“No problem, let’s start tomorrow. That should only take a coupleof days!” said Cheng Biyuan.

“Dad, don’t you worry. Yuteng can clone!”

“Oh yes, I had forgotten about Yuteng. Save so much work with heraround!”

The mood around dinner was cheerful. The whole family surroundedthe dinner table, smile on every face. They no longer need to worry about theirlivelihood, nor were they weighted down by dad’s health. This must be thehappiest day in a while.

After dinner, Cheng Biyuan did not let his four kids resign intotheir bedroom, but solemnly he said to them, “I thought we could forget ourpast and live peacefully in this little village; settle down here for thegenerations to come. But it’s looking like that will not be a possibility. For ourlivelihood going forward, every one of us must continue our cultivation, noexception!”

“Why, dad? You said before that we will only need big brother tolearn some basic kung fu to protect us and that would be sufficient.” AskedCheng Zheng Bin, confused at the new changes.

Cheng Biyuan looked at the younger of his two sons and saidnonchalantly, “If we don’t cultivate, our family can’t have meat everyday. Wewill only be able to have wild vegetables, is that what you want?”

“Daddy, we aren’t cultivating right now, but we still have meat,no?” Asked Lan Lan, confused.

“Because that’s your uncle’s condition to continue sending usgoods. If you don’t cultivate, he won’t be sending any more chickens orrabbits!”

Cheng Biyuan looked at his daughter and asked nonchalantly, “Nowyou can tell me, if you don’t want meat anymore, I will let your uncle know notto send anymore. If you want to keep having meat, you will need to cultivate.Can you do that?”

The young ones exchanged looks among themselves. They looked likeeverything made sense all of a sudden and said simultaneously, “Yes!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao, standing close by, had a strange look on herface. She didn’t expect her father to make up an uncle. She remembered from hernovels that usually when some secret characters appear, they were usually shi fu1, but now her fatherhad changed that to an uncle.

“Xiao Xiao, same goes for you!”

“Oh….” Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t know how to respond. What did sheknow about cultivating? She gave an awkward look at his request.

Mrs. Cheng seemed to have recalled something, smiling at herdaughter, she said, “Xiao Xiao, I will show you in a bit!”

“Okay. Thank you, mom!”

“No worries. C’mon, come inside the house, let me show you!”

The two of them disappeared into the house while Cheng Biyuancontinued to teach the kids in the yard.

“Heaven and earth have Ying and Yang, when heaven is ruthless, theearth is destroyed; when heaven is giving, the earth is full of life; heavenand earth has spiritual air, and the secrets of the heaven encapsulates withinit…”

Sitting inside the dimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao recited the mantrain her heart. She was curious whether she would gain superpower fromcultivation like the super heroes she has watched in all the TV shows.

As her eyes were closed, what she didn’t know was that when sherecited the mantra, she was embraced by the spiritual air inside the dimension.It made her looked like she was sitting in fog.

After a long while, she felt a comfortable warmth feeling arisingfrom inside her body and slowly dissipated outward and it made her felt relaxed.She stood up slowly.

Her elegant face carried a light smile, she recited, “Hug heavenand earth in one’s chest, clasp all creation with your palms, stepping on thedivine land, swallow the sun, moon, and the stars. That’s amazing, this wasdescribing the enlightened ones right? I wonder if anyone can truly achievethese kind of abilities?”

“Of course, young master!”



1.Can also be translated to “Master”(specifically someone who teaches martial arts), but since I have already used“Master” for “Master Ning”, as in the Master of the house, I will use shi fu here to avoid confusion.


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