“That’s amazing, isn’t that the sameeffect as the legendary ginseng fruit?”

Ash she approached the crystal tree, shedetected a very pleasant smell. Chen Xiao Xiao immediately feel refreshed andthe weariness seemed to have all disappeared.

And that was just the effect from thefragrance. Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but have a lot of hope from thiscrystal tree. If she consumed it’s fruits, wouldn’t she become a skilledmartial artist in no time?

Thinking about this brought a big smileonto her face. She knew full well that her father desired to become strong andpowerful, and the discontent look in his eyes.

“Young master, we now have 80,000 dan1 rice in our warehouse, you want tokeep growing rice?”

Yuteng’s voice interrupted her deepthought. Cheng Xiao Xiao looked at her, surprised by her words, “We have 80,000dan rice already?”

It has only been two months since they started growing rice. Shecouldn’t believe they have already ama.s.sed 80,000 dan. That’s enough to feel her entire family for tens of years.”

“Yes, young master. Keep in mind that we have 40 fields and wehave been planting rice in 35 of them. Forget about the rice, even the varioustypes of vegetables we have ama.s.sed a lot of them.”

They have alreadyacc.u.mulated so much unwittingly, if they could sell them, they will never haveto worry about food or clothing again.

The problem was their food were precious items and they couldn’tjust sell them as normal goods.

Cheng Xiao Xiao thought long and hard about future arrangementwhile leaning up against the crystal tree. Yuteng didn’t rush her; she just saton a branch and shook her legs back and forth, relaxed.

“Yuteng, the herbs that we’ve collected. We can grow them, right?”Cheng Xiao Xiao gave her a sideway glance.

Yuteng nodded, “Sure. Just let Yuteng know what young masterdesires. I will start growing herbs as soon as we harvest this last batch ofrice!”

“Okay, we have 50 fields. Let’s use 30 of them to keep growingrice. Use 15 of them for herbs, and the remaining 5 to keep growing vegetables.Let’s do that.” Cheng Xiao Xiao told Yuteng her plan.

“No problem. What about the ranch? Keep growing chickens, ducks,and rabbits?”

“Yes, let’s leave that unchanged!” Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded andsuddenly her eyes brightened and she asked again, “Yuteng, you know the fierylion, silver jade snake, and cyan wolves that we have collected? Can we raisethose as well?”

She recalled that she was playing QQ Farm, any animals thatappeared in the dimension could be raised. And the female ones seemed toreproduce at regular intervals.

“Sure, young master wants to raise them?” Yuteng was a bitsurprised.

“Yes, let’s keep one or two batches. After they were raised, wecan have an army of them to fight for us, wouldn’t that be fun?”

“But young master, we don’t need to raise them. After thedimension leveled up, we can clone the high end animals!”

“That’s fine. We maybe able to clone them in the future. But let’sraise some now anyway!”


After arranging the affairs of the dimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao leftthe dimension. She was exhausted from the walking around the mountain all day,so she fell asleep while holding her little sister in her arms.

The next day right after breakfast she could hear dogs barkingoutside, she knew the have visitors again.

The little ones heard the barking and all ran outside one by one.Mrs. Cheng mumbled as she walked outside, “How come we have visitors today? Arethe villagers going hunting in the mountain?”



1.A bucket full.


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