Cheng Xiao Xiao followed her mother into the kitchen. Breakfastwas already prepared, Mrs. Cheng stood next to the stove and looked attentivelyat her daughter with the ability to “turn stone into gold.” She had mixedemotions along with a hint of worry.

Mrs. Cheng’s look made Cheng Xiao Xiao uncomfortable. She couldn’thelp but to ask, “Mom, something wrong? Is there something you want to tellme?”

“Xiao Xiao….” Mrs. Cheng’s lips quivered. She was about to saysomething but stopped. With quiet sadness, she sighed, “No, nothing. Bring theporridge out and let’s have breakfast!”

“Mom, are you worried that people will gossip when they see ouradditions?” Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t think of anything else that could be onher mother’s mind.

Mrs. Cheng’s arm that was reaching out to the buns stopped inmidair. She shook her head slightly, “No, I am not worry about that. Othersdidn’t see how the things were produced, there’s not much they could say aboutthat. I worried about you. The fact that you can do something like that, willit have negative impact on you!”

“Mom, don’t worry! Xiao Xiao will be fine!” Cheng Xiao Xiao wastouched and tried to comfort her mother.

Perhaps she had read too many fantasy novels. It had neveroccurred to her that having a dimension will negatively impact her health. Shehad always thought of it as a benefit to a transmigrator and never gave it toomuch thought.

Mrs. Cheng still has a serious look on her. She sighed lightly andpatted her daughter’s hand, “Aye, Xiao Xiao, you don’t get it. People can bedangerous. Just remember, don’t share your secret with anyone else, includingyour sibling. Otherwise, if even a bit of this got leaked, we will be in gravedanger!”

“Mom, I understand. I won’t blab about it.” Cheng Xiao Xiao is nota naïve little girl. She understood that having this kind of ability couldpossibly bring big trouble.

“G.o.d had given us blessings. Mom doesn’t want this to bring ustrouble. Luckily you have grown up, so I am less worried. You have done so muchfor this family!”

“Mom, please don’t feel that way. We are a family!” Cheng XiaoXiao doesn’t like her mother thinking that, that’s not family-like. Suddenlyshe recalled something she had thought about last night and she frowned.

“What’s the matter, Xiao Xiao?”

“Mom, why don’t you bring a chicken to the Patriarch Liu in a bitand asked him to sign over the fields to us? So we can avoid any conflicts inthe future?”

“You mean….” Mrs. Cheng didn’t catch on right away to what ChengXiao Xiao was trying to tell her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao explained, “Mom, even though we have lived herefor the last few years, but the land still belongs to Willow Village. Now thatwe are farming and raising livestock, when our livelihood became better andbetter, if the villagers of Willow Village ever became envious and want theland back, we will have no rights to these lands without any sort of agreementwith Patriarch Liu.

“Ugh, I don’t think so. We have been living here for quite a fewyears, why would any one fight over this with us?” In Mrs. Cheng’s mind, this wasbare land cultivated by her husband, of course it belonged to them. Why wouldanyone fight over that with them?

Reading her mother’s mind, Cheng Xiao Xiao added, “Mom, peoplehave greed. Maybe not everyone, but there are those out there. On top of that,as we become better and better off, there will be those who wants to causetrouble. I think we should plan and prepare for those situations in advance.Otherwise we will be helpless when that happens.

“Yes, Xiao Xiao you are right!” Mrs. Cheng went silent for a bit,she’s not a stupid woman. She was aware of the greed and heartlessness ofothers. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be at this place to begin with.


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