
After hearing the word, everybody present were shocked. Luo Yujie pausedfor a moment and recovered quickly. She resumed her shouting, “That’simpossible! My Jiang’er will never kill anyone. You were mistaken!”

“I was mistaken? I saw him choking her out with my own eyes. Should Ibelieve in what I saw or what you said?”

As Cheng Xiao Xiao was saying that, everybody turned and looked over atYesu’s neck. Sure enough, a red hand print was still visible on her neck.

By now, Cheng Biyuan was already livid and even Mrs. Cheng starting tolooking annoyed. Tian Fusheng frowned with a look of disbelief.

“Impossible! Impossible! She must have choked herself and tried to blameit on my Jiang’er!”


A loud cry filled with qi. It sounded like dry thunder from thesky. Luo Yujie, standing in front of her, was scared pale.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was livid. She absolutely could not stand this woman.She scolded her directly, “This is not the Tian’s. You want to make a scene yougo do it at your own home. You think just because you are relatives you can dowhatever you please? We don’t need relatives like you. Get the h.e.l.l out!”

“You! You!”

“Oh, was I wrong? When have you ever thought of us as relatives? Eversince I was a child, when have we ever seen you? Big Aunt my a.s.s! How come wehave never seen this big aunt when our family needed help the most? Now that weare in better standing you came running over. Have you no shame? Get the h.e.l.lout of our house. We don’t need your kind of murderous, criminal relatives!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao’s aggressiveness and anger surprised everyone there.n.o.body have seen her so enraged before. She was ruthless even toward someone ageneration older than her.

“You! You!”

Looking at Cheng Xiao Xiao’s cold face, Luo Yujie opened and closed hermouth and dare not shout anymore at her. She looked around and shifted herfocus on Luo Yuqin. She started screaming all over again, “Luo Yuqin, you got agood daughter there. Cold blooded, turns her back on all her relatives. Onlysomeone like you could raise a daughter like that!”

Luo Yujie started shouting at Mrs. Cheng habitually. Mrs. Cheng shookfrom anger and Cheng Biyuan exude a solemn auro and also shouted angry,“Someone, throw this crazy woman out of my house!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Cheng Chi and the lot immediately rushed up, grabbed her and starteddragging her outward!

“Luo Yuqin! You are such a tramp! And your daughter is a tramp too! Yourwhole family are tramps! She tried to seduce my son, then beat him till he washalf dead! Bad things will happen to you! I am going to tell mom and dad when Iget home! You shameless tramp! You seduce young men, now your daughter tried toseduce my son! You…..”

Her foul mouth never stopped spewing out all sorts of horrible things.An intent to kill flashed pa.s.sed Cheng Xiao Xiao’s eyes. She told Cheng Chi,“Slap her on her face. One slap for each sentence coming out of her mouth untilthey are outside of Daling. Follow her and hit her until she stops!”

“Yes, Miss!”


One could hear the slap immediate!


The shouting and slapping moved further and further away. Tian Fusheng,who hadn’t said a word this entire time, looked somber. He casted a sinisterlook across all of the Cheng’s, “This time, you have gone too far. Hrmph!Goodbye!”


Cheng Xiao Xiao’s shout stopped him on his way. Tian Fusheng, who was about to turn and walked away, stoppedand looked at her.


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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