Little Yuteng appeared in front of her out of nowhere andresponded seriously, “Young master, don’t you know? These people exist. Whatyou called enlightened individuals were all ordinary people in the beginning.But they spent a lot of time on cultivating their tendons, bones, and organs sothey can turn the energy within heaven and earth to become their own power toachieve the ability to call on wind and rain and the ability to shatter theearth. That is very possible!”

“I get it now!” Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded. It wasn’t like she hadn’tseen these in so many novels and TV shows, but when it was really happening infront of her, she couldn’t help but to wonder.

“Oh yeah, Yuteng, how are you feeling?” She recalled Yuteng almostfell over after healing her dad and felt worried. She looked up and downYuteng’s body.

Yuteng giggled, “Young master, don’t worry. Yuteng will be fine.No matter how severe an injury I sustain, all I need to do is to return here tocultivate and I will heal quickly.”

“Is that so? That’s good to hear!” Cheng Xiao Xiao was lessworried, but immediately got curious and asked again, “Yuteng, can you heal anyand all kinds of injuries and illnesses?”

“You can say that, but every treatment will hurt my cultivation alittle. With my current cultivation, I can’t continue to treat people afterpeople. It will be difficult for me to recover.” Yuteng nodded ever soseriously.

“Do you cultivate the same way that we do?”

In Cheng Xiao Xiao’s mind, little Yuteng is a fairy, spoiled byheaven and earth, she shouldn’t need to cultivate.

“Young master, Yuteng is the fairy of this dimension. As thedimension level up, as would Yuteng’s cultivation and ability.

“You mean, it’s all tied to the dimension?”

“Yes, young master. Everything here belong to the dimension.Naturally, the higher level the dimension, the more benefits we reap. Thefields will yield more harvest, even these beasts that young master collectedcan evolve and turn into power for you.”

“It looks like I need to keep search for more items to level upthe dimension!” Cheng Xiao Xiao felt very ambitious all of a sudden, she wantedto know what other changes will come to the dimension.

“Speak of, young master, as the dimension level up, it will alsogrow in size. If you can find the five elemental fairies, Yuteng can turn thisdimension into a small world!”


Cheng Xiao Xiao was utterly dumbfounded. She stared blankly at thehyper excited Yuteng and let her continue to ramble on.

In the next few days that followed, all the Cheng’s kids werecultivating under their father’s supervision. No more young ones playing at theriver and their laughter were missed.

Patriarch Liu and a few villagers were invited over as guests.They were all very surprised to see Cheng Biyuan standing up on his own feet,but felt that it was all matter of fact as they have received helped fromeminent individuals. They all agreed that the Cheng’s had been very lucky.

The days at the Cheng’s had been peaceful. The rice had beenseeded, the vegetable field had been planted. On the farm side they had addedmore chickens, rabbits, ducks, cows, geese, and spotted deer, exceeding over100 in numbers. All of them coming from the dimension.

Using Cheng Biyuan’s words, these were all for show.

The pond in front of the house was also cloned and inside keptover ten fish. Even though the place looked like a regular farm, Cheng Biyuansaid that was like sacred land. The land had spiritual air so events that couldonly be observed at sacred land could also be observed here.

At the town tens of miles away, Ko Yang of the House of Ning hadbeen hanging around the marketplace,hoping to run into the mother and daughter who had been selling mythicalanimals.


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