what?” came a cold voice.

Tian Jiang, who had his hands around Yesu’s neck, was stupefied by thevoice.

With a wave of her arm, a fly swatter appeared in Cheng Xiao Xiao’s handand she swatted at Tian Jiang like a fly. That sent Tian Jiang flying far awayand smashed into a wall, almost embedding him inside.

“Who was it? What had happened?”

A guard from the main quarter hurried over upon hearing the sound, itwas Cheng Tong. He cupped his hand and greeted Cheng Xiao Xiao when he saw her,“Miss!”

“Cheng Tong, throw that garbage out for me, will you?” said Cheng XiaoXiao nonchalantly as she pointed at the person fell from the wall.

“Yes, Miss!”

Cheng Tong went to carry out his order and Cheng Xiao Xiao turned tolook at the one scrambling to get back up on her feet from the ground, “Yesu,are you alright?”

“Reply Miss: I am alright!” Yesu rubbed her neck that was still painful,her face full of ear!

“Why didn’t you call for help? We have so many guards around, if youhave made any kind of noise, someone would come and help. Did you want to lethim kill you?” Cheng Xiao Xiao was not happy with the way Yesu had behaved. Shestared at her with an unhappy lok.

“Miss, no….” Yesu lowered her head and replied softly, “Miss wascultivating behind closed door, so I didn’t want to disturb you. Plus, Ithought Cousin Tian Sir would not really kill me!”

“Don’t ever do that again. Who could say how these garbage thinks? If Ididn’t show up just in time, he just might have killed you. So, don’t everthink that again. Do what you need to do, understand?”

Cheng Xiao Xiao felt better upon hearing her explanation, but she stillmust remind her that she needed to behave differently when it came to dealingwith different people.

Yesu seemed to have also realized that by now. Nodded, she said, “Yes,Miss, I will keep that min mind!”

“Miss, Madam Cousin!”

“Cheng Xiao Xiao, how dare you! You dare try to kill your own cousin!Are you still a human being!”

A high-pitched voice came with Luo Yujie’s chubby body.

A few others from around the house came as well, Mrs. Cheng asked in aworried tone, “Xiao Xiao, are you okay? What happened?”

“Mom, I am alright!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded slightly and said to her approaching father,“Dad!”

“Xiao Xiao, what had happened?” Cheng Biyuan nodded and asked gently.

Tian Fusehng’s had a horrible look on his face but he didn’t sayanything. Luo Yujie was enraged and started shouting angrily, “Cheng Xiao Xiao,I demand an answer today! Otherwise, we are done…..”

“Done?” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao coldly, “How are we done? I don’t thinkyou ever thought about ending this relationship, am I right?”

“I mean, why did you hit my son? He had sustained severe injuries. Areyou still human? You attacked your own cousin!” Luo Yujie, who was hurting fromher son’s injury, shouted without regards to anything else.

“Oh? I am not human?”

Cheng Xiao Xiao took a few steps forward and stared at her coldly beforeshe said, “Who’s staying at my place for free room and board and refusing toleave? Never find that we are rooming and feeding you, then you want to kill atmy place? What do you take us for?”


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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