The charging fiery lion disappeared instantlyright in front of them along with little Yuteng, leaving the father anddaughter catching their breath. That was a heart-stopping close call!

After panting for a while, Cheng Xiao Xiaowas finally calming down. She finally realized how terrifying a mythical beastcould be! A normal person could only be food in front of a mythical beast!

“Xiao Xiao, lucky we had the help of thefairy; otherwise, I’m not sure we could have survive that!”

Cheng Biyuan didn’t seem to be too shakenby the event, but seeing how his daughter had turned pale, he couldn’t help b.u.t.to say, “Xiao Xiao, you haven’t been cultivating. You are too cowardy.”

“Dad, this was the first time I have seena lion. It’s too scary!” Cheng Xiao Xiao wiped away sweats on her forehead and smiledin embarra.s.sment.

Cheng Biyuan shook his head and smiled,“You will see a lot more in the future and get used to them. Let’s go. Weshould head home; otherwise we will still be in the mountain when it getsdark!”

“Yes, we should hurry so we can be homebefore it gets dark.”

“Tired after a day’s walk. Let’s resttomorrow and come back the day after!”

“Dad, no need to rush. We can take a fewdays’ break before we return!”

“Okay, we will go with what you say. Justlet me know when you want to come again!”

“Okay, dad!”

The two chatted on their way home. Theyarrived just when it was starting to get dark. Mrs. Cheng and the three youngones were already waiting for them.

The family had a happy meal together.After dinner, Cheng Xiao Xiao did not stay in the yard to chat with her family,instead, she went inside the house and entered the dimension.


Right when she entered the dimension, shecould felt that something had changed. She started looking around.

Little Yuteng appeared in a flash. With ahappy smile on her face, she said, “Young master!”

“Yuteng, how many level did we go up?”Since she had delegated the job of managing the dimension to Yuteng, she wasn’tas in touch with the status of the dimension as she used to.

“Young master, we are at level 22 now. Andwe have 50 mu fields. You can growwhatever you’d like.”

“What? Only level 20?” Cheng Xiao Xiaofrowned. They had collected quite a bit today – precious herbs and a level 3fiery lion. All those just to go up 8 levels and only an increase of 10 morefields?

Yuteng read her confusion and explained,“Young master, 8 levels is pretty good. The higher level the dimension is, theharder it is to level it up. From this point forward, we’d need even moreprecious items. It might look like we have collected a lot today, but they aretoo low level for the dimension, not enough for it to level up.”

“Ugh…” Cheng Xiao Xiao was speechless. Shewasn’t sure what to say. Back when she was playing the game, it was quite easyto level up. But it sure was hard to try to level up this dimension!

“Young master, don’t be discouraged. Itwill level up eventually.”

“Okay, I understand!” Cheng Xiao Xiaopinched her lips and looked around, “Okay, now that we have gone up 8 levels,what else was added?”

“Young master, look…”

Cheng Xiao Xiao looked at the direct thatYuteng pointed at and noticed that there’s a shiny tree not to far from thewell. The entire tree looks translucent but she couldn’t tell what kind oftrees it was.

“Yuteng, what kind of tree is it? It’s sopretty.” Cheng Xiao Xiao asked as she walked toward the tree.

“Young master, this is crystal tree. Itproduces crystal fruits. They are very delicious and, for those who cultivates,they can enhance your cultivation and even the effect of transformation.”


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