“I can tell that you feel very unjust. You felt mistreated by us,right?” Cheng Xiao Xiao had no intention to hide her intent to kill. Lookingstraight at him, she said, “Mr. Tian, don’t tell me you didn’t know what kindof plot your family has in mind. Your son had wronged many women in the past,don’t tell me you were unaware of that. Do you really have no idea what wasgoing on? Do we really need to put up this show just to kick you out?”

“Whatever do you mean?” asked Tian Fusheng coldly.

“What do I mean? I should be asking you that. The first night that youarrived, the conversation among your family, would you like me to repeat that?Just for that fact that you came here to plot against us, it would completelybe justified even if we had taken you all out. If it wasn’t for my mom, youreally think I’d let you into our house?”

“Well? So you came to my house, raised all sort of trouble, plottedagainst our possessions, tried to kill my people. And you still expect us toappreciate everything you have done for us? Get the h.e.l.l out. This time I willlet you live because we are relatives. You try this again, I will fulfill yourwife’s wish and turn my back against all relatives and kill you go. Now get!”

With the last word out of her mouth, Tian Fusheng ran away as though helife was in dire danger!

The Tian’s had never in their dreams imagined that Cheng Xiao Xiao knewall about their plots.

On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Cheng were livid from finding it all outfrom Cheng Xiao Xiao. Mrs. Cheng had taken it particularly hard. She was inshock and couldn’t recover.

Cheng Xiao Xiao had no choice but to have someone take her back to restin her room.

“Xiao Xiao, is what you said true?” Of course Cheng Biyuan knew that hisdaughter would never lie to him, yet he couldn’t help but to ask.


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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