Cheng Biyuan was standing up! He felt exhilarated!

Not only was he standing up, all his injuries had recoveredcompletely! On top of that, after Yuteng’s treatment, his cultivation had, onceagain, advanced pa.s.sed level 2. That was an expected surprise!

After recovery, the whole family excited. Mrs. Cheng busiedherself preparing chickens, rabbits, and fish. Tonight, she wanted tocelebrate. The three young ones were also super excited. They surrounded ChengBiyuan and couldn’t keep quite for a moment.

After he was finally able to sent the three young ones to playoutside, Cheng Biyuan told his quiet daughter, “Xiao Xiao, come take a walkwith me!”

“Yes, dad.” Xiao Xiao was expecting that she followed her dad outof the yard indifferently.

They examined the fields and the vegetable garden. Standing in themiddle of the farm and looking at the tens of chickens and rabbits, ChengBiyuan’s heart felt heavy. If it wasn’t necessary, he really didn’t want othersto know about these.

“Xiao Xiao, a few days ago the villagers came to our house. Eventhough they didn’t say anything out loud, I’m sure they have their suspicions.After all, we didn’t have these mythical beasts before, nor do they know whatmythical beasts are. Otherwise, things will be bad!”

“Dad, the villagers didn’t know anything. We have nothing to worryabout. We just have to make everything looks normal.” Said Cheng Xiao Xiaocoolly.

Cheng Biyuan’s eyebrows twitched a little and asked, “How are youthink to make the villagers feel that this is normal?”

“Dad, in the eyes of the villagers, our family was never ordinary,right?”

“Xiao Xiao, what are you saying?” At this moment, Cheng Biyuancouldn’t understand his daughter’s thought.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled brightly, her black eyes sparkled, lightlyshe said, “Dad, in a couple of days, invite Patriarch Liu and a few respectableelders of the village over for dinner. Then we subtly let them know that thesewere gifts from relatives and old friends of yours and mom’s. After all, n.o.bodyknow our background, this will be the simplest explanation.”

“Xiao Xiao, how did you come up with that?” Cheng Biyuan wasgenuinely surprised. He regarded his daughter all over again. He would have toagree that this was, indeed, the best explanation for the villagers.

Of course, he also thought that regardless of whether anyoutsiders had discovered anything. As long as they could convinced thevillagers first, then when the outsiders came and inquiry, they could handlethem easily.

Noticing her dad’s surprise, Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled indifferently.She didn’t explain anything else. After all, her parents had long since noticedher changes. As such, there were no need to cover anything else. She wouldprefer to just be herself.

Knowing that his daughter wasn’t going to elaborate much, ChengBiyuan decided against prying. The two of them returned to the house.

Stopping at the front of the house and looking at the three kidsplaying by the river, Cheng Biyuan said to himself, “Can’t let them waste timefooling around any more. Starting tomorrow, all of them need to start cultivating.Otherwise it will all be over if anything happens.”

His volume was low but Cheng Xiao Xiao heard him nonetheless.Cultivate?

Even though she had already accepted the fact that she hastransmigrated, but hearing word like that still made her felt odd, likelistening to dialogs in a TV show.

“Xiao Xiao, what are you thinking about?”

“Oh….” Meeting the caring look of her father, she felt warm andfuzzy. She said gently, “Dad, I think we should dig a pond in the front so wecan raise some fish too!”


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