“Oh….” Cheng Xiao Xiao had forgotten that she had spent all thegold until she was reminded.

Little Yuteng noticed her silence, she added, “Young master, wecan get gold. We just have to sell a few items from the warehouse. Otherwise,we won’t be able to get a couple guard dogs.”

Guess that was her only option to get some gold, Cheng Xiao Xiaoagreed with Yuteng. She said softly, “Yuteng, sell half of the rice, chickens,and rabbits in our warehouse. We are going to need quite a bit of gold.”

“Okay! I will get right on it!”

In a flash, Yuteng had returned to the dimension. Just a fewminutes later, she re-appeared followed by a brown dog and one with black andwhite spots (dalmatian?) . The two dogs shook their heads and tails at ChengXiao Xiao.

Looking at them, Cheng Xiao Xiao asked Yuteng, “They recognize meas their master as well? They will obey me?”

“Yes, young master. They are your pet dogs. They will obey anycommands of yours. Same goes for all other animals from the dimension.” RepliedYuteng with a serious nod.

That was the answer that Cheng Xiao Xiao had expected. She smiledquietly and said, “Let’s call it a night. I am going to bed!”

“Young master, didn’t you say you want to clone the pond?” LittleYuteng didn’t forget about her duties.

Cheng Xiao Xiao took a quick look at the empty field in front ofthe house, “No rush. Let’s wait a few days. It’s not a good thing to create toomany over too short of a period of time!”

“Okay, anything you said, young master!” Little Yuteng would neverdisagree.

After Yuteng returned to the dimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao orderedthe two dogs to guard the area around the house. If they discover anystrangers, chase them away; if they can’t, then go and notify her. As for otherwild animals, just kill them.

The two dogs nodded happily and ran away.

The next day, Cheng Xiao Xiao was woken up by a cacophony ofnoises. That of her brothers and sister and the dogs barking. She rubbed herhead, grab a jacket, got ready and walked outside.

“Big yellow dog, don’t you go, you are mine, get over here!” ZhengBin shouted at the big yellow dog.

Little Lan Lan was next to him patting the black and white dog.She smiled, “My little white dog is the best. He just stands here and playswith me!”

Zheng Yuan, who was practicing his horse stand squat in the yard,looked at his sibling enviously, but did not move.

“Zheng Bin, Lan Lan, what are you guys doing!” Frowned Cheng XiaoXiao.

Soon as she showed up, the two dogs saw her and immediately rantoward her. They circled her and wagged their tails and begged for herattention, making the two young kids envious.

“Big sister, they are so obedient to you. They won’t budge when Iwas calling out to them earlier!” Said little Lan Lan half complaining and halfcalling them out.

Cheng Xiao Xiao glanced at the dogs, smiled and said, “Don’tworry, they will be obedient to you and listen to your command from now on. Butyou can’t bully them, doggies bite when they are mad, okay?”

“Okay, big sister!” Little Lan Lan was very happy with the answer.

Cheng Zheng Bin couldn’t help but to chime in, “Big sister, willthe big yellow dog listen to me too?”

“Yes, of course he will. From now on the doggies will be obedientto our family, but n.o.body else!”

“That’s awesome! The doggies will stay and guard the house for usfrom now on!”

“We will bring the doggies to swim in the river at noon!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled at their words. Mrs. Cheng, who just cameout from the kitchen, looked at her daughter’s smiling face and gently calledout to her, “Xiao Xiao, come give me a hand!”

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