“No worries, dad. I got it handled. This family needs your helpelsewhere!”

“If you need anything, you must let us know. We will figure it outtogether!”

“Dad, don’t worry. I understand!”

“Oh yes,Xiao Xiao, Innkeeper Zhu just mentioned that he was almost done with trainingthe servants, and that some of them are not suitable to be kept. You got anyideas?”

Cheng Biyuanthought about another issue.

“Dad, ifthey are not suitable, let’s not keep them. We will just let them go!” saidCheng Xiao Xiao seriously.

“You areright that we shouldn’t be keeping them!” said Cheng Biyuan, a bit troubled. “Iheard from Innkeeper Zhu that some of these folks even like to take advantageof us. Keeping these folks will surely mean troubles in the future, but…..

“But, we areso shorthanded. Now that we are expanding our family house, that will become anissue. Innkeeper Zhu suggested that we bring in some more from the outside!”

Upon hearingthis, Cheng Xiao Xiao shook her head and said, “Dad, let’s hold off on that fornow. I will make a trip out in a bit, let’s wait for me to come back beforemaking that decision!”

“A trip out?Where will you be going, Xiao Xiao?” paused Cheng Biyuan.

“Don’tworry, dad. I just want to walk around the county for a bit!”

“Xiao Xiao,you want to go pick our servants by yourself?” Cheng Biyuan guessed it rightaway and continued saying, “No! I can’t let you go out there by yourself.Let me handle this, I will go and bringsome helper hands back!”1

“No, dad, Iwill go!”

Cheng XiaoXiao smiled, “I need to test out something, so just let me handle this one!”

“What areyou testing out?” frowned Cheng Biyuan lightly. “Can’t you test them all out atall? You must go outside for that?”

“Dad, whatare you worried about? Never mind about mystical beasts, I also have Yuteng. Idon’t think there’s anyone here that can trap me for the time being!”

“It’s notthat I don’t trust you, I just worry about any unforeseeable circ.u.mstances!”Seeing how determined his daughter was, Cheng Biyuan had no choice but to say,“Okay, fine, if you want to go out, use caution at all times. And come back a.s.soon as you can, delegate down whatever you can. We have plenty of helpersright now and we can afford to owe people favors!”2

“Dad, Iunderstand!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao had been planning on a trip for a while now, ever sinceshe wanted to find out if she could collect human beings into the dimension.She must have it figured out, she just hasn’t had the opportunities yet.

Right now, her immediately action item was to kick out those who wereno longer of use to her.

As a gesture of appreciation for those who had chopped down over tenthousand trees for them, Cheng Xiao Xiao decided to be generous for once andgive each of them one bottle of mystical water each.

After everybody had received the mystical water from the Cheng’sdisciples, their looks all varied. They couldn’t decide whether to throw awaythe water and make a point, or thank them and carefully set aside the preciousmystical water.

After logging in the mountains for 7 days, and the only payment theyreceived at them end was just one bottle of mystical water. They didn’t knowwhether they should be angry or not, so one by one they turned around and left!

All the students had left quickly, leaving the last two individualsstaying behind shamelessly. Surprised, Cheng Xiao Xiao looked at the and asked,“Old men, why are you guys still here? Let me get one thing straight, you can’tstay here even if you have more mystical stones. You should leave quickly!”

“Ahem, ahem…”



1. If GongZixuan could travel around with her little maid, why couldn’t Cheng Xiao Xiao?Since when was that an issue?

2. Why arethey owing any favors? Aren’t these all paying employees? =.=


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